In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3825: Emperor's Golden Seal

Thirty-seven. Realm: Nine-star Supreme Realm (the essence is that the Tao of Heaven is super-no profound meaning, the ultimate super-no profound meaning that transcends and surpasses all super-no profound meanings, and the limitless transcends non-existence and non-non-existence. He Beyond the concept of realm, it is not bound by realm, all strengths and weaknesses are meaningless to it, it cannot be measured by realm, realm is just a symbol, a name to measure strength, and all realms are his. He is the creator of everything, and even the cultivation realm of all living beings is defined by him. His strength can no longer be measured by realm. No matter what realm he is, he will never be an opponent of the great master of heaven.)

Thirty-eighth, Gongfa: Heavenly Dao Great Master Gong, 34 Profound Righteous Gongs, Three Thousand Heavenly Dao Jue, Heavenly Dao Nine Body Demonstration Method, Heavenly Dao Hongjun Controlling True Method, etc.

Thirty-ninth, supernatural powers and spells: supernatural powers in charge of the supernatural powers of the heavens, billions of universes and avatars of the heavenly realms, superintendents of the realm of the realms of heaven, the eyes of the supernatural powers, the supernatural wings of the supernatural powers, the supernatural powers of the supernatural avenue of the three lives, the superdimensional consciousness of the supernatural powers of the supernatural powers of the supernatural powers of the supernatural powers of the supernatural powers of the supernatural beings Forty-nine divine lights, forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, forty-nine avatars of heaven, forty-nine arts of heaven, three thousand multiverses in the body, the hand of the ultimate first cause, three thousand universes of heaven, twelve of heaven Feet, the five punches at the end of the universe, etc.

40. Treasures and Spiritual Objects: Beyond the Supreme Treasure Tiandao Pagoda, 18 almighty treasures (Heavenly Dao Super Brain, Tiandao Profound Righteous Heart, Tiandao Scepter, Tiandao Purple Lotus, Tiandao Twelve Swords, Tiandao Universe Mountain, Tianguo Continent), 60 pieces Hongmeng Treasure (Golden Seal of Heavenly Emperor, Forty-nine Characters of Heavenly Dao, Nine Treasures of Emperor Heaven, Super Void Pants), Heavenly Dao Super Infinite Infinite Calamity Origin Tribulation Seed (level 107), Heavenly Dao Chaos Zulei Origin Lightning Seed (100 Level 7), the source light seed of the life light of heaven, the ultimate superlative cosmic crystal ball, etc.

Forty-one, the ultimate trump card: the six ultimate trump cards - the six supreme super all-powerful powers, namely, the supernatural soul of heaven, the master of heaven, the ultimate gamma ray burst of heaven, the supernatural power of heaven, and the great power of heaven. Master Gong and Tiandao Pagoda

42. Comprehensive strength: Without using the six ultimate trump cards, he can currently compete against or even kill all powerhouses that are two big and twenty small realms higher than him; Destroy, dominate, manipulate, resurrect, calculate, dominate, modify, abolish, and ignore everything that is two big realms and twenty small realms higher than him. If he uses the six ultimate trump cards - the six supreme super-all-powerful powers, he is absolutely in charge of the way of heaven, dominates everything, transcends and is above everything, creates the world, obliterates everything, and ignores all existence and non-existence. His essential strength cannot be measured by realm, realm is just a symbol, a name to measure strength, and all realms are determined by him. No matter how strong the setting is, it is automatically under him, because his setting level has reached the top, and there is nothing higher than his setting. He is truly unique and absolutely supreme. The ultimate first cause that cannot be understood and imagined. Therefore, no one can understand and imagine his power. As long as it is a character created with imagination, it means that no matter how powerful the character you come up with, it is meaningless and insignificant in his eyes.

The Golden Seal of Heavenly Emperor: Also known as the Golden Seal of Hongmeng, it was born in the core of the primordial Hongmeng.

The Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven is the special seal of the Heavenly Emperor. The special seal of the emperor is called the seal. Because it is made of various divine golds, it is called the Golden Seal. A treasure of infinite power.

The golden seal of the emperor of the kingdom of heaven is called the golden seal of the emperor of heaven. Its radius is eight inches (can be changed to infinity), and it is located in Kowloon, Shanghai, New York. The eight seal characters of "in charge of the heavens and in charge of everything" are used as a token of the "imperial authority, orthodoxy and legality" of the emperor of the kingdom of heaven.

The Golden Seal of the Heavenly Emperor possesses infinite power that exceeds the range of the universe's billions of beings. The Emperor's Golden Seal can use the enormous energy in its body to exert countless effects. Among its many superpowers are the ability to alter all molecular structures of the universe or perform all matter transformations, to fire huge high-intensity cosmic energy shock waves, to teleport between space and even time, and to erect powerful cosmic energy barriers and cosmic energy zones . Even a tiny fraction of its power can manipulate infinite matter and energies far beyond the comprehension of billions of beings in the universe.

The Golden Seal of the Heavenly Emperor has six laws of the Great Way, one of which is the law of balance, which represents the balance of all things and their opposites, like life and death, cold and heat, good and bad, cause and effect, good and evil , existence and non-existence, stronger than weak, beginning and end, destruction and rebirth, etc.

The Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven is the greatest freedom and is not limited by any object or condition, but presents a treasure of the universe that is inextricable between subject and object (all things beyond cause and effect, logic, and definition are meaningless to it), and it is truly omnipotent. . For example; it can easily manipulate all atoms, logic, concepts, causality in the whole dimension, and can turn all quarks into an endless, infinite world, and in each quark there are countless ultimate consciousnesses beyond logic (the so-called One universe per quark, or countless universes per quark).

It can trigger a chain reaction that the spirit can never understand, destroying all things in the universe, including all cause and effect, world, logic, time, thinking, dimension, non-material, matter, and space, plus it can be created at will.

It is unified, eternal and pure. It does not have any difference, inside or outside, part, nor does it have any attribute, movement, change. It transcends both subjectivity and objectivity, as well as the experience categories of time, space, substance, logic, concept, thinking, language, cause and effect, etc. The concepts that are absolutely real and at the same time the most powerful and most powerful end under it.

The Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven can absolutely create all things in the world. It is self-reliant, has no beginning and no end, is eternal, is inherently self-reliant, omniscient and omnipotent. Similar to it, at the same time, it is extremely majestic, good and evil will be repaid, and the reckoning will be quick.

The Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven has no beginning before and no end afterward. It is extremely conspicuous, and it is also extremely subtle. It is omniscient, omniscient, omnipotent, and insightful. All power belongs to it. All are signs of its existence and greatness. Everything is mortal, but the body of the golden seal of the Emperor of Heaven is immortal, and all the good praises are attributed to it.

The Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven creates all things, but surpasses all things, does not depend on all things, and dominates the universe without any restrictions and constraints. The operation of galaxy systems, etc. Whether it is the macroscopic world or the microscopic world, the material world or the spiritual world, it is within the will and control of the Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven. The Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven creates all spirits, endows them with reason, and enables them to have the freedom of thinking, judgment and behavior.

The beginningless existence of the Golden Seal of the Heavenly Emperor possesses all beginningless and perfect attributes. The Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven has several positive attributes, such as: beginninglessness, creativity, omnipotence, etc.; and there are several negative attributes, such as: non-material, non-atomic and so on. The properties of the Heavenly Emperor Golden Seal are not the body of the Heavenly Emperor Golden Seal, nor are they other things. All attributes of the Golden Seal of the Heavenly Emperor are neither beginning nor created, but have no beginning like the body of the Golden Seal of the Heavenly Emperor.

All past and future are being destroyed, even all causality, logic, non-existent things, at the same time the endless world in the endless world, all the universe and the absolute nothing are being created by all kinds of ordinary people and are being created by all kinds of ordinary people Destroyed and above them, there are all kinds of gods. Above gods, there are all kinds of things that transcend all concepts, but they all exist in the body of the emperor's golden seal, a cell, a pore, a thought, and even a small thing. does not exist.

The Golden Seal of the Heavenly Emperor is also a ruler without logic rules. One of its infinite powers is described as logic within logic. All concepts are folded within itself, and all logic is being created and forgotten... ...but it feels that this is all but a part of it, that it can re-give everything in the universe beyond logic and cause and effect according to its own imagination.

Unspeakable, unthinkable, undefinable, impossible, all past and future are destroyed, and even all causal, logical, non-existent things are part of one of the infinite powers of the Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven is a treasure that existed before the birth of all causality, logic, concepts, universes, etc. of the infinite omnipotent universe. It is absolutely indescribable in language, and absolutely untouchable by thinking. In a way, the Golden Seal of the Emperor of Heaven cannot be defined and A new omnipotence that transcends all logic.

Tiandi Jinxi has rights that even the author does not have, whether it is a pure text novel or any settings, concepts, and characters in comics, it has no meaning to it. Just like the author, it can freely comment on any plot development, realm, all indefinable things, words, narration, strength, concept, logic, division, transcendence, world view, all things, characters, title, story background, The strength is manipulated at will (for example, it thinks that everything in the work is higher than Brahma, or all the indefinable and all beyond the causal logic It will definitely be established. Because analysis has no meaning to it , only what it thinks it will do).

The actual performance of the Emperor's Golden Seal is:

1. You can tear off any work settings by hand and change the settings at will.

Two, control any story, set it to appear anywhere and dictate how it is displayed.

Third, the author can be ordered how to write his story.

4. A trivial part of the power can turn all cells and life in the universe into a supreme truth that transcends all, and kills them all in one sentence.

Fifth, click to change the logic (there is no logic at all).

6. One pore or one cell has everything in the infinite universe. This is still playing games without any power.

7. A trivial amount of power is just like the real author who can modify the plot settings and manipulate the plot development casually.

8. Turn all the indefinable concepts into things that are inferior to ordinary people.

Nine, no birth and no death, ignoring cause and effect and logic, can re-gest all things in the universe that transcend logic and cause and effect.

10. Possess infinite supreme power and absolutely rule all things in the universe.

11. Formulate and maintain the balance of the universe, and control everything in the universe.

12. Create everything, destroy everything, and create and destroy countless multiverses in one thought.

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