In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3626: Infinite Protoss

In the ancient ruins of the ancient palace, Ji Haotian and the great general Wang Yandi Ning Ze watched the battle and chatted.

At this moment, Ji Haotian asked, "O Zezi, you saved me a hundred years ago, but you branded me with your soul while I was in a coma. Do you know that your merits and demerits are worth it? I won't repay in the future. You, will not give you face!"

A hundred years ago, Ji Haotian was sneakily attacked by the five great creation gods of the universe. He was caught in the vortex of time and space, and accidentally traveled to this spiritual wind star. He was found and rescued by Ning Ze Yandi, but Ning Ze also took the opportunity to fall into a coma. The Ji Haotian who was born was branded with his soul, completely controlling Ji Haotian's "life and death".

Ji Haotian woke up after being in a coma for 100 years, and his injuries have also recovered. The two learned that there was a heaven and earth phenomenon in the ancient royal palace, so they came together.

Yandi Ning Ze curled his lips when he heard the words, and said proudly: "Ji Haotian, I have imprinted your soul on you, completely controlling your life and death, I am your master now, and you will never want to get out of my control in the future! "

Ji Haotian didn't say anything. He wanted to erase the imprint of his soul that Yandi Ning Ze had placed on him. He only needed a thought to complete it. There is no mysterious soul, and no one can control him.

He turned his head to look at the four Nukstukas and the five Calamities who were fighting together, and said, "They have more than fifty godheads. If I collect 3,000 godheads, after refining and absorbing them, There is a chance to break through to the Supreme Realm in one fell swoop.”

Yandi Ning Ze said: "Then you will be disappointed. All the existences here have acquired less than a thousand godheads together."

Ji Haotian said: "I still have hope, I will be able to break through to the Supreme Realm soon!"

Yandi Ning Ze said: "You have 3,000 dantians and 3,000 multiverses within your body. Although you have 3,000 times the combat power, the difficulty of breaking through is also 3,000 times that of a normal person. If you break through a big realm, then It's even more difficult, how do you break through to the Supreme Realm right now?"

Ji Haotian looked at the Supreme Sage of the Boundless Protoss who was also watching the battle in the ruins ahead, and said, "It is the opportunity for me to break through to the Supreme Realm."

The Yuanrong Boundless Protoss has a body similar to a human race, with four heads and four arms, golden skin, and a height of more than two meters. The whole body exudes a sacred golden brilliance. Both men and women are very handsome.

Yandi Ning Ze looked at the Yuanrong Boundless Protoss Supreme Sacred in front of him, and said to Ji Haotian, "What good things in it can make you break through to the Supreme Realm?"

Ji Haotian said: "Perfect Supreme Divine Pill, there are exactly 3,000 perfect Supreme Divine Pills in its multiverse that help to break through to the Supreme Realm. There is a 90% chance of breaking through to the Supreme Realm in one fell swoop."

Yandi Ning Ze said: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

So, the two of them walked towards the Holy of Harmony and the Boundless God Race together.

The most holy figure of this harmonious and boundless Protoss is a handsome man, dressed in a golden robe, exuding golden brilliance from the whole body, which looks very sacred and majestic.

It looked at the two approaching and said indifferently, "Are you okay?"

Ji Haotian came to it and smiled, "I want to make a deal with you."

Yuanrong Boundless Protoss said: "What do you want to trade?"

Ji Haotian said, "I need 3,000 perfect Supreme Divine Pills in the multiverse in your body."

The Supreme Saint of the Yuanrong Boundless Protoss exclaimed: "You can actually see through the things in the multiverse in my body, it's not easy! You can trade, there are more than fifty of the four Nukstukas and the five Calamities in the melee. Godheads, if you bring me more than fifty of them, I will give you my 3,000 perfect supreme divine pills."

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "It's simple."

After he finished speaking, he shouted at the four Nuukstukas and the five Calamities who were fighting under the stunned eyes of the most holy of the Yuanrong Protoss: "Don't fight for now, take your fifty-odd Send me a godhead."

As he spoke, he had already used the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Mystery Technique to instantly control their spiritual consciousness.

Then, under the astonished eyes of the Yuanrong Boundless Protoss, the four Nukstukas and the five Calamity Demon clan obediently stopped the war, came together, and obediently gave Ji Haotian more than fifty godheads, and then obediently Leave.

Ji Haotian looked at the fifty-odd godheads in his hand. He was about to hand them over to the Yuanrong Wuji God Clan, when suddenly, a Semitic man grabbed the many godheads in Ji Haotian's hand like lightning!

Semitic: also known as the Lightning Protoss, with golden skin, golden blood, four golden faces and four golden wings. Their legs are straight, their feet are like the hooves of a calf, and they are as bright as bright gold. There are two golden arms under the wings on all sides. The Semitic people are very thin and tall, generally about two meters tall. They walk without turning around, and they all walk straight ahead, running back and forth, like a flash of lightning, and the speed is extremely fast. The number of Semites is extremely large, spread across countless multiverses, with lightning bloodlines, and the ability to devour and manipulate lightning. A single lightning bolt from the powerful peak Semitic can shatter a living planet or even destroy a galaxy, and can shatter time, space, and spirit. , energy, cause and effect, rules, laws, everything.

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