In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3583: Supreme 5 countries (10)

The universe tree of heaven and earth: also known as the tree of life universe, it is the legendary ancestor of all trees in the universe and the ancestor of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. It is omniscient, omnipotent and immortal. The mysterious and unpredictable depths of the cosmic starry sky; it contains the infinite source energy of the universe and the source of life, and guards the billions of lives in the vast universe and maintains the stability of the infinite multiverse.

In ancient legends, before the seventy-two chaotic epochs, the supreme ruler of the heavens created an infinite ancestral tree while creating all things in the universe. This infinite ancestral tree is the seventy-two chaotic epochs before The ancestor of the universe tree that was born at the beginning of the universe - the universe tree of heaven. That is to say, the Heavenly Dao Cosmos Tree has gone through seventy-two chaotic epochs of cosmic birth and death. It is unique, immortal, omniscient and omnipotent.

According to legend, the Heavenly Dao Cosmic Tree exists in the depths of the vast cosmic starry sky in the Heavenly Dao universe. Its volume is infinite. Its treetops go straight through the depths of the cosmic starry sky and extend to the top of the universe. The fulcrum of the universe. It was born in the "past", flourished in the "present", and extended to the infinite "future". The leaves are forever green, its branches support the weight of the entire multiverse, and its roots run through infinite universes.

This infinite evergreen ancestral tree is the origin and carrier of all things in the universe. It is full of vitality, and its dense and huge green branches and leaves cover the entire multiverse. There are 3,000 huge tree roots supporting the Tiandao Universe Tree, making it stand majestically deep in the core of the vast starry sky of the Tiandao Universe.

The universe tree contains the secrets of creation, the mystery of life, the foreknowledge of the fate of all things in the universe, the secret method of changing fate, the truth of the three thousand avenues, and the infinite mysteries of infinite multiverses.

While rooted in the depths of the vast starry sky of the heavenly universe, the heavenly universe tree absorbs nutrients, and it also undertakes the role of communication between the universe and the universe, such as the reincarnation of the gods and the transmission of messages. At the same time, it is also imitating the endless universe within the infinite multiverse to create its own endless world. The birth of branches and leaves symbolizes the birth of the world. However, there is only one origin world of the universe tree of heaven, and that is the trunk of universe tree of heaven, and all the other branches, sub-branches, leaves, ,, etc., can be regarded as a projection of part of the origin world of universe tree of heaven , and project again.

The origin world of the Heavenly Dao Cosmos Tree is supreme. It is at the center of everything. The world that split and evolved with the optimal choice is the origin of all worlds. Here, it is an established fact.

The leaves on each branch and branch of the universe tree are a collection of similar parallel worlds, just a classification, they represent a part of the origin world of the universe tree in the universe in the past, present, and a certain possibility in the future. sex. Every choice, every moment, every moment, will split into a different leaf. Such a split is endless, truly endless.

Every leaf that splits will continue to split into endless leaves. As the so-called one leaf, one world, one world, three thousand leaves, one branch is splitting into the virtual leaf world that doesn't exist, not to mention the endless virtual leaf world. , The world of true leaves, the world of branches, sees the sea of ​​all Hua Zang worlds, the majestic sea, like the great lotus flower, beyond the root world of Jambudi, there are countless Hua Zang worlds; outside each Hua Zang world, there are three thousand lights world; outside each immeasurable world, there are three thousand great thousand worlds, and outside each great thousand worlds there are immeasurable five non-circular heavens, immeasurable four heavens of sky, immeasurable four dhyanas and three days, and immeasurable outsiders and no thoughts. It is a great world of immeasurable amount of sand, time and space; outside of every small thousand worlds, there are three thousand worlds of dust particles and three days of meditation; outside of every three thousand worlds of dust, there are three thousand extremely fine worlds, In addition to each of the three thousand extremely fine worlds, there is an immeasurable one true Dharma Realm... In this way, the immeasurable one world is like the petals of a lotus flower, the origin world of the endless universe tree of heaven.

All logical thinking and conceptual systems...and the universes, time and space, dimensions, dimensions, worlds, things, narratives that they refer to and cannot be referred to are just nonexistent particles of a drop of sap water molecules flowing in its tree. , whose root penetrates the cosmic barrier to the depths of the infinite multiverse, and all that surrounds it. Each leaf of this tree contains countless poems, one branch is countless opera volumes, the whole tree is countless epic stories, the whole tree supports the entire great historical river, and is the fulcrum that supports the infinite multiverse .

The extension and evolution of the infinite multiverse makes the origin world of the universe tree of Tiandao more origin world of the universe tree of Tiandao will also supply the infinite energy absorbed to the body of the universe tree of Tiandao, forming more Branches, true leaves, imaginary leaves, in the nothingness without any concept, lasts forever.

The Five Great Ancestral Trees of the Heavenly Kingdom of Hongmeng: The root ancestors of all trees, all exotic flowers and plants, and all the treasures of heaven and earth in infinite multiverses. They were born in the primordial Hongmeng, and their power is comparable to the treasure of Hongmeng. With extremely high wisdom and supernatural powers, the five great ancestral trees of Hongmeng are as follows:

Hongmeng Destiny Tree - Knowing and deducing the fate of everything.

Hongmeng causal tree - can make cause and effect cycle and cause and effect collapse.

Hongmeng Wish Tree - Makes the wishes of living beings come true and their wishes come true.

Hongmeng Creation Tree - Creation, creation and nurturing of all living beings.

Hongmeng Tree of Life - Healing all spirits and nourishing all things.

The Ten Great Spiritual Roots of Chaos in Heaven:

Chaos Qinglian - Lotus of Creation

Chaos Huangzhong Li - The Li of Dao Xing

Chaos Peach - The Peach of Creation

Chaos Ginseng Fruit - Fruit of Longevity

Chaos Green Willow - Nourishing Willow

Chaos Bitter Bamboo - Bamboo of Seal

Chaos Gourd - Gourd of Ten Thousand Stars

Chaos Immortal Apricot - Apricot of All Souls

Chaos Fusang - The Mulberry of All Laws

Chaos five-needle pine - Vientiane pine

The Ten Heavenly Innate Sacred Trees:

Nine World Trees

Nine star fruit trees

Nine Tongtian Jianmu Trees

Three thousand congenital peach trees

Three thousand ginseng fruit trees

Six thousand Bodhi trees

Six thousand innate hibiscus trees

Nine thousand immortal trees

Nine thousand innate laurel trees

Nine thousand innate plane trees

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