In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3784: Ittsumner, **** of the sky

The ancient **** Itsumna, the **** of the sky, has golden eyes and golden skin, has the same appearance as a human, has eight golden wings on his back, is more than three meters tall, has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twins Talented avenue supernatural powers big time and space technique and big sky technique.

He was like a supreme **** who came to the world, and his divine might came to the scene with mighty power. Looking at everyone present, he laughed in a melodious voice: "Yo, it's very lively here, there are actually two great and noble masters, and three more The ancient gods are super-primitive powers!"

Ji Haotian looked at the ancient **** Itsumna, and suddenly showed a look of surprise, and shouted at the ancient **** Itsumna: "Itsumna, the source of the infinite and profound meaning of heaven in the multiverse in your body. I lost the power seed, take it out and give it back to me!"

The ancient **** Itsumna smiled lightly: "Ji Haotian, now you have arrived in the supreme universe, not the universe of creation, you are no longer the number one powerhouse in the universe, and I don't need to be afraid of you anymore, so, when I come to me What I have in my hand is mine. The power of the origin of the infinite profound righteousness of heaven is comparable to the almighty treasure, and it is one of my trump cards. It is very important to me and will never be given to you!"

After he finished speaking, he said to the three ancient protoss super-primitive powers: "You three stupid roe deer don't know yet, Ji Haotian has eighteen almighty treasures and fifty-nine Hongmeng treasures."

The three ancient protoss super-primitives were extremely shocked when they heard the words, and they all looked at Ji Haotian with fiery eyes.

The super-primitive almighty of the Protoss asked excitedly, "Ji Haotian, is what he said true?"

Ji Haotian glared at the teasing ancient **** Itsumna, and said indifferently to the three ancient gods, "What he said is true."

The three ancient protoss super-primitive powers were all excited.

The Protoss super-primitive almighty said: "Ji Haotian, as long as you give us three ancient Protoss super-primitive powers and six all-around treasures, we will not make it difficult for you and let you go."

The supreme total universe: also known as the supreme core universe, the "total universe" composed of infinite almighty universes and infinite other universes. , reality, universe, time and space, planes, dimensions, dimensions, etc. all cosmology. The practitioners of the supreme universe are collectively referred to as the supreme beings. The supreme beings are normally immortal. If there is no accident, they will be immortal in this chaotic evolutionary period (a chaotic evolutionary period is six trillion years), and there is no lifespan. Yuan limitation; the main features of the Supreme are the power of the Dao, the Dao domain, and the multiverse in the body (the multiverse in the body of the Supreme is located in the dantian space in the body).

The laws between different levels of universes are divided into strengths and weaknesses. A cosmic powerhouse may be able to create and destroy countless universes in a single thought in a low-level omnipotent universe, but in a high-level omnipotent universe, perhaps even a planet cannot be shaken. This is the difference. The strength of the law between the hierarchical universes. The law of the universe is the way of the universe. There are infinite universes of heaven. The stronger the universe is, the stronger the universe. The bigger the universe, the stronger the law.

The cultivation base of the highest is divided into ten major realms, each major realm is divided into ten small realms from one to ten stars, from low to high, they are:

1. The Realm of Oneness: Possessing the power of the oneness of the universe, one thought creates and destroys countless planets.

2. To the Dharma Realm: Possess the power of the universe to the Dharma, and can create and destroy countless galaxies with a single thought.

3. The Void Realm: Possessing the power of the universe Void, one thought produces and destroys countless star fields.

4. The Greatest Realm: Possessing the greatest power of the universe, a single universe can be born and destroyed with a single thought.

5. The Supreme Realm: Possessing the supreme power of the universe, a single thought produces and destroys countless single universes.

6. Supreme Realm: Possessing the power of the supreme universe, the multiverse is born and destroyed in a single thought.

7. The Holy Land: Possessing the power of the holiest of the universe, one single thought produces and destroys countless multiverses.

Eighth, Supreme God Realm: Possessing the power of the supreme God of the universe, one can create and destroy the super universe.

Nine, Supreme God Realm: With the power of the Supreme God, countless super universes can be born and destroyed in one thought.

10. The Realm of the Supreme God: Possessing the power of the Supreme God, the almighty universe can be born and destroyed with a single thought.

The supreme device used by the supreme is divided into nine grades, from low to high are:

Low to High, Beginner to High, Intermediate to High, Advanced to High, Top to High, Extra High, Super High, Ultimate to High, Ultimate to High.

Innate Treasure: The ultimate peerless spiritual treasure born from the heaven and the earth, that is, the innate spiritual treasure that existed in the primordial chaos. Extremely rare and rare. As long as there is an innate treasure in the body, it is an absolute super lucky person.

The innate treasure was born in the chaos of is an unquestionable peerless and ultimate existence. Some innate treasures even appeared earlier than some innate gods. When the gods possessed them, they directly increased their strength, and if they had a powerful innate treasure, they were invincible. The innate treasure was born in the chaos of Hongmeng, surpassing and surpassing all the treasures and spiritual objects in the infinite multiverse.

The innate treasure is divided into five levels, from high to low, they are: Transcendence, Creation, Almighty, Hongmeng, and Chaos.

Eighty-one chaotic epochs (one chaotic epoch is six trillion years old), legend has it that there were five transcendence treasures, ten creation treasures, three thousand almighty treasures, three thousand Hongmeng treasures, and three thousand Chaos treasures. .

The legendary five supreme treasures of transcendence are the supreme treasures associated with the legendary five supreme masters of transcendence, which contain the five innate supernatural qi and the origin of the five great transcendence avenues; Contains the ten great congenital qi and the ten great origins of the Great Way of Creation.

1. The treasure of transcendence, born in the super-nothingness, contains the innate super-nothingness and the origin of the transcendence, and possesses the supreme and super-all-powerful power.

2. The treasure of creation, born in Taiwu, contains the innate Taiwu Qi and the origin of the Dao of Creation, and possesses absolute super-all-powerful power.

3. The almighty treasure, born in nothingness, contains innate emptiness and various Dao laws, and possesses super-almighty power.

Fourth, the treasure of Hongmeng, born in Hongmeng, contains innate Hongmeng Qi and various Dao laws, and possesses the power of omnipotence.

5. The treasure of chaos, born in chaos, contains the innate chaos energy and various Dao laws, and possesses the power of small all-around power.

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