In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3638: 10 Laws of the Universe God (2)

All the things reflected by the feminine matter are at a higher level than our masculine things, and they belong to the ultra-high level. So the tree sometimes says it can talk, what is the modern scientific experiment doing? Two small trees, chopped down the tree on this side, and then went to capture the ripples that it reflected, and recorded it. As soon as the tree was chopped down, the waves of the tree over there jumped very high like an electrocardiogram, and then shivered. Afterwards, as soon as he gestured at the tree with the knife, the tree waved again and went out high, as if it knew **** it.

We have done a lot of this experiment. What problems did it reveal? It understands that even though it can't speak, there is this kind of signal reception in it. What governs? The feminine substance in it. The dryad I mentioned before, what kind of dryad? It is nothing more than the transformation of the yin and yang within it under that environment. It has changed from an ordinary life when stimulated by a specific environment to a life dominated by feminine substances, into a super-high life, into an essence, a tree spirit.

Just like in our human beings, we have a class of people called masters. In the past, not all of them said "gods" or "immortals". They just grasped Yin and Yang and knew how to transform them. Once the female function is transformed, Ordinary people don't understand it, saying that this is "the body of a half-immortal", something like a "real person", "god", "immortal", etc. Immortals are made by humans, everyone has this kind of wisdom, and everyone can do things. It depends on who can grasp yin and yang and realize the dialectical transformation of mind and matter.

Faer is like God: also known as the God of Five Elements Restraining and Transforming the Law, has the Godhead of the Five Elements Restraining and Transforming the Law, and is in charge of the innate underworld great power who is in charge of the Five Elements. The embodiment of the sum total of the five elements of the universe's restraint law. All the five-element restraint laws that can be arbitrarily created and manipulated in infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) are the source and master of all five-element restraint laws of infinite almighty universes.

The personified image of Falru is a beautiful man of colorful races of the human race, wearing a colorful golden crown, wearing a colorful robe, and palming the treasure of chaos - the five elements of life restraint the magic rod.

The Five Elements Birth Restraining Law: This is the second law (dynamic model) of the development of all things in the universe.

All things are born from the intersection of yin and yang, and the generated things can be classified into five types of attributes, namely earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. There is a relationship of mutual generation and mutual restraint between these five types of attributes. The mutual relationship is: earth produces metal, metal produces water, water produces wood, wood produces fire, and fire produces earth; the relation of mutual restraint is that metal restrains wood, wood restrains soil, soil restrains water, water restrains fire, and fire restrains metal.

Follow the law of mutual growth to combine things, and there will be an endless situation of birth. On the contrary, if you use the law of mutual restraint to combine things, then decay and death will be visible. There are grams in life, and there are students in grams. As long as you pay attention to these when combining and matching, and use stable structures (such as triangular structures and pentagonal structures are relatively stable), when things develop forward, there will be indicators. balanced situation. On the contrary, it will be extremely unstable and eventually develop in the opposite direction.

Distinguish all the gods: also known as the **** of the unity of heaven and man, possessing the divine personality of the unity of heaven and man, the innate and ancient great power in charge of the unity of heaven and man, the abstract **** born in the creation of infinite almighty universes, representing the whole universe of heaven and man The embodiment of the totality of unity. The unity of all heaven and man, who can arbitrarily create and manipulate infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions), is the source and master of the unity of all heaven and man in infinite almighty universes.

The personified image of all the gods is a beautiful man of the blue race of the human race, wearing a blue-gold crown, wearing a blue robe, and palming the treasure of chaos - the divine scepter of the unity of heaven and man.

The unity of heaven and man: Whether it is the sky or the human being, they are all renaturing substances produced by the combination of yin and yang substances at different time and space points under the action of the fundamental law of yin and yang. Heaven and humans are capable of sensing, and the human body itself is a small universe, a small world. The unity of man and nature believes that from the very beginning of human birth, it is in harmony with the operation, change and development of nature, and exchanges energy and information with the universe.

Although there are individual differences between people and the sky, the general trend is the same. Through the practice of qigong, individual differences can gradually disappear in the state of qigong, and they can be in harmony with the true nature of the universe. The unity of nature and man is the law that human society should follow in the operation, development and change.

Doing the Future Ji Tiangong: Also known as Zhongchengji Anti-Law Tiangong, he possesses the supernatural anti-law Godhead, and is in charge of the innate underworld almighty who exists in the creation of infinite almighty universes. The embodiment of the sum of polar antilaws in the universe. All the antiprinciples of the infinite omnipotence universe (infinite dimensions) can be arbitrarily created and manipulated, and it is the source and master of all the antiprinciples of the infinite omnipotence universe.

In the future, Ji Tiangong's personified image is a beautiful man of the young race of the human race. He wears a blue-gold crown and a blue robe.

The Anti-Law of Zhongcheng Polarity: It can be seen from the fundamental law of Yin and Yang that Yin and Yang in the same community can be in a state of equilibrium after being Yin and Yang can be converted, but this conversion is based on location, Time and conditions are transferable. The so-called balance of yin and yang is "in the middle", and the transformation of yin and yang is "extremely reversed".

Since the general trend of yin and yang movement is the balance of yin and yang, "Zhong" has become the goal of pursuit. Only by taking the middle as the degree can we "achieve", which is called "zhongcheng". When things are untuned and develop to the ultimate, they will also naturally transform and reach an equilibrium state, which is the polar opposite.

The Immortal Heavenly God: also known as the Heavenly God of the Law of Causal Circulation, possessing the divine personality of the Law of Causal Circulation, the innate underworld great power in charge of the Law of Causal Circulation, the abstract **** born in the creation of infinite almighty universes, representing the sum of the Law of Causal Circulation in the entire universe visualization. All the causal circulation laws of infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) can be arbitrarily created and manipulated, and they are the source and master of all causal circulation laws of infinite omnipotent universes.

The personified image of Huan Xian Tian Gong is a beautiful man of the yellow race of the human race, wearing a golden crown, wearing a yellow robe, and palming the treasure of chaos - the divine rod of the law of causality.

The law of causal circulation: causality is an important method for the family of meditation and interpretation to understand things and deal with problems, and it is also an important category of dialectics that modern philosophy must involve. Cause and effect is one of the ten laws in the philosophical system, occupying a pivotal position. According to the law of causality, nothing happens in isolation, nor can it become an isolated event without after-effects after it arises.

All things have a cause and an effect, and an effect must have a cause. The effect of future events depends on the cause of previous events. This cause has this effect, and this effect is the cause of the other thing, and reaches the effect of the other thing. The cycle goes on and on and on and on. The law of causality can be widely used not only in the social field, but also in the field of life. The law of causality exists all the time and everywhere, and works everywhere, all the time.

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