In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3591: The great master of nothingness is supreme

Taiyi Hongmeng was injured by the sneak attack of the three supreme gods of the unhindered **** race. Now that his injuries are healed, he is here to take revenge.

The two sides fought each other and fought fiercely.

Not long after, Ji Haotian and Taiyi Hongmeng launched a big move at the same time, killing all the three supreme gods of the gods who were unimpeded, and then left together.

The two traveled together in this universe for a hundred years, and then said goodbye to each other and left.

Time flies by.

Another hundred years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Pallas, a blue and beautiful demon life planet.

Maxentius City, a demon super city in the Pallas star.

There is a simple and elegant winery built on the mountain in the city. At this time, the great master of nothingness, one of the five transcendent masters, Supreme Gao Taixu, came out of the winery.

Supreme Taixu: The great master of nothingness, also known as nothingness and transcendental Brahma, emperor of emptiness, one of the masters of the fifteen great avenues, possessing the nominative figure of nothingness, in charge of nothingness, representing the figuration of the sum of nothingness in the entire universe, the master of all nothingness, existing in An abstract **** born from timeless time, the source, creator and manipulator of all nothingness in an infinite multiverse.

The name Supreme Supreme Taixu means supreme, too illusory. He is essentially above and above all, above any definition and above any meaning, and no definition, any thing, any substance means nothing to him, he is beyond total existence and total non-existence, to reach The realm of non-non-existence and non-non-existence (neither existence nor nonexistence, neither nonexistence nor nonexistence).

The residence of the supreme master of nothingness is the palace of nothingness and the superhero, and the strongest ultimate power is the soul of nothingness. , with a nine-colored halo of wisdom and various visions of nothingness at the back of his head, sometimes sitting or lying in the white lotus of the almighty and supreme treasure that shines with white light.

Wearing a white robe, tall and handsome, the majestic and domineering master of nothingness, Supreme Gao Taixu, just walked out of the winery, when he suddenly saw Ji Haotian strutting over from a distance.

Twenty thousand years later, Ji Haotian, the great master of the Tao of Heaven, and the supreme master of nothingness, Gao Taixu, reunited again.

The supreme master of nothingness, Supreme Gao Taixu, looked at Ji Haotian who was approaching, smiled and said, "Ji Tiangou, a foodie who loves listening to music."

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "Drinkers are supremely deficient in their kidneys."

Foodie - Ji Tiangou, alcoholic - Supreme Kidney deficiency, **** client - Taiyi who goes to prostitute, gambler - Jinan gamble, robber - Laki smashing and robbing, these are the five transcendence masters to each other's foreign exchange. No.

On the tree-lined path outside the winery, the two came together.

Supreme High Taixu said with a smile: "Haotian, you are very powerful, I heard that you have swept the other three transcendence masters one by one, and got their three Profound Righteousness Origins. !"

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "It's not your turn? Be prepared to be bullied by me!"

Supreme High Taixu said, "How do you want to bully me?"

Ji Haotian said, "Guess what?"

"I guess you must fight me first!"

"And then pinch?"

"After the fight, invite me to the hotel for a drink."

"And then pinch?"

"Then I have nothing to do to distract my attention."

"what's next?"

"Next, attack me and beat me up."


"Afterwards, I grabbed my heavenly power, the source of mysticism, and disappeared out of thin air, traveling through time and space."

"The source of the power of the heavenly power and the profound righteousness is mine. If you take the initiative to return it to me, I can give you some rewards."

"What can you give me?"

"I'll give you 10 billion top-grade high-grade crystals as a reward."

"My power of the Heavenly Dao, the Profound Righteousness, and the source of the power is comparable to the almighty treasure. It is a priceless treasure. Even one trillion or ten trillion cannot buy it."

"I didn't buy it from you, I gave you some remuneration. The origin of the power of the heavenly power is mine, and it is very important to me, so I must get it There are no thirty-six profound and righteous powers of the heavenly way, You are lacking in the Dao, don't you?"

"It seems that you know me and the Thirty-Six Profound Righteous Arts of the Dao of Heaven relatively well."

"Your lack of avenues is a good thing for me."

"Even if you lack the avenue, you will still clean up your eternal second child!"

"If you take down your ultimate first cause, I will be the boss forever."

"Will I fall?"

"As long as you, Ji Haotian, are reincarnated and reincarnated, I will be victorious!"

"I won't be reincarnated again in the future. I want to find my own strength and return to the peak!"

"You still have a long way to go."

"the same as you."

"I hope you don't die in the middle."

"I hope you will die in the middle of it, too empty, come on, and work hard towards the premature death. I am optimistic about you. If you die prematurely, I will praise you."

"We seem to be talking too much nonsense." Supreme Gao smiled faintly.

"Then don't talk nonsense, let's do it!" Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows.

Supreme High Taixu suddenly waved his sleeves, and a white, infinite emptiness avenue of power slammed toward Ji Haotian like a raging wave.

With a thought of Ji Haotian, he instantly performed the great magic technique of inverting Yin and Yang, and reversed all the incoming power of the Supreme Taixu!

The inversion of yin and yang, also known as yin and yang, is one of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, which can make the universe out of order and all things out of order, and can turn the dark sky into day, and the day into night. It is still said that life and death are reversed, reincarnation is reversed, and the so-called divine prison is the reverse journey of all things, and it is also a reversal of the universe. Note: "Yin and Yang are the opposites of things. This is the Great Way of Yin and Yang in the universe. It controls the cycle of life and death, the transformation of Yin and Yang, and the alternation of the sun and the moon, which can disrupt Yin and Yang and conceal the secret of heaven."

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