In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3644: Beat up the Almighty Queen of the Universe

The beautiful and noble Queen Clity has a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head. She is a super-primitive power that has existed for 60 Chaos Epochs (one Chaos Epoch for six trillion years). After seeing Ji Haotian, his beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and he exclaimed in shock, "Oh my God, with the nine-colored halo of wisdom and all kinds of endless visions of the heavenly way, you are the legendary master of the heavenly way and master of everything. dominate?"

When the others heard this, they all looked at Ji Haotian in shock!

Ji Haotian knew that as soon as Empress Clytier's remarks came out, his identity as the master of the heavens would inevitably be exposed, and the Heavenly Master of the Ten Laws of the Universe would also know his identity as the master of the heavens, and the mystery of Ji Haotian, the most beautiful man in the universe. It was also revealed that the existence of the Great Master of the Dao of Heaven will inevitably cause a huge shock and sensation in the entire Supreme Universe!

Ji Haotian was secretly annoyed by Empress Clytie's affair, and the bad girls said with a cold face, "Cluetier, what are you yelling for, so that you are loud?"

Empress Clytier looked at Ji Haotian like a tigress staring at a lamb, her eyes fiery and drooling, she suddenly smiled gloomily: "In ancient legends, the five transcendence masters are in charge of the five transcendence avenues, and the reincarnation is eighty One chaotic evolutionary era has a total of 81 chaotic evolutionary peaks and ultimate cultivation bases; the top ten masters of creation are in charge of the ten great creation avenues, reincarnating for 80 chaotic evolutionary generations, and accumulatively owns 80 chaotic evolutionary generations. The ultimate cultivation base of the century peak. If the super-primitive power devours and refines a transcendent master, it can increase forty-nine chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases and become an absolute super-almighty; if it devours and refines a creation master, it can increase by 30 Six Chaos Yanji cultivation base, become super almighty. The weak lamb of the reincarnation of the great master of heaven, I ask you, is this true?"

Ji Haotian said disdainfully, "What the **** do you call this crazy woman? Don't you know that you are seriously injured? Are you qualified to yell at me?"

Queen Cloutier said in surprise: "How do you know that I am seriously injured?"

Ji Haotian snorted coldly: "I am omniscient and omnipotent, what do you not know, the purpose of your coming here is nothing more than to heal your wounds in the God Pool of Eternal Life. I also know that your injuries are very serious, and your strength has been lost. There is only the power of the supreme god, and now the crazy and unrestrained two old ancestors can stab you to death with a single finger!"

He secretly had a good impression of the crazy ancestor, because the crazy ancestor secretly used the godhead to send a message to tell him that he would not be afraid of the empress Clytie, the paper tiger in distress!

Queen Cloutier said coldly: "Even if I am injured, I will still take care of you cub! You, lie on the ground immediately, I will eat you!"

Tong Yu Zhenji Tiangong in the Shentan of Eternal Life exclaimed in schadenfreude, "Ji Haotian, the most beautiful man in the universe, did you hear that, the great and noble Queen wants you to lie down on the ground, hurry up and obey the order!"

Queen Clytier stared at Ji Haotian and said, "So you are Ji Haotian, the most daring and most beautiful man in the universe recently. He is really handsome, and it must taste good! Come on, lie on the ground, don't force me to do it, or you will It's going to be a horrible death!"

Ji Haotian was too lazy to talk nonsense with this mad woman, he suddenly thought about it, and instantly sacrificed the Taoist Pagoda through the Treasure Heaven!

The five supreme treasures of transcendence, the five supreme treasures of transcendence and dominion, the strongest associated treasures, and the five most powerful supreme treasures in the infinite omnipotent universe, are: the Tower of Heaven, the Wheel of Nothingness, the Hongmeng Sword, the Chaos Axe, and the Gate of Time and Space.

