In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3623: The sneak attack of the 5 great creation gods in the universe

In the vast cosmic starry sky, Ji Haotian, who is walking on the purple lotus, is being besieged by four evil and terrifying Chimeras!

Chimeras: One of the ugliest and most blasphemous alien creatures, this lousy monster is undoubtedly the most powerful and terrifying monster on countless planets, and they are the most dangerous and terrifying part of many of the most ferocious monsters The twisted existence formed by the combination is the incarnation of the original fury.

The multiple heads of the Chimera have independent thinking, and the huge dragon head in the center dominates the actions of the other heads. Each head endows the Chimera with an extremely evil and frightening ability. Each head of a monster can spit out the entropic breath of obliterating souls that wipes out existence. Its colossal body in the depths of the void spans an infinite number of dimensions, enough to rival the mighty starry sky behemoths and starry sky giants.

Even the projection of the Chimera in the physical universe is extremely powerful. The huge head can swallow countless stars, and their unclean existence alone is enough to distort reality. As the blasphemous incarnation of nature, Chimera. The clan itself represents the collection of all the filth in this world.

At this moment, the space in the starry sky suddenly distorted, and the five great creation gods of the universe suddenly appeared at the same time!

The five creation gods of the universe: also known as the five core element gods of the universe, these five people together form the entire complete infinite omnipotent universe (infinite dimensions, each dimension contains infinite universes).

The five great creation gods of the universe are the five supreme elder kings of the Origin Almighty Universe Country Presbyterian Church. They are five creation genius-level super-primitive powers who have spent seventy chaotic epochs (one chaotic epoch of six trillion years). , but they all have seventy-eight Chaos Yanji cultivation bases. This is their secret, and no one knows the reason. They have omniscient and omnipotent, self-existing Tai Brahma souls, with golden halo of wisdom and various miraculous visions behind their heads.

Wood, metal, fire, water, and soil are the five core elements of the universe. The five elements are the core contents of all things in the universe. The formation of any thing is inseparable from these five core elements. The formation of the universe and the formation of life are both .

The five core elements of the universe complement each other and restrain each other in order to achieve a balanced state of things as a whole. Without one, nothing can be achieved. The mutual growth and decline of the five elements have caused the yin and yang of things to change, and also created the formation of the history of the development of various civilizations in the universe. This is the operation of the Dao of Heaven, that is, the result of the operation of the five core elements of the universe brought to all things in the universe.

The five great creation gods of the universe possess the godhead of the five core elements of the universe. The Creation Treasure above. They all have creation-level Taoist souls, and they have comprehended the creation-level avenues. They belong to the creation genius-level super-primitive powers. Nine-pillar ancient god.

The five creation gods of the universe are:

Donggao Senxiang: Cosmic Wood God, possessing the super-primitive godhead of the wood element, the creation **** who is in charge of the wood element, the abstract **** born when the infinite omnipotent universe was created, and represents the figuration of the sum of the wood elements in the entire universe. It can create and manipulate all the wood elements of infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) at will, and is the source and master of all the wood elements of the infinite almighty universes.

The humanized image of the cosmic wood **** Donggao Senxiang is a beautiful man of the young race of the human race. He wears a blue-gold crown and a blue royal robe. He has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

West Key Xinli: The golden **** of the universe, the **** of super-primitive gold element, the **** of creation who is in charge of the element of gold, the abstract **** born in the creation of infinite almighty universes, and represents the embodiment of the sum of the elements of gold in the entire universe. It can create and manipulate all the golden elements of infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) at will, and is the source and master of all golden elements of the infinite almighty universes.

The personified image of Xikey Xinli, the golden **** of the universe, is a beautiful man of human race, wearing a white gold crown, wearing a white royal robe, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, and the almighty treasure in his palm—the golden scepter of the universe.

Nan Rong Yanshun: Cosmic Vulcan, possessing the super-primitive godhead of the fire element, the creator **** who is in charge of the fire element, the abstract **** born in the creation of infinite omnipotent universes, and represents the concretization of the sum of the fire elements in the entire universe. It can create and manipulate all the fire elements in infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) at will, and is the source and master of all fire elements in the infinite almighty universes.

The cosmic fire **** Nan Rong Yanshun's personified image is a beautiful man of the red race of the human race, wearing a red and gold crown, wearing a red royal robe, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his The almighty treasure in the palm - the universe Vulcan Scepter.

Beiming Miaoze: The water **** of the universe, possessing the super-primitive godhead of the water element, the creator **** who is in charge of the water element, the abstract **** born when the infinite omnipotent universe was created, and represents the figuration of the sum of the water elements in the entire universe. All the water elements of infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) can be arbitrarily created and manipulated, and it is the source and master of all water elements of the infinite almighty universes.

The cosmic water **** Beiming Miaoze is personified as a beautiful man of the black race of the human race. He wears a black and gold crown and a black royal robe. He has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

Central Yaochen: The earth **** of the universe, possessing the super-primitive godhead of the earth element, the creator **** who is in charge of the earth element, the abstract **** born in the creation of infinite omnipotent universes, and represents the embodiment of the sum of earth elements in the entire universe. It can arbitrarily create and manipulate all the earth elements of the infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions), and is the source and master of all the earth elements of the infinite almighty universes.

The personification of Yaochen, the central **** of the universe, is a beautiful man of the yellow race of the human race. He wears a golden crown and a yellow royal robe. He has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

The five great creation gods of the universe suddenly appeared and attacked Ji Haotian quickly and violently at the same time, and launched a terrifying thunder strike on Ji Haotian!

Ji Haotian quickly launched the all-powerful Supreme Treasure Heavenly Dao Zilian to fight against the Boom!

"Boom!" A loud bang that annihilated the universe starry sky!

The void shattered, the space collapsed, one universe was completely destroyed, and countless stars collapsed one after another!

Tiandao Zilian was also involved in a huge crack in the universe, and with Ji Haotian, who had been knocked unconscious, disappeared into an endless terrifying vortex of time and space...

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