In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3657: Blow up the origin of the almighty universe palace

The five great creation gods of the universe, five mysterious and powerful super-primitive powers, and the thirty-three pillars of extra-dimensional demon gods broke out a cosmic war in the Miguel almighty universe, and finally the five great creation gods of the universe will be thirty-three pillars. The extra-dimensional demon gods were all killed, but it also caused the causal collapse of Miguel's almighty universe, and the entire almighty universe exploded.

The five great creation gods of the universe destroyed Miguel Almighty Universe, so they were subjected to the ultimate heavenly trial of the almighty universe. Although they survived, their souls and Taoist bodies were severely damaged, their cultivation base plummeted, and their strength was not as good as before. One in ten thousand, the end is extremely miserable. In order to recover from their injuries, they began to travel through infinite almighty universes, looking for the ultimate holy medicine or the ultimate holy medicine that would be effective for their injuries. Now that many years have passed, they have only recovered 10% of their injuries.

According to rumors, the five great creation gods of the universe who have been severely damaged are being hunted down by their enemy, the forty-ninth general of Tianyan, Wang Manyu, and the five super-primitive powers of the five great creation gods of the universe are being hunted down by the forty-ninth general of the universe. King General, the forty-nine innate underworld great powers chased and killed all over the universe. It can be said that the tiger fell and Pingyang was bullied by the dog, humiliated and helpless, and could only choose to avoid it. The great power of the ancient Ming Dynasty chased and killed the super-primitive power. This incident has also become a joke in the universe, widely circulated and popular, and made the five great creation gods of the universe in trouble. And helpless. Later, the five great creation gods of the universe who were seriously injured and the forty-ninth general Wang of Tianyan fought in a decisive battle. They broke out in a world-shattering battle in the starry sky of the universe. The generals and kings were all severely injured, while the five great creation gods of the universe were all wounded and wounded, and their strengths did not exist.

The dream of the five great creation gods in the universe is to devour and refine Ji Haotian, the great master of the heavens. One step to the sky, becoming the absolute super-almighty who transcends and surpasses everything, so they stand on the opposite side of Ji Haotian, the master of heaven.

The two sides did not immediately start their meeting this time, nor did the five great creation gods in the universe join forces to attack Ji Haotian again.

The five great creation gods of the universe kicked out the Emperor Yiwen Qianwu, the Supreme God of the Universe Dou God Race, and the three Supreme Gods of the Ancient God Race all out of the Palace of the Origin Almighty Universe Kingdom, and then locked their eyes on Ji Haotian, who was still calm.

The wood **** of the universe, Donggao Senxiang, looked at Ji Haotian with complicated eyes, and said, "If our five great creation gods in the universe hadn't been severely injured, maybe we wouldn't have done anything to you. We and you could have been friends."

Ji Haotian said coldly, "There is no if, only reality."

The Golden God of the Universe, Xikey Xinli said with deep eyes: "Our dream is to devour and refine you, the great ruler of the heavens, Ji Haotian. If we devour and refine you, not only will your injuries be fully recovered and you will return to the peak, but you will also be able to increase your numbers. Ten chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases, ascending to the sky in one step, becoming an absolute super-almighty who transcends and surpasses everything! Ji Haotian, you should sacrifice yourself and fulfill us!"

Ji Haotian said with an expressionless face, "You guys go eat shit!"

Cosmic Fire God Nan Rong Yanshun sneered: "We are the four supreme elder kings of the Origin Almighty Universe Country Presbyterian Association, and you actually broke into our lair by yourself, Ji Haotian, how you are not afraid of us! We are just like that! Isn't it scary? Are you not afraid of us at all?"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "Didn't you sense that your anger is exhausted?"

Beiming Miaoze, the water **** of the universe, said indifferently: "I feel it, but isn't it with you?"

Yao Chen said: "As long as we devour and refine you, the reincarnated master of the Heavenly Dao, we can make up for the loss of Qi, not only can we return to the peak, but also go a step further and become one of the ten masters of creation. The absolute super almighty side by side! So, for our goals and dreams, we must eat you!"

Ji Haotian said indifferently, "You are killing yourself."

The wood **** of the universe Donggao Senxiang said: "This is the hope you gave us, and it is also the fire of hope that you ignited us, so you should be responsible to the end! Ji Haotian, disappear, complete us, the five great creation gods of our universe are here. Thank you in advance!"

At this moment, the three supreme gods of the ancient gods who were kicked away by the five great creation gods of the universe flew back angrily!

Ji Haotian's thoughts suddenly moved, and he instantly exerted the spiritual power of the heavenly way to control the spiritual consciousness of the three supreme gods of the ancient protoss, ordering them to sing to the five great creation gods of the universe.

The three supreme gods of the ancient gods who flew over fell in front of the five great creation gods of the universe.

Under the stunned gazes of the five great creation gods of the universe, they began to sing the song "Love even if you die" in front of the five great creation gods of the universe.

love to die

Not incisively and vividly not happy

How deep is the feeling, only this

enough to express

love to die

Don't cry until you smile, don't feel happy

The destruction of the universe is still there

Treat every day as the end to fall in love

Every minute is so beautiful that tears fall

Ignore whether others are good or bad

As long as you are brave and come with me

Love does not need to be deliberately arranged

It will be very pleasant to kiss and hug according to the feeling

Enjoy now, don't be afraid of being hurt as soon as you are happy

Many miracles we believe will exist

love to die

Not incisively and vividly not happy

How deep the feelings are, only this is enough to express

love to die

Don't cry until you smile, don't feel happy

The destruction of the universe is still there

Treat every day as the end to fall in love

Every minute is so beautiful that tears fall

Ignore whether others are good or bad

As long as you are brave and come with me

Love does not need to be deliberately arranged

It will be very pleasant to kiss and hug according to the feeling

Enjoy now, don't be afraid of being hurt as soon as you are happy

Many miracles we believe will exist

love to die

Not incisively and vividly not happy

How deep the feelings are, only this is enough to express

love to die

Don't cry until you smile, don't feel happy

The destruction of the universe is still there

Love at the end of the road

Not extremely romantic or happy

Hair will be buried in snow-white soil

Missing is not corrupt

Love until the end

It's not happy to be old

Not afraid of love turning into a sea of ​​fire

It is wonderful to love until it boils


When the five great creation gods in the universe were Haotian suddenly threw out a lightning bolt and simultaneously detonated eighteen lightning bolts.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of terrifying and earth-shattering explosions!

The huge and magnificent origin of the almighty cosmic kingdom's palace was blown to the ground in an instant...

The most beautiful man in the universe, Ji Haotian, blew up the Palace of the Origin of the Almighty Universe Kingdom. The news spread quickly, causing a huge sensation and shocking the entire Supreme Universe!

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