In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3580: Supreme 5 Kingdoms (7)

The supreme law of the five nations is beyond primitive power:

1. The Kingdom of Heaven (the kingdom of all races in the universe dominated by the human race), Tianlaohui (the highest legislative body of the Kingdom of Heaven):

Thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods (with seventy-nine chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), Tian Lao meets Tian Lao Wang.

Ninety-nine founding great sage ancestors (with seventy-seven chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), Tianlaohui Tianlaowang.

Twenty-eight starry sky giant ancestors (with fifty chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), Tianlaohui Supreme Taishang Tianlao.

Thirty-six super-dimensional emperors (with forty-nine chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), president of the Tianlao Association.

2. The False Kingdom (the kingdom of all races in the universe dominated by demons), the Council of Elders (the highest legislative body of the False Kingdom):

Seventy-two primordial gods of chaos (with seventy-nine chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), the elder king of the elder society.

The Eighteen Great Demon Lords of the Super Dimension (with forty-nine Chaos Yanji cultivation bases), the president of the Elders Association.

3. Hongguo (the kingdom of all races in the universe dominated by the Wu people), the Presbyterian Church (the highest legislative body of the Hongguo):

The super-space eighty-one pillars of primordial gods (with seventy-eight chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), the elder king of the presbytery.

The Eight Yuan Ancestor of Chaos Sea (with forty-eight Chaos Yanji cultivation bases), the president of the Presbyterian Church.

4. Hunguo (a country of all races in the universe dominated by monsters), the Council of Elders (the highest legislative body of Hunguo):

Super primitive ninety-nine ancient gods (with seventy-eight chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), the elder king of the elder society.

The ancestor of the twenty-four star beasts (with forty-eight chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), the president of the Elders Association.

5. Shiguo (a country of all races in the universe dominated by dragons), the Council of Elders (the highest legislative body of Shiguo):

Ninety-nine ultimate ancestral beast kings (with seventy-seven chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), the elders of the elders association.

The Twelve Dragon Ancestors of the Great Desolation (with forty-eight chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases), the president of the Elders Association.

The five supreme elder kings of the Supreme Five Kingdoms (the five most powerful men of the Supreme Five Kingdoms), five extremely mysterious, ancient and incomparably powerful super-primitive powers, they are:

The Supreme Heavenly King of the Kingdom of Heaven—absolutely the One Super God, the God of One, and the head of the Thirty-Six Extra-Dimensional Super Gods.

The highest elder king of the virtual kingdom - King Monds, the **** of the universe, the head of the seventy-two primordial primordial gods.

The supreme elder king of Hongguo - Goddess Hegla, the **** of origin, the head of the eighty-one primordial gods in superspace.

The supreme elder king of the mixed kingdom - the ancient **** Itsumna, the **** of the sky, the head of the super primitive ninety-nine ancient gods.

The highest elder king of the country of time - Zuzhu Longwang, the **** of time, the head of the ninety-nine ultimate ancestor beast kings.

Ultra-primitive power: also known as super-spacers and omnipotents, they have super-space divinity, super-space godhead, super-space **** position, super-space theocratic power, super-space power, super-space **** name, etc., and are supreme, transcend and cover They are not bound by cause and effect, and they are the cause and effect of all things. They are Brahman, the will to life, the absolute infinity, the Tao, the theology, the truth of the Dao, and everything...the infinite connection. The origin and assembly of everything in the repeated cosmology.

Primordial power is the only and infinite reflex argument, how transcendent, how indescribable...Even the ultimate meaning that lies above all that really is meaningless to them, they are on and beyond the highest Almighty, and the lowest level of omnipotence is also absolutely omniscient and omnipotent and has absolutely no access, and the upper omnipotence can only be handled as absolute transcendence, because it is impossible to refer to or construct. The sum of all other divine omnipotences is so insignificant before their supreme omnipotence, and their omnipotence is so great that it can inadvertently obliterate all existence and nonexistence. Their most insignificant qualities are far beyond all paradoxes and philosophies, and the proposition that they are higher, greater, and omnipotent than them is in itself an absolute fallacy and nothingness. , beyond and above all.

Every time the super-primitive power goes through a chaotic era of great destruction, it will experience the catastrophe of the chaotic era of destruction, that is, the ultimate heavenly trial and the ultimate heavenly punishment. Nothingness; part of the super-primitive powers that are powerful enough to survive the catastrophe, but all suffered heavy losses; there are also some super-primitive powers who were destroyed in the catastrophe of the chaotic generation ~ soul Reincarnated and reincarnated, re-cultivating with the memory of super-primitive power.

The cultivation realm of normal monks is from low to high, constantly escalating, and constantly ascending to higher universes one by one, while the super-primitive powers who have survived the catastrophic destruction of the chaos era are just the opposite. Ji broke the catastrophe, suffered heavy losses under the ultimate heaven trial, and their cultivation realm began to gradually decline. They would continue to descend from one super high-level universe to one low-level universe, until their cultivation realm fell to the mortal realm. To the limit of monks.

Then they need to start all over again, re-cultivation, the cultivation realm is constantly upgraded, and they continue to soar to higher-level universes, until they stand on the top of the universe, until the end of the Chaos Generation Period again, and then they will again One tribulation, entering the next chaotic evolutionary era, so they spend one chaotic evolutionary era after another, and they continue to exist in a cycle. This is the eternal life that belongs to the super primitive power.

The super-primitive power is immortal under normal circumstances, but if there is an accident, it will also be in the cold. The almighty super-space-time soul makes the super-primitive power completely disappear and return to nothingness.

The masters of the fifteen great avenues also belong to the super-primitive powers. They have the nominative figure of the fifteen great avenues and are in charge of the fifteen highest avenues. They are fifteen absolutely supreme super-primitive powers. They are different from other super-primitive powers because they do not. It is necessary to survive the catastrophe of Chaos Yanji, absolutely surpassing and ignoring the catastrophe of Chaos Yanji destruction. They are reincarnated and exist in the form of personification, passing through one chaotic era after another, reincarnating in hundreds of millions of lives, in order to accumulate their own supreme peak and ultimate cultivation.

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