Heavenly Dao Pagoda: Also known as the Three Thousand Heavenly Dao Cosmic Tower, it contains the origin of the infinite Heavenly Dao and the 3000 Dao principle, and has five infinite transcendence powers, namely, the Unlimited Heavenly Dao Power, the Unlimited Nothingness Power, and the Unlimited Hongmeng Power , the power of infinite chaos and the power of infinite time and space, is the ancestor of all treasures and spiritual things, and the ultimate treasure of infinite multiverses.

Its body is infinitely large, usually showing a super purple-gold giant tower as huge as the ultimate galaxy, with a total of 3,000 layers, containing endless power of the source of heaven, transcending everything, ignoring everything, suppressing all ways, destroying all laws, omniscient and omnipotent, Immortal.

There are 3,000 chaotic universes in the 3,000-story Tiandao Pagoda, which can create or annihilate infinite multiverses, suppress or seal infinite multiverses, and cause cosmic tearing, cosmic squeezing, cosmic freezing, and cosmic collapse. .

If the three thousand chaotic universes of Tiandao Pagoda are released at the same time, they can instantly crush, burst, and destroy infinite multiverses, and can also restart the universe and revive the destroyed universe.

There is a piece of heavenly realm in the base of Tiandao Pagoda, which contains the three thousand avenues and the origin of the world of heaven. The spiritual energy of the world is always ten times that of the outside world. One day in the outside world is one year in the realm of heaven; In the chaotic universe or the realm of heaven, no matter how strong the universe is, the tower master can only be ravaged and manipulated, and there is no room for resistance.

Tiandao Pagoda can control everything in the whole infinite dimension, such as heaven, nothingness, primordial chaos, chaos, time and space, destiny, cause and effect, time, space, matter, energy, law, reality, mind, power and soul, etc.; it can create , destroy, distort, or reorder any space-time and causality; it can plunge the entire universe and even the entire multiverse into an infinite time loop; it can completely stop the entire infinite dimensional universe, and only stay in the eternal Present; capable of creating, destroying, stealing, manipulating or modifying any soul, including undead and all spirits.

All infinity and infinity, all self-existence and all eternity have no meaning to the Pagoda of Heaven. The Tiandao Pagoda is an existence that transcends metaphysical, spiritual and material things forever. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, material, spirit, laws, etc. These are just trivial illusions in front of the Tiandao Tower.

Tiandao Pagoda can ignore cause and effect, ignore paradox, it is the truth itself, what it says is what it says, as long as it can be similar, from fixed number to variable, from the universe to all things, from time to space, from nothing to existence, from energy to Matter, as long as it exists or has existed, it only needs a thought to make it disappear or recreate.

It is supreme and all-powerful! In its eyes, the entire multiple and strongest existence is like a microorganism. What it says, what the world is. It is millions of times more powerful than all the powerhouses in the infinite multiverse combined.

In a word, what it says is what it says, it cannot be denied, it cannot be reversed, no matter how powerful an individual is, they are as small as dust in front of the Tiandao Tower.

It can create infinite almighty universes and everything in a single thought, destroy infinite almighty universes and everything in a single thought, and create and destroy all existence and non-existence in a single thought. Ultimate Primordial, Unlimited Chaos and Unlimited Time and Space.

Among the five transcendental treasures, the Tiandao Pagoda ranks first. It is the supreme ultimate treasure in the universe and the ancestor of all treasures. Only when the other four transcendental treasures are combined can they compete against the Tiandao Pagoda.

The inexhaustible and limitless source power of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda exploded instantly!

"Boom!" There was a loud bang that shattered the sky!

Queen Clity was instantly crushed to the ground by the terrifying Tiandao Pagoda!

Annoyed, Ji Haotian just kicked a few times at Queen Clytie, and then kicked Queen Clytie out of Taomisi like garbage!

Everyone present was shocked by Ji Haotian's ferocity. He beat up the all-powerful queen of the universe. The most beautiful man in the universe, Ji Haotian, is really cruel!

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