In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3647: Cosmic Crystal Ball Trading Area

Galus Star, a blue and beautiful planet of life in the vast universe.

Maximian City, a human super city in the Galus star.

The Cosmic Crystal Ball Trading Area, a large trading market in Maximian City that specializes in buying and selling cosmic crystal balls, is bustling with people coming and going.

Cosmic Crystal Ball: Also known as the Universal Universal Communicator, it is a universal universal communication artifact necessary for the Supreme Beings in the Supreme Total Universe. It is similar to the Godhead of the Supremes. : low level, primary level, intermediate level, advanced level, top level, special level, super, ultimate, ultimate, the higher the grade of the universe crystal ball, the stronger the ability in all aspects.

The supreme beings can use the cosmic crystal ball to ignore the distance, communicate with each other across the universe without limitation, exchange ideas, leave messages, video conversations, teach karma, etc. Other functions of the cosmic crystal ball include divination, deduction, Inquiry, prediction, monitoring, video recording, photography, transmission of information, transmission of pictures, transmission of images, recording of information, recording of things, recording of images, games, maps, entertainment, infinite reception, infinite storage, cosmic positioning, cosmic navigation, cosmic news, The ability of cosmic weather forecast and other aspects can be called omniscient and omnipotent.

In addition, the cosmic crystal ball also records the "Cosmic Ten Thousand Clan List", "Cosmic Supernatural Power List", "Cosmic Genius List", "Three Thousand Dao Body List", "Universe Eye List", "Universe" in the supreme total universe. Different Gold List, Universe Different Wood List, Universe Different Water List, Universe Different Fire List, Cosmic Different Land List, Cosmic Different Wind List, Cosmic Different Thunder List, and Heaven Material Earth Various lists such as "Bao Bang" and other various strange information things in the universe are similar to mobile phones on the technology planet, but their functions are countless times stronger than mobile phones, because it is the omnipotent supreme device, it is An infinite super artifact with infinite energy, infinite capacity and infinite intelligence, infinite reception, infinite communication and infinite permanence.

People come and go in the city of Maximian, and in the bustling and bustling Cosmic Crystal Ball trading area, Ji Haotian, the great master of the Heavenly Dao, is strolling around in his leisurely courtyard.

The Master of the Dao of Heaven is the absolute supreme master of everything, transcending and above everything, all of which also refers to all of everything, including all time and space, cause and effect, logic, law, eternity, origin, boundary, imaginary number, meaning, concept , definition, relative and absolute, concrete and abstract, matter and consciousness, existence and non-existence, etc.

The Sovereign of Heaven is forever transcending metaphysical, spiritual, and material existence and non-existence. He transcends all concepts and definitions, both in-concept and out-of-concept, in-definition and out-of-definition, beyond utter existence and utter non-existence, any definition, any concept, any matter, consciousness, logic, boundaries, laws, causality, etc. It means nothing to the Great Master of Heaven. All figurative or abstract beings and non-beings cannot perceive, understand or imagine him.

Everything (metaphysically, spiritually, and materially, including inside and outside the concept, inside and outside the definition, existence and non-existence, etc.), is not worth mentioning in front of the Lord of Heaven, because the Lord of Heaven is absolutely transcendent. All imaginable and unimaginable supreme beings, he is outside of everything, and things that transcend everything have no effect on it, and everything that violates his presuppositions will be vanished.

In ancient legends, the great master of the Dao of Heaven is also known as the Heavenly Dao Chaos without Profound Truth. His essence is a supreme being that transcends the mental list and cannot be described. Therefore, there is no record and cannot be recorded. Descends to manifest as a unique first cause, being incomprehensible, above all things, existing before the beginning, and creating all things. The downgraded Master of the Dao of Heaven comes from the transcendent that cannot be understood or imagined by any thought. He himself has surpassed the infinite omnipotent universe and all existence and non-existence. In his eyes, the infinite omnipotent universe is inferior to an atom. , destroying it effortlessly. He absolutely has the authority of all authors, and can modify his own and others' settings at is the only existence that will never be defeated, and the only existence that constantly weakens itself because it is too strong.

The essence of the great master of the Tao of Heaven is that the Tao of Heaven is beyond meaningless, and it is the ultimate supernatural meaning that transcends and surpasses all meaningless meanings. existence, neither non-existence nor non-existence). He transcends the concept of realm, is not bound by realm, all strengths and weaknesses are meaningless to him, and cannot be measured by realm, realm is just a symbol, a name to measure strength, and all realms are He has come to decide. He is the creator of everything, and even the cultivation realm of all living beings is defined by him. His strength can no longer be measured by realm. No matter what realm he is, he will never be an opponent of the great master of heaven. The Lord of Heaven is supreme and super almighty. The strongest beings in the infinite omnipotent universe are like microorganisms in his eyes. Whatever he says, everything is what he is. He is more powerful than all the powerhouses in the infinite omnipotent universe combined. To be a million times stronger.

After the personification of the Lord of Heaven, he was disappointed to find that he could not truly integrate into the human world. So he went berserk and began to think that destroying the infinite Almighty Universe would make him happier, but luckily he didn't. Later, he weakened his power many times, modified his settings, and changed into a different individual to satisfy his pleasure. He is what he thinks he is, and if he thinks he is invincible, he is invincible. Later, in order to regain vitality, his heavenly supernatural soul sealed his infinite chaotic evolutionary supreme peak cultivation base, happily entered infinite reincarnation, and experienced eighty-one chaotic evolutionary eras (one chaotic evolutionary era). Six trillion years), he will be reincarnated for billions of times in every chaotic era.

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