In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3671: Ancient Protoss (1)

Shengmiao wished Tiangong didn't make another move. He looked at Ji Haotian opposite and exclaimed, "As expected of the first genius in the universe, being able to compete and even defeat opponents across two large realms and twenty small realms is really amazing!"

With outsiders around, he did not reveal Ji Haotian's identity as the master of Taoism. He was really jealous of Ji Haotian and didn't want to make Ji Haotian unhappy.

Suddenly, two beams of purple light entered the scene, turning into two mighty figures of the spectator **** clan, and their cultivations were all in the supreme **** realm.

Zuo is a spectator **** clan, one of the seventy-two ancient **** clans in the universe, a tall and burly purple humanoid with webbed toes, six purple eyes, and a faint purple radiance all over his body. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Judgment.

The Seventy-two Ancient God Race of the Universe: Also known as the Ancient God Race and the Ancient God Race of the Universe, it is an ancient race that represents righteousness, justice and truth, and is the ultimate alien **** race with great wisdom, great supernatural powers, and great freedom.

The seventy-two ancient gods of the universe are ancient existences known as immortality and immortality. They are known as the mysterious ancient races that are the most difficult to kill in the universe. They are not limited to "death" in various fields, whether it is physical death, soul death, social death. Death, infinite repetition of death counts, even if killed temporarily, they will respawn soon after.

The seventy-two ancient gods of the universe are not exact creatures, they are more like undead existences that can do things by reorganizing their bodies through matter when the conditions are met.

If you want to temporarily destroy the ancient protoss of the universe, as long as the output is enough, the body will be destroyed. If you want to do it once and for all, you need to study its physical technology, and then try to interfere with it. It's just a pity that the orthodoxists are not allowed to clarify the technology tree of the ancient protoss of the universe, so as long as the orthodoxists are still in the ancient protoss of the universe, the brackets are ridiculous...

Theoretically, first of all, we should try to make the orthodox people shut up forever, clear the technology tree of the orthodox faction, and naturally there is a way to kill the ancient protoss of the universe (it may still not be possible, but an ant cannot exterminate humans does not mean that It is impossible for ants to eliminate humans, because there are restrictions on the number and species in front of them, no matter how ants can evolve and reproduce...). Or wait for the day when all spirits of the universe develop causality-level weapons (such as those that can make some physical coefficients zero or something), and directly transform the time and space into a universe where the ancient protoss appearance mechanism cannot work, or cannot be reborn in a way that can do things. (For example, it can only be reborn as a gecko or something, or reverse invasion across dimensions). This kind of thing can't be denied even by the orthodox (after all, the technology tree is theoretically infinite...).

The seventy-two ancient gods of the universe are seventy-two mysterious, ancient and extremely powerful ultimate alien gods. They are:

1. The immortal **** race, the image is a vast white cloud that can cover the entire super planet. There is a huge white mist column full of phantoms in the mysterious vast cloud and mist. White giant eyes, a terrifying white giant mouth, and countless long and terrifying white tentacles, no one knows what kind of terror is lurking in the mysterious and incomparably huge vast clouds and mists. The spirit will disappear completely in an instant and return to nothingness. Talented Dao supernatural power - Great Void Technique.

2. The free and unhindered Protoss, their shape is like a huge purple-gold shell, from the half-opened shell protrudes several multi-segmented cylindrical pseudopods and countless strange purple tentacles, one with a long Mouthless faces with sunken eye sockets peeked out from inside. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great spiritual art.

3. It is nothing but the Middle Way Protoss. The image is a human-shaped torso with golden tentacles and limbs, a golden mouth with only a neck, and countless long golden tentacles behind it. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - great wisdom.

4. The Nirvana Protoss of Nirvana is often represented as a human-shaped silhouette, draped in a veil of shimmering light, surrounded by golden mist, and countless long golden tentacles stretch out from the golden mist. The avenue of talent and supernatural power - the great nirvana technique.

5. Magical use of the Hengsha Protoss, they are huge golden giants like mountains, with huge bodies, blond hair and golden eyes, with thousands of arms, humanoids on the thighs, and two dragon tails as feet, so they are also called dragon-footed giants or dragon-footed giants. Thousand-handed giant. Talented Dao supernatural powers - magnanimity.

6. Observing the root dust gods, the image is a huge dark matter mass with a **** mouth and many slender tentacles on They use these tentacles to capture and devour all evil creatures. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the Great Devourer of Spirituality.

7. Entering the True God Race, the image is a vast nebula shining with stars, with countless dark blue weird tentacles sticking out of the clouds, they are always floating in the universe, and use the stars as their food. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - big star technique.

8. The Protoss who can go anywhere, the image is a gel-like creature with countless eyes and mouths, and thousands of weird golden arms. Talent Dao supernatural power - the ultimate spell.

Nine, life and death are forever Protoss, their body is a kind of existence that is incomprehensible to ordinary people, usually in the form of a huge blue water element aggregate, with countless long dark blue tentacles. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great ocean technique.

10. Juewai Yuanrong Protoss, their appearance resembles a golden giant horse, with golden hair growing on the surface, eight clover-shaped golden eyes on their heads, and some golden tentacles on their bodies. The Great Way of Talent - Great War Technique.

Eleven, the gods born by fate, the image is a cyan giant mountain-shaped ultimate alien creature, with a cyan giant eye and countless long cyan tentacles, the whole body exudes a dazzling cyan brilliance, and endless cyan mist surrounds it. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the technique of great determination.

12. Lingzhi Buzhi Protoss, the image is a strange red complex composed of animals, plants and minerals, with countless strange red tentacles. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - big variable technique.

13. Always wake up to the Protoss, the image is a golden fog, there are mysterious dazzling rays of light and countless golden tentacles in the fog, huge shadows or endless fog will accompany it, and then will appear under the dazzling rays of light. body. Talented avenue supernatural power - great fog technique.

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