In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3665: Absolute Supreme Soul Burst (3)

The Tao of Heaven is beyond the mystical, the soul transcends and is above everything, including time, space, matter, spirit, fantasy, thinking, consciousness, meaning and everything. Beyond any definition and beyond any meaning. Any definition of anything or any substance has no meaning to the soul of the super-no-yield of heaven, the soul of super-no-mind of heaven is beyond existence and non-existence, beyond non-existence and non-existence (neither existence, nor non-existence, neither. non-existence, nor non-non-existence), that is, absolute supreme and super-no meaning.

Therefore, all infinity and infinity, all self-existence, and all eternity have no meaning to the soul of heaven. The Tao of Heaven is beyond the profound meaning of the soul, which is forever beyond the metaphysical, spiritual, and material existence. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, material, spirit, etc., these are just insignificant illusions in front of the heavenly supernatural soul.

Heaven's Way is beyond profound and meaningless. The soul can ignore cause and effect, ignore paradox, he is the truth, he can say whatever he says, as long as it can be similar, from fixed number to variable, from the universe to all things, from time to space, from nothing to existence, From energy to matter, as long as it exists or has existed, it only needs a thought to make it disappear or recreate. In a word, what you say is what you say, it cannot be denied or reversed. No matter how powerful an individual is, they are as insignificant as dust in front of the heavenly supernatural soul.

The Heavenly Way is beyond the profound meaning of the soul is the transcendental absolute supreme existence and non-existence. He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. The profound meaning soul can create everything with a single thought, and it can also erase everything with a single thought.

The soul is essentially everything, and knows everything, transcends and is above everything. This also refers to everything, including all concepts, definitions, time and space, causality, logic, laws, eternity, and origin. , boundaries, imaginary numbers, meaning, relative and absolute, concrete and abstract, matter and consciousness, existence and non-existence, etc.

The Tao of Heaven is beyond the mystical and the soul transcends the entire nature and all its thinking, consciousness, soul, imaginary numbers, fixed numbers, variables, cause and effect, laws, etc. All figurative beings and abstract beings cannot understand and imagine him, and even the "nothing" that transcends nature itself and the whole of nature cannot understand and imagine him. Because he has already greatly surpassed and surpassed these things, and has reached a super-metaphysical concept, definition, and realm, and no concept can be greater than him.

Therefore, as a four-dimensional carbohydrate-based life body limited by the inherent way of thinking and metaphysical concepts of life, it is an impossible task for life to truly understand the concept of heaven and supernatural soul.

The Heavenly Dao Chaowu Mysterious Soul is both absolute existence and absolute non-existence. It is the real non-existence and non-existence. He excludes multiplicity and distinction, motion and stillness; the soul is not thought, will or activity; the soul is timeless, infinite, eternal, immutable, without past or future, forever is self-identical. Strictly speaking, it is not possible to use the stipulations of existence to say that the soul of heaven is supernatural and meaningless "is like this" or "is not like this", and such a statement will limit him. Heaven is beyond the meaning of the soul is indescribable in words and words.

The Tao of Heaven is beyond the realm of the soul, but it does not exist; because he has nothing to do with anything. So it cannot be expressed with any predicate. The soul of heaven is supernatural and has the power to flow and move before it exists. It has nothing to do with everything, and no words can describe it. It is the ultimate affirmation and negation of all numbers and existence. Neither the concept of anything, nor the concept of any categorical sense. He precedes and is not included in the essence. He is the first transcendent self. It is the master of the essence of heaven. The supernatural soul cannot have any knowledge of the Tao of Heaven, and even the soul cannot have any knowledge of itself, because any knowledge, even self-knowledge, requires the differentiation of the subject and the object.

Infinite all-powerful universes are just like a drop of water in the vast ocean to the supernatural soul of heaven. He can be as strong as he wants, he is supreme and super almighty! The infinite omnipotent and strongest beings in the universe are just like microorganisms in front of the heavenly supernatural soul. What he says is everything.

He is the strongest, no one.

Heaven's Way is beyond the mystical soul, and is billions of times more powerful than all the powerhouses who have infinite dimensions, infinite almighty universes, and countless single thoughts to create the universe at will; he can completely destroy or restart infinite almighty universes and universes with just one thought. Everything. He transcends everything, ignores everything, dominates everything, contains everything, creates everything, destroys everything, controls everything, dominates everything, and is the supreme, unique, absolutely invincible, infinitely super-all-powerful and the ultimate first cause of everything.

No matter how strong the setting is, it will automatically fall under the Heavenly Dao Super No Mysterious Soul, because his setting level has reached the There is nothing higher than his setting, he ignores modifying the setting , ignoring all realms, is the real absolute supremacy.

Ji Haotian, the great master of the Tao of Heaven, is the soul of the supreme master of the heavens, and the soul of the supreme master of the heavens, Ji Haotian, can also be understood as the soul of the master of the heavens, Ji Haotian. The reason why the sovereign of the Dao of Heaven transcends everything, ignores everything, is supreme, and immortal is because he possesses the absolute and ultimate essence of the first cause—the Dao of Heaven is beyond the soul.

Among the five transcendental masters, the other four transcendent masters possess the super Brahma soul of nothingness, the super Brahma soul of Hongmeng, the super Brahma soul of chaos, and the super Brahma soul of space and time. The Sovereign has the strongest and unique soul of the Heavenly Dao Super-No-Profound Righteousness, and the other four Transcendent Brahma Souls can only compete with the Heavenly Dao-Super-No-Profound Righteous Soul of the Heavenly Dao-Superior Master, because the Heavenly Dao Super-No-Profound Righteous Soul transcends and surpasses. Above the super Brahma soul and everything, the heavenly supernatural soul is the one and only absolute ultimate first cause, he is the strongest, no one.

Among the five transcendental masters, except for the great master of heaven, the essence of the other four transcendental masters has reached the essence of non-existence and non-non-existence (neither existence nor non-existence, neither non-existence nor non-existence) The realm of the Dao of Heaven, and the essence of the great master of the Dao of Heaven is beyond the realm of non-non-existence and non-non-existence, that is to say, it is absolutely supreme and super-no profound meaning (the way of heaven is super-no profound meaning), and the supreme super-no profound meaning transcends and surpasses non-non-being and non-being. Above the realm of non-nothingness, so the essence of the great master of heaven is far stronger than the essence of the other four transcendental masters, and the essence of the great master of heaven is the soul of heaven and no profound meaning.

In a word, the supernatural soul of the Tao of Heaven is the absolute strongest and ultimate existence in the universe, and the power of the supernatural meaning of the heavenly Tao that he contains is the absolute strongest ultimate power in the universe.

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