In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3599: Cosmic Visiting Protoss

The two demon men looked at Ji Haotian and Supreme Taixu's wine and delicacies on the wine table, their eyes were fiery, and their mouths were drooling.

Among them, the man of the Plague Clan said in surprise: "You two are really big money, you actually ordered the most expensive and delicious braised giant squid in this ten-star interstellar hotel, and your peerless wine is too fragrant. , the wine is full of fragrance, it is refreshing!"

Another rot demon man said covetingly, "I also want to eat the braised giant squid that entangles domineering and domineering, and I want to drink the peerless wine! You two also invite us to eat and drink? Can you?"

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "No."

The two Demon Race men were angry when they heard the words, and they arrogantly shouted and threatened.

Ji Haotian suddenly kicked the two demons out along the window with both feet, kicking them directly out of Maxentius City.

After solving the trouble, the two continued to eat and drink heartily.

However, the tangy wine aroma and tempting delicacy soon attracted two women from the universe to visit the Protoss, and their cultivations were also in the Supreme Realm.

The Cosmic Visitor Clan, also known as the Clan of Cosmic Visitors, comes from outer space, is similar to humans, has dark blue skin and pointed ears, has a high degree of civilization, and is extremely powerful. They often like to visit other galaxies. They are a group of peace-loving people. Alien civilization, a great visit to the avenue of talent and supernatural powers.

The two cosmos visiting protoss women came to their wine table. They looked at the delicious food and wine on the wine table, and then looked at the two peerless beautiful men who were eating and drinking.

Among them, the blue-dressed cosmic visiting protoss woman exclaimed, "The food and drink are good, and the people are even more beautiful!"

Another cosmic visiting protoss woman smiled at the two of them and said, "Two handsome guys, can we invite our sisters to sit down and eat, drink and chat with you?"

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "We don't need to accompany Miss, thank you."

The two cosmos visiting Protoss women had black lines when they heard the words.

Among them, the white-dressed Cosmic Visitor Protoss woman said with a dark face, "Why don't you two stay with our sisters?"

Supreme High Taixu shook his head and said, "We won't accompany you."

The Blue Skirt Universe visited the Protoss woman and said, "You two are so good-looking, why don't you accompany them?"

The white-skirted cosmos woman from the Protoss asked, "Are you two little white faces selling?"

Ji Haotian said, "We don't sell it."

The Blue Skirt Universe visited the Protoss woman and said, "You two sell yourself? Are you performing? Are you singing?"

Supreme High Taixu said: "Didn't you say it? If you don't sell it, you won't sell anything!"

The white-skirted universe visited the God Clan woman and said, "You two are so good-looking, you should sell it. Let's just sit down and eat and drink, the two of you stand up and sing for the two of us!"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "That's a good idea, you two, let's sing!"

He said, his Heavenly Dao Consciousness Profound Righteous Art has been activated silently, instantly controlling the consciousness of the two cosmos visiting protoss women, absolutely unlimited consciousness control!

The Profound Truth of Heavenly Dao Consciousness: Also known as the Super Almighty Divine Technique of Heavenly Dao Consciousness, it has the origin of Heavenly Dao Consciousness Profound Truth and the innate power of Heavenly Dao Consciousness Profound Truth. It contains the power of Heavenly Dao Consciousness Profound Truth. , it has countless incarnations of consciousness, and each incarnation of consciousness spreads over countless multiverses and controls the consciousness of hundreds of millions of living beings. There are two inseparable aspects of the indivisible nature of the Heavenly Dao Consciousness Profound Truth - Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Unconsciousness. In the infinite unconscious state is the creator, everything is created, protected and destroyed in the infinite unconscious state, these actions are simultaneous.

The Heavenly Dao Consciousness Mystery Gong is a transcendent innate super-almighty divine art (a divine art is a combination of supernatural powers and exercises). The ultimate combination of innate supernatural powers, only those who possess the heavenly body and comprehend the existence of the heavenly way can successfully cultivate. That is to say, only the master of the heavenly way who is in charge of the heavenly way can control the profound meaning of the heavenly way consciousness, and its power is comparable to the omnipotence and omnipotence. , The almighty treasure of its own forever.

The infinite consciousness of the mystical power of consciousness of the Tao of Heaven has created all that exists, all that does not exist, all that does not exist, all that does not exist, all that transcends existence and non-existence, all "things" that transcend things, and all things that transcend things. The highest realm and final profound meaning mentioned The boundless consciousness of the profound meaning of Heavenly Dao Consciousness is far beyond all scope, ignoring all speech, mathematical logic (any infinite stack of boxes is meaningless to it) and language Description, the most "big" field (absolutely irreplaceable) is transcendent above all fantasy, there is no reason at all, including all narratives, reality, universe, plane, dimension, dimension, etc., and all cosmology, and Everything that adds up to all cosmology, everything in the sense of infinite iteration above philosophy, everything that expands outside, everything that expands outside... is just a grain of sand in the infinite consciousness of the profound meaning of the consciousness of the heavens phantom.

The Profound Truth of Heavenly Dao Consciousness represents the concretization of the sum of the Profound Truth of Heavenly Dao Consciousness in the entire universe, and is the master of all Profound Truths of Heavenly Dao Consciousness. Source, creator and manipulator.

It can arbitrarily manipulate the mystical lines of the heavenly consciousness of infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) and create new branches on the mystical lines of heavenly consciousness. Any trivial point in its infinite avatars of Heavenly Dao consciousness is equivalent to restarting and destroying infinite times in absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Profound Truth of Heavenly Dao Consciousness is a power that transcends the almighty universe. It is super-universal universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and inestimable mystical power of Heavenly Dao Consciousness. A single thought generates and destroys countless omnipotent universes, and absolutely restarts countless omnipotent universes (Restart the universe > Creation Universe > Destroy the Universe), is the ultimate truth of the consciousness of the Tao of Heaven, and the transcendent super-almighty power behind all things in the universe.

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