In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3804: Chaos 81 Pillars of Prime God (2)

2. The Prime God of Umr - also known as the Primordial Immortal, the image is a silhouette of a human figure, draped in a veil of shimmering light. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great truth.

3. The first **** of Yavgomon - the image of a dazzling light, is regarded as the **** of the future and time, because they know all time and space. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great prophecy.

4. The primordial **** Alvaza - the silent roarer on the hill, in the form of a humanoid torso with tentacles and limbs and a toothless mouth with only a neck. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great roar.

5. The Prime God of Amtsaba, the Devourer of Stars, is in the form of a huge black cloud with many slender tentacles, through which they capture and devour meteors. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great space-time and great swallowing stars.

6. The Prime God of Bagshas - the drowning person, the space-filler, in the form of a gel-like creature with countless eyes and mouths. Its servants are its own living dead slaves. It takes control of itself by kissing its victims - known as the "Bagshas Kiss" - to make them unconscious, and its kisses can also bring the dead back to life and become their own slaves. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great filling.

Seventh, Ketayat Prime God - also known as "God of Black Water". Its body is an existence that is difficult for ordinary people to understand, and it usually manifests itself in the form of a huge aggregate of water elements. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great black water.

8. The primordial **** of Weibull—it looks like a giant rat, with black hair on its surface, three clover-like red eyes on its head, and some tentacles on its body. It produces a fecal-like bluish scorching stone. The stones are composed of finger-width triangular and hexagonal crystals up to three inches in diameter. These pure blue stones are highly radioactive and prolonged contact with bare skin can cause burns. A blue fungus-like creature grows in its fur. The spores produced by these fungi are sometimes airborne into the human body. They take root in the victim's body and corrode the body. Their corpses become their servants. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, the twin talent Dao supernatural powers great time and space technique and great slavery technique.

9. Curse Kun Shishen - known as the "Dark Silent One", the image is pure darkness, it lives in the deep and invisible underground, and everything it goes will be involved in its deep and invisible. in the dark. As long as it appears, all life, all sounds, and all actions will come to an end, so he is often associated with "death", "destruction", and "disaster". Its arrival is often accompanied by strong earthquakes, and people or animals who approach it will have an urge to gouge out their eyes. According to the victims, their eyes have a sore, itchy, burning sensation. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great silence.

10. The primordial **** Iod, also known as the "Soul Hunter", is a complex of animals, plants and minerals, with a huge compound eye. It travels between different worlds hunting for the right soul. When it falls, a huge shadow or mist will accompany it, and then it will appear surrounded by dazzling light. Once Eodad has set his sights on a prey, he will continue to hunt until he catches the victim. Possessing golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, Dao supernatural power, great time and space technique and great hunting Eleven, Saigea Prime God - also known as "The Dark One", "Eye of Destruction" ', which is depicted as a large, green eye with many tentacles growing around the edge of the eye. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great annihilation.

12. Otuig, the first **** - the end walker, the image is a huge eyeball with a large group of tentacles. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great surveillance.

Thirteen, Mnagara Prime God - the full name is "the Eternal Mnagara", also known as "the tumor of the earth", "the one that exhausts all things", its image is a large aggregate of internal organs and eyeballs, on which are born Many tentacles, with golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, great time and space, and great depletion.

14. The primordial **** of Nakya - the **** of spiders, the image is a huge spider with a face similar to that of a human being. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great eradication.

15. The Prime God of Chaugonar - the terror in the mountains, feeding, the image is a vampire giant with an elephant head, the primordial **** of Chaugonar is ugly, the worst of octopuses, elephants and humans. When it feels hungry, it moves at a speed disproportionate to its huge body, and it uses its lamprey-like "elephant trunk" to **** the blood of other creatures. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great blood-sucking.

16. The primordial **** of Ketugya - the detonator, the one who lives in the flame, one of the existences that symbolize "fire". Appears as a huge, hot fireball or plasma block. Possessing a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, big time and space, and big explosion.

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