In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3794: The Heavenly Dao Cosmic Court is Coming (2)

The Cosmic Court of Heaven is the true ruler of infinite omnipotent universes. In most cases, its shape is an infinite spherical energy group that emits black light all over the body, like an infinite mysterious and terrifying ultimate black sun. When it releases its power, countless black lights will spew out of its body like an explosion, and the huge light group will engulf everything around it, perhaps annihilating everything, or creating new life. It can essentially completely dominate all the structures of the entire infinite omnipotent universe, and all the time and space and the infinite dimensions they have are running and dying under the eternal will of the universe court of heaven. The Tiandao Cosmic Court can deeply control all laws and things in each omnipotent universe, delete or modify any events that occur at any time and any place, and create a completely different new reality.

The image of the heavenly cosmic court in the infinite almighty universe is nothing but a projection created by its existence beyond the superspace. If the real body comes, the infinite almighty universe will collapse in an instant. Even projection has a huge power beyond the understanding of billions of creatures in the universe. It needs to be suppressed to ensure that it will not damage the structure of the infinite omnipotent universe and destroy the stability of reality. It exists under the law of time and space to which it belongs, and the past, present, future, causality and probability in the omnipotent universe in the lower universe are meaningless to it, and the endless segments of time are all at the same time in its eyes. Existing photos can be completely flipped through or rearranged in a single thought. "The **** in charge of destiny throws the countless stones in his hand into the long river of time and space, causing countless ripples. The moment when these ripples collide and blend with each other is the time when the thread of destiny is woven." The one in this sentence " "God in charge of destiny" is what the creatures in the super-advanced civilization call the heavenly cosmic court.

The Heavenly Dao Cosmic Court is a mysterious, ancient, inconceivable and extremely forbidden place in the universe. It exists in the depths of the invisible and boundless void beyond the infinite omnipotent universe, in the unimaginable chaotic void beyond time and space.

Before the heavenly cosmic tribunal was created by the master of heaven, nothing existed, not even "non-existence" itself and nothingness and "dao", and the master of heaven created all that exists, all that does not exist, and all that does not exist , all that is not non-existent, all things that are beyond existence and non-existence, all "things" that are beyond things, and are above the highest state and ultimate meaning mentioned above.

The cosmic tribunal of the Heavenly Dao is far beyond any scope, ignoring all speech, mathematical logic (any infinite stack of boxes is meaningless to it) and language description, the most "big" field (absolutely irreplaceable) is beyond all imagination, There is no reason at all, including all narratives, reality, universe, planes, etc., all worldviews, and everything that adds up to all worldviews, everything in the sense of infinite iteration above philosophy, and everything that expands , all this external expansion... is just a grain of sand in it, such a recursion can be understood as follows: Assume an infinite, let it grow infinitely, and then increase the new whole infinitely after the growth, so that the infinite recursion The last whole is the basic point of the next growth. This growth, the recursive continuous chain, is also a new whole and basic point. Do infinite recursion again, so that after digging all directions, you can re-establish the basic point and continue to extend, and after the true infinity that you can't deduce, it will be a new whole. new points reached, and then repeat the previous process on a larger scale, except that the gap between each increase becomes a leap from zero to an unreachable base or something, and then there are, but that's not The level understood by all races in the universe, yes, even this growth in the first and second levels that cannot even be described with a large cardinal number is really no different from zero in the face of its terrifying existence. It is absolutely infinitely higher than all world views in any position, and is absolutely fixed; in fact, the heavenly cosmic tribunal cannot be described, imagined, or defined in words. The above is just a conjecture about it, and even this conjecture is wrong.

In the minds of all races in the universe, the Supreme Forbidden Earth, the Heavenly Dao, and the Universe Court are no different from the extremely mysterious and terrifying place of death, the abyss of despair, and the ultimate forbidden area of ??????life, which makes all races in the universe disgusted, frightened, and extremely fearful. The Tiandao Cosmic Court is the defender and specific executor of the will of Tiandao, supervising and maintaining the order and balance of the infinite almighty universe, judging all the real evils of the infinite almighty universe, arresting and imprisoning all the sinners of the infinite almighty universe, and being arrested The sinners will be imprisoned in the 3,000-layer heavenly prison in the heavenly cosmic court.

According to legend, there are 3,000 barren and dead apocalyptic worlds in the 3,000-layer Heavenly Prison of the Cosmic Court of Heaven. There is no spiritual energy, no life, no water source, no natural things, only endless gloom, darkness, cold, desolation, and death. It is like the endlessly terrifying land of death and the end of the world; beings imprisoned in the heaven cannot absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and any energy, cannot cultivate, cannot live normally, they can only live like the living dead, endure despair and pain, Waiting for the longevity to be exhausted, the oil runs out and the lamp withers and falls. Only a handful of strong super-strong beings can persist until they are released from prison and regain their freedom.

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