In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3596: Tianyan 49 Great Magic (5)

Twenty-three, the great magic art of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger

Also known as Catch Na Tong, the supernatural power of the Great Way of Catching, has the means of capturing, defeating or subduing large beasts and raptors, and has the supernatural power of supernatural power. To the extreme, you can capture the sun, moon and stars, and crush a super planet with one grab. Note: "The power is infinite, picking the stars and taking the moon, and the power is soaring to the sky. It is the great supernatural power of capturing all things and subduing all spirits."

Twenty-four, the great magic of repairing the sky and bathing the sun

Also known as space-time communication, it has the ability to mend the sky and the mighty power to bathe the sun, mending the sky as space, bathing the sun as time, and synthesizing space-time, which is the power of space-time, capable of time-space travel, time-space seal, time-space folding, and time-space stillness. Note: "This is the mighty power of creating heaven and earth, and it is the great supernatural power of time and space."

Twenty-five, the great magic of pushing mountains and reclaiming the sea

Also known as Conqueror, it is the supernatural power of conquering the Dao, which can push down countless mountains and fill up the endless sea. You can take things from the sky, pick the stars and take the moon, shake the sky and move the earth, suppress all things, and conquer everything in the universe. Note: "This is the great supernatural power to conquer and change nature."

Twenty-six, the magic of turning a stone into gold

Also known as alchemy pass, the supernatural power of the road of gold, it can turn stones or various objects into gold at will; it can turn all things into various metals in essence. Achieving the ultimate can turn the entire planet and everything in the planet into metal, and it is an essential change. Note: "This is the essence that can change all things."

Twenty-seven, the great magic of standing upright without shadows

Also known as Invisible Link, it enters the virtual state, so it is invisible, invisible, silent, and can make all attacks invalid. Because there is no entity after the incarnation, it is immune to all attacks. This technique can not only make oneself absolutely invisible, but also make people or things around a certain distance also absolutely invisible. Note: "The great power of invisibility."

Twenty-eight, the great magic of fetal transformation

Also known as Change Tong, people are like embryos, growing up, and finally making their bodies conform to the natural laws of heaven and earth, giving people a sense of comfort and naturalness, impartiality, and neutrality. This art is the way of change, the way is natural, and it can change freely, whether it is male, or female, or old, or young, or a divine bird, or a strange beast, or a gust of wind, or a thunderstorm. Can change the world at will. Note: "It can be said that it can be said that the changes in the Zhoutian are wonderful."

Twenty-nine, big and small magic art

Also known as Ruyitong, this is the way of change in size, which can be used to describe the sky and the earth, and it can also hide the shape. A starry sky giant that can transform into an infinite power is also a tiny dust that can become so small that it is invisible to the naked eye. This technique can not only switch freely between giants and ants, but also make the objects you want to operate bigger or smaller. Note: "This is the magical power of changing size, which can imitate the heaven and earth or hide the shape of the medium."

Thirty, the magic of the moment when the flowers bloom

Also known as Ku Rong Tong, it is the magical power of Ku Rong Dao, which makes hundreds of flowers bloom or wither in an instant, and even allows all plants to grow rapidly and wither in an instant. Achieving the ultimate can instantly turn all things and spirits in the planet into a state of withering and prosperity, and the life and death of all things and spirits are only between one thought. Note: "That is, withering and prosperity are all in one thought, which is the great supernatural power of the withering and prosperity of all things."

Thirty-one, the great magic of wandering gods and imperial qi

Also known as the control pass, it is a method of controlling the avenues of supernatural powers, refining the spirit out of one's body, wandering the emptiness of the mind, and also including the method of flying and controlling the air. Soul control, qi control, mixed control of soul and qi, can control the soul, control objects, control spirit, control force, control energy, control qi, control non-existence, control everything, and control everything in the universe. Note: "It includes the techniques of leaving the body and controlling the qi, which can control all things and all spirits and everything in the universe. This is the great supernatural power of control."

Thirty-two, the Great Divine Technique of Seeing Through the Wall

It is also known as clairvoyance, a supernatural ability that can see through or even see through the source through obstacles, and can see through everything at a glance, including penetrating time, penetrating space, penetrating matter, penetrating spirit, penetrating energy, penetrating fantasy, penetrating thinking, penetrating consciousness, penetrating Meaning and insight into everything; can see through the hole, see the ten directions, heaven and earth, no obstacles, six harmony inside and outside, ghosts, gods, figures, big and small, can not be clearly distinguished. Note: "Perspective and insight into all the great magic of the universe."

Thirty-three, the great magic of returning wind and returning fire

Also known as wind and fire, let the wind blowing back, and let the burning flame shrink back. Controlling the power of wind and fire, you can control all wind and fire in the universe at will. Note: "It can make the development of things go backwards, and it can command the universe to be all winds and This is the magical power to control wind and fire."

Thirty-four, master the five thunder magic

Also known as Thunderbolt, Five Thunders, Sky Thunder, Land Mines, Naval Mines, Divine Thunders, and Social Thunders. The five thunders belong to the five internal organs. The qi of the five viscera gathers together and gathers into one, only then can one reach the Dao and master the magic of the five thunders. It can drive out thunder and lightning, pray for rain and sunshine, cure evil spirits and bring down demons, scorch locusts, and refine ghosts.

The thunder of the sky is able to control calamities, capture and control heavenly demons; the thunder of the land is the one who prays for the rain and the rain, and controls the land; the thunder is the main cause of thunder and rain, and saves the drought; Killing and cutting; those who act as minesmen call upon the gods to kill the spirits and remove the monsters. Note: "The great supernatural power of the five thunders, the thunderbolt, the command of the sky, judges the heavens, and destroys all things."

Thirty-five, the Great Divine Technique of Shrinking the Earth

Also known as shrinking the earth, shrinking the earth into an inch, and the speed is unparalleled. This technique can come and go freely in deep water and the earth, and it is unobstructed; it can shrink the earth veins, and it exists for thousands of miles. It can shrink thousands of miles into one inch, so just take one step to reach thousands of miles away, which is called thousands of miles in an instant; when it reaches the extreme, it can instantly shuttle all galaxies in the universe, countless times faster than the speed of light, and absolute interstellar teleportation. Note: "The great power of shrinking the earth into an inch."

Thirty-six, flying sand and stone magic

Also known as the disaster pass, the sand is flying, the stones are rolling, the wind is violent, and everything is destroyed. It can plunge the entire planet and even the universe into endless natural disasters, causing the heavens and the worlds and all things and spirits to fall into boundless catastrophe. This art consists of three calamities and nine calamities, namely: natural calamities at the end of the day, fires in the great sun, wind calamities in the black sun, earth calamities, human calamities, demons calamities, samadhi calamities, natural calamities, karmic calamities, mental calamities, soul calamities, and calamities calamities. Once cultivated, it is not only powerful, but also has unpredictable mysteries. It contains the ultimate meaning of the rise and fall of qi, the birth and death of heaven and earth. Note: "This is the supernatural power that causes natural catastrophe."

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