In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3798: Disabled Savage Boa Bag

The three chatted for a while outside the Primal Chaos Origin Cave, and then Ji Haotian and Yanyong Gongjun made two futons under the shade of a tree, each sitting there, waiting for the five thousand planet-like chaotic origin stones in three months' time. The formation of the source, the source of the gods is to say goodbye and leave.

In the shade of a tree outside the Primal Chaos Cave, Ji Haotian, who was sitting on a futon, had nothing to do, looked at Yanyong Gongjun, who was sitting beside him, and asked, "Yanyong Gongjun, there is a peculiar thing in the multiverse of your body. What's the name of the blue-gold bag? What is it for?"

Yanyong Gongjun said indifferently: "Your supreme eye is so powerful that you can actually see through the multiverse of other people's bodies! The blue-gold bag in the multiverse of my body is called the disabled and barbaric python bag, which I made many years ago. , which is a super pocket universe."

Ji Haotian said, "Super Pocket Universe? How super?"

Yan Yonggong Jun said: "It's super, very big, this super pocket universe of mine can hold countless other universes!"

Ji Haotian said: "You disabled and savage python-shaped bag looks like a good thing!"

Pocket universe: One of the artificial universes, and also the most typical example of artificial universes, advanced civilizations can use special containers to save their own space, and put a large number of objects in this small space, and the container itself is Pocket Universe. After those substances enter the pocket universe, they will shrink to a microscopic scale, and that small space is a mini universe for those substances that enter the interior (this small space often contains a huge space, and the external things enter because of the space structure. are reduced in size by changes in their size, rather than being altered by the substances that make them up.

The structure of space is like a sponge, which can be compressed or stretched, and different kinds of space have different "density". If you put an object whose volume is two in a space of "density" of one, into a space of "density" of two, its volume will become one. In the same way, the tiny spaces that can hold huge spaces in the pocket universe are made using this technology of compressing space. There is also an artificial universe opposite to the pocket universe, which can use the technology of space expansion to enlarge objects, and the principles and phenomena are opposite to the pocket universe).

The pocket universe can not only store a large space station that collects various military weapons, but also store planets, galaxies, and allow a large number of creatures to live in it. Pocket universes come in a variety of shapes, most of which are bubble-shaped translucent balls, and some creative craftsmen will transform robots, furniture, toys, rings, weapons and even body parts into unique pocket universes.

Of course, a large number of pocket universes can also be placed in pocket universes, and the pocket universes in those pocket universes can still continue to accommodate other pocket universes... This cycle is not infinite, because the space inside the pocket universes is for the outside world to add new ones. There are still certain limitations in the independent space of , and the overlapping of too many compressed spaces will lead to the collapse of the pocket universe.

There are some highly technologically advanced civilizations that can imitate their own universes and create infinite artificial universes as other parallel universes that contain infinite space, non-artificial universes. The pocket universe that contains infinite space inside is also a decoration that can be mass-produced at will (because the pocket universe containing infinite space has the most stable structure, so put an infinite number of pocket universes in the pocket universe, and then put an infinite number of pocket universes in this infinite space. Put an infinite number of pocket universes into pocket universes...the cycle can go on indefinitely without itself collapsing).

There are also various ways to enter the pocket universe. Some pocket universes only need to be touched, and they will be sucked into the inner space and then teleported to a designated location inside; some pocket universes require special portals to enter; however, The easiest way to enter the pocket universe is to destroy the container The inner world will either expand rapidly due to the loss of the barrier separating the two different spaces, engulfing the visitor, or collapse into a singularity, Inhale the visitor into a miniature abyss that symbolizes death.

Of course, if it is a pocket universe with a relatively stable structure, the world inside it will not rapidly expand or collapse due to the damage to the container, and the tiny space inside will form an energy bubble similar to a spherical wormhole, which is surrounded by a layer of light. Halo is completely wrapped in it.

For different types of pocket universes, it is generally necessary to use different methods to get out of it. However, if those civilizations that are too weak are imprisoned in the pocket universe by the life in a certain advanced civilization, then their technological level will not be able to escape that terrifying and strange space cage.

In a sense, the ecological ball is also a kind of the lowest pocket universe. By putting various substances and life in a spherical container, an independent ecosystem is created. It's just that some biospheres can use technology to put reduced creatures and other substances inside the biosphere, while some biospheres can't shrink anything (so they are usually built very large, because it has to accommodate various The true size of the object, some large biospheres can even fit entire galaxies).

Yan Yonggong Jun said proudly: "Of course the disabled and savage python bag is a good thing, this is my masterpiece!"

Ji Haotian said, "What's in the disabled and savage python-shaped bag? What good things are there?"

Yanyong Gongjun glared at him and said, "Are you a problem child? Where do you have so many problems? I can tell you, you are not allowed to hit me with the idea of ​​my disabled and savage python-shaped bag, otherwise I will be anxious for you!"… …

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