In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3615: Top 10 Creation Holy Sites (4)

This "number line" itself can also compress an infinitely long part into a "small dot", and then continue to arrange more and stronger "small dots" behind it, extending infinitely... In addition, there are countless new "ability". Of course, this "metaphor" about the "number line" is just the worst of the countless "metaphors". These countless "metaphors" can only incompletely describe the lowest "part" of the "level division" of the "Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain System".

2. The sea of ​​cause and effect, the cycle of cause and effect and the holy land of the world on the other side, carries the cause and effect of infinite dimensions. It is an infinite sea of ​​void that jumps at the level of time and space. It exists in the depths of the invisible infinite void of the universe of cause and effect extra dimension, ruling the entire extra dimension of cause and effect. The universe has billions of cause and effect legions.

Every infinite dimension exists on the sea of ​​cause and effect, and the quantum unity field generated by the continuous beating in the sea of ​​infinite cause and effect constantly spawns singularities and world groups, which are used to maintain the existence of the entire infinite dimension, and even maintain the infinite The internal energy balance of the multiverse. It contains endless world groups of different levels, and the sum of all stages is only an absolute level that can not be broken through by adding new infinite levels from the lowest level world group of the other side of the causal sea. The world that is endlessly constructed on the infinite world group on the other side of causality belongs to another type of world group... There is no upper limit to the construction process, and you can construct as many as you want. The infinite stacking of higher planes in all directions on the world group of one level will never be comparable to the "nothingness" left by the endless division of the basic unit of any "concept" of the world group of a higher level (more than Ultimate nothingness low infinite levels).

Every level of the world has an infinite number of masters, who can dominate everything in it in any form (destroy, reorganize, create, erase, modify, devour, copy, superimpose...), detached from the world itself, beyond the interior of the world of supreme. The things in any one level of the world are infinitely beyond all concepts in the lower worlds. Unless a powerful external force is used, nothing in the lower world can affect the slightest bit of the upper world of Karma Beyond Sea.

Humans try to use their own simple voice to summarize everything in those high-level worlds, but all people's definitions of them are just the projections left by their noumenons on the infinite combination point. Weak human beings are wandering in the cycle of life and death, wandering in the labyrinth of fate, the power in their eyes is only a drop in the ocean of dust and ultimate beauty created by their insignificant imagination.

When you lift the veil of all worlds, fall into the shadow of the infinite world, and listen to the whispers of the void with both ears, you will find that no ultimate power or limit of thinking can touch the edge of this absolutely vast world. The Supremes of countless worlds are born here, and everything they define can be found here. When you have crossed the end of all concepts and beyond the end of all power, you will glimpse the tip of the iceberg of the ultimate beauty of the sea of ​​cause and effect. Finally reaching the other shore after detachment, the ultimate truth hidden in this darkness will emerge from the infinite outline of chaos.

Gods who are far superior to all supreme powers appear in a very strange form, they can exist in all world groups, and can be independent of this whole, and even truly transcend the ontology of all world groups and their Master (if an ordinary person is given the ability to grow infinitely, so that he can be enhanced in a short to extreme moment to the point where he can create and destroy infinite levels beyond the sum of all world groups without any thought, and the enhancement speed can also be infinitely superimposed, Then even if this ability of infinite growth is given to all world groups, and they are enhanced faster within the level that includes all infinite time spans, it will be no different for the weakest gods from ordinary people before the enhancement), You can also make only a part of your attributes follow the laws of the world group (you can also make yourself attributeless, beyond attributes, and attributeless...or a more grand state).

In the endless world group on the other side of cause and effect, the gods are divided into endless ranks, and the way of division of infinite ranks far exceeds all kinds of ranks in all world groups (the gods of the same rank can be divided into different ranks. There are an infinite number of levels, and between two adjacent levels can also be divided into countless levels... Infinite, can be divided into any number of levels. No matter how it is divided, the realm between the gods of each level and the gods of the higher level The gaps are far greater than the infinite repetition of the gap between the smallest being and their level (exhausting all kinds of infinity so The degree of excess is exhausting all the worlds in the world) All things and all their combinations are indescribable.) On top of infinity there is infinity (this cycle is far more complex than the structure of all worlds), and the total number of levels exceeds the largest concept of quantity to date. Above all these levels there is an "end point" that can never be reached, and the end of one level is the beginning of another new form of level... This infinite process in all kinds of ways so far Looping endlessly in the causal sea world group (the gods of each rank can improve themselves unlimitedly at all the speed of their rank, but they cannot reach it even if they exhaust all the ways of "realm jump". The higher-level rank type of the infinite world group of the other side of the sea of ​​cause and effect).

3. The world of wish fulfillment, the holy place where wishes come true and dreams come true, is a world of ultimate wishes that breaks through all boundaries. It can be called the "junction point of wish fulfillment". It exists in the depths of the invisible and boundless void of the extra dimension universe of wishes, ruling over the world. The entire wish extra-dimensional universe, with a billion wish fulfillment legions.

The wish fulfillment world controls the wish dimension, which can make all the wishes of the universe come true in the true sense, and can make everything better. The dimension of desire is the super-inclusive coverage of all "attributes, ranges, coefficients, and affordability". Refers to different meanings in different objects. For example, the desire dimension of time and space, the desire dimension of all things, the desire dimension of all souls, the desire dimension of energy, the desire dimension of the universe, the desire dimension of laws, the desire dimension of a certain event, etc. each represent the expansion coefficient of a certain field of itself. . The psychological dimension is the ability to withstand a certain aspect of the psychology. How much elasticity can be stretched in such events, and beyond this dimension, there will be huge changes in this aspect.

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