In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3655: Starbreaker

The four different races sang Zhenghuan, and when they heard that Qianwu Tiangong was listening, Ji Haotian suddenly erupted into trouble, and instantly displayed one of the thirty-six profound righteousnesses of the heavenly way!

The inexhaustible power of the infinite profound meaning of the Dao of Heaven exploded in an instant, suppressing the heavens and the world, and annihilating the universe and starry sky!

Heavenly Dao Infinite Profound Truth: Also known as Heavenly Dao Infinite Super-Almighty Divine Technique, it has the origin of the Heavenly Dao Infinite Profound Truth and the innate skill and spirit of the Heavenly Dao Infinite Profound Truth. It contains the power of the Heavenly Dao Infinite Profound Truth. the dominant power. In most cases, its shape is an infinite spherical energy group that emits golden light all over its body. When it releases infinite power, countless golden lights will spew out from its source like an explosion, and the huge light group will engulf everything around it, perhaps annihilating everything, or creating new life. It is capable of completely controlling all forms of infinite structures of the entire infinite multiverse in essence. All infinity, time and space and the infinite dimensions they possess operate and arise and die under the infinite and supreme will of the infinite mystical power of heaven.

Heavenly Dao Infinite Profound Righteousness is a transcendent innate super-almighty divine art (a divine art is a combination of supernatural powers and exercises). The ultimate combination of innate supernatural powers can only be successfully cultivated by possessing the heavenly body and comprehending the existence of heaven. , The almighty treasure of its own forever.

There is an ultimate infinite cosmic power that breaks through all the boundaries of everything, called the infinite combination point, and the lowest level of the infinite planes it possesses both transcends and includes all settings, all systems, All laws, all worldviews, all stories, all assumptions, all theories, all scopes, all disciplines, all structures, all metaphysical, all metaphysical, all experience, all a priori, all a posteriori, all transcendental, all concrete, all imagery , all abstraction, all idealism, all materialism, all reality, all illusion, all matter, all nothingness, all information, all spirit, all soul, all phenomenon, all essence, all probability, all law, all cause and effect, all concept, all meaning, all known, all unknown, all conceivable, all unimaginable, all possibility, all impossibility, all logic, all illogical, all definition, all non-definition, all being, all non-being, all not being, or Does not exist... If all the languages ​​and words of all civilizations are arranged in all possible orders (including mathematical language and punctuation), combined into an infinite number of "words" and "sentences", then everything they express is in the full text of the language in combinations (even if the number of characters exceeds all the infinity mentioned above). The language full-text combination is only the bottom world in the lowest plane, and there are endless fields beyond language beyond it. And all these things that cannot be described in any language (including the simplest description) are also part of (and beyond) that plane. Many intelligent beings have assumed things similar to the lowest plane and existences above it, but the lowest plane defined by these creatures is only the projection of the real lowest plane. The existence that can transcend it is just beyond a pure illusion in delusion.

The infinite projections of the infinite mystical power of the heavenly way appear in infinite multiverses, creating all kinds of illusory infinite incarnations. Many civilizations have created their own defined power systems, which include countless realms and endless levels (some realms can be described by stacking words from various languages, and some realms cannot be described at all). The infinite connection point of the infinite mystical power of the Heavenly Dao accommodates and transcends all the divided and undivided power levels (the innumerable ways of grading include all numbers of levels and all levels of power between different levels. Gap. Even if a being that ignores logic transcends everything, transcends everything beyond everything, transcends everything that lies beyond everything... infinite repetition (innumerable words superimposed after transcendence), it is still the way of heaven Part of the lowest level plane of the infinite combination point of the infinite mystery.

The power presented by the infinite mystical power of the Tao of Heaven in the infinite multiverse is just the projection created by its infinite origin. If all the power comes, the infinite multiverse will collapse in an instant. Even projection has infinite power beyond the understanding of the universe. It needs to be suppressed to ensure that it will not damage the structure of the infinite multiverse and destroy the stability of reality. Its infinite power exists in the time law of its own dimension, and the past, present, future, causality, law and probability in the multiverse of the underlying universe are meaningless to it. Its eyes are all photos that exist at the same time, and it can be completely flipped, erased, or rearranged in a single thought. The Infinite Profound Righteousness of the Heavenly Dao is the infinite source that governs all infinite time and space, all infinite dimensions, infinite infinite dimensions, and the dominant force of all infinite time and space.

The Infinite Mysterious Art of Heaven is the true apex of all infinity, universe, time, space, dimension, and dimension. It knows everything, and its essence transcends all time and space in the past, present, and future. It is an infinite power that will never be destroyed.

The end of infinite time created by the infinite profound righteousness of the Tao of Heaven is the infinite junction of all origins. All the big bangs of the universe and the origin of the universe began from the end of infinite time. UU reading is also because of this, infinite The end of time connects the past, present, future and all dimensions and dimensions parallel to it. The birth of the universe is when the infinite time begins to start, and all infinity, eternity, time, space and everything flow from here, In the end, they all converge to the infinite combination of the infinite and profound meanings of the heavenly way.

The Infinite Profound Truth of the Dao of Heaven represents the concretization of the sum of the Infinite Profound Truth of the Dao of Heaven in the entire universe. It is the master of all Infinite Profound Truths of the Dao of Heaven. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine arts that were born when infinite omnipotent universes were created. Source, creator and manipulator.

It can arbitrarily manipulate the infinite mystical lines of the heavenly way of infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) and create new branches on the infinite mystical lines of the heavenly way. Any insignificant point in its infinite avatars of heaven and infinite meanings is equivalent to restarting and destroying infinite times in absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Infinite Profound Truth of the Heavenly Dao is a power that transcends the almighty universe. It is a super-universal universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and incalculable power of the infinitely profound meaning of the Heavenly Dao. One thought produces and destroys countless omnipotent universes, and absolutely restarts countless omnipotent universes (Restart the universe > Creation Universe > Destroy the Universe), is the ultimate truth of the infinite profound meaning of the Tao of Heaven, and the transcendent super-almighty power behind all things in the universe.

With a loud bang, I heard that Tiangong Qianwu, the Supreme God of the Universe Dou God Clan, and the three Supreme Gods of the Ancient God Clan were all suppressed by Ji Haotian's infinite and profound merits of the Heavenly Dao!

Afterwards, Ji Haotian quickly took action and used the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Truth to forcibly deprive him of the nine planet-like mega-treasure fragments and eighteen star-shattering thunderbolts that were collected by Tiangong Wenqianwu!

These 18 Star Fragmentation Firebombs are very huge, their bodies are black and bright, exuding endless destructive power, extremely dangerous and terrifying!

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