In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 2001: 23 kinds of great magic

Hundong Yu Emperor Tai Yutian looked at the fierce battle between the gray men and the natural men in the void, and said to Ji Haotian, "Ji Haotian, who do you think will win in the end?"

Ji Haotian replied casually: "In the end, the man of the Ran tribe will win."

Taiyu Tiandao: "I think the gray man will win in the end. Let's make a bet?"

Ji Haotian said, "How do you want to bet?"

Taiyu Tiandao: "Just bet who of the two of them will win in the end. If the man of the Ran ethnic group you are optimistic about wins, I am willing to give you the seeds of my great divine art of knowing the future. If the man of the gray ethnic group that I am optimistic about wins, you Return to us all the seeds of great magic that you robbed us."

Ji Haotian smiled indifferently and said, "It seems that you are very confident in your great magic of knowing the future, well, I'll bet with you!"

Tai Yutian said to Sigismund who was sitting next to him: "Sigsmond, I don't believe in Ji Haotian, a robber bandit, you can be a referee. If Ji Haotian defaults on his debt, you and us will join forces to beat him! "

Sigismund smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, I'll be the referee for you. If one side doesn't fulfill its promise, it will be my enemy, and I can't spare him!"

Ji Haotian curled his lips with a look of disdain, but didn't say anything, acquiescing to the referee Sigismund.

Everyone began to watch the fierce battle between the gray men and the natural men in the void.

Not long after, Ji Haotian sensed that Tai Yutian had secretly used the great magic to know the future to enhance the fate of the gray men, so that his strength increased rapidly, and he gradually gained the upper hand.

Ji Haotian sneered secretly. He also secretly used one of the five supreme and all-around trump cards, the supernatural power in charge of the Heavenly Dao, to rapidly enhance the abilities of the natural men in all aspects.

The man of the natural race, with the secret help of the supernatural supernatural power of the Heavenly Dao, is like taking a big tonic, his strength soars rapidly, his abilities in all aspects are rapidly enhanced, and his overall strength doubles!

"Boom!" There was a loud bang that shattered the sky!

The two of them fought fiercely against each other!

The void shatters, the space collapses!

The silhouette is split!

In the void, the man of the natural race was knocked back dozens of meters, while the man of the gray race was like a kite with a broken string, spewing blood arrows, and flew backwards, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye, life and death unknown!

Obviously, in this duel, the natural man won the final victory.

That is to say, Tai Yutian's great magic of knowing the future was defeated by Ji Haotian's great supernatural power in charge of the Dao of Heaven.

The supernatural power of the Heavenly Dao in charge is the ancestor of all supernatural powers and spells. It is known that the great supernatural powers of the future are innate supernatural powers, but they are still supernatural powers and cannot compete with the supernatural powers of the supernatural powers in charge of the Heavenly Dao.

The supernatural power of the Heavenly Dao in charge belongs to the supreme super-almighty level, while the anti-knowledge of the future great magical power belongs to the almighty level, how can the omnipotence surpass the super-almighty!

Outside the Three Thousand Primal Chaos Cave, Tai Yutian glared at Ji Haotian and said angrily, "Ji Haotian, you are cruel!"

Sigismund smiled lightly and said, "Almighty lost to Super Almighty. Tai Yutian, you are Almighty, and Ji Haotian is Super Almighty. You and Ji Haotian are doomed to fail!"

Ji Haotian looked at Tai Yutian who was annoyed and unwilling, and smiled lightly: "Xiao Yuzi, you lost, fulfill your promise!"

Tai Yutian's eyes flickered and it was difficult to choose. He was really unwilling and unwilling to give Ji Haotian the seeds of the great magic of knowing the future.

Sigismund said indifferently: "I'm the referee, Tai Yutian, if you don't show me face, I'll be very angry. When I get angry, I'm even afraid of myself!"

Tai Yutian looked at Sigsmond and said coldly: "Sigsmond, what are you, you dare to threaten me! Don't forget, we Hunyuan Sanyu Emperor have three almighty treasures, and You only have one almighty treasure!"

Sigismund said: "I have a thousand times the combat power, fighting alone, none of you Hunyuan Sanyu Emperor is my opponent, even if you Hunyuan Sanyu Emperor join forces, they can't help me, the two sides are the most. It's a draw! But don't forget, there is another Ji Haotian who is countless times more dangerous at the scene. He possesses 16 all-around treasures! If Ji Haotian and I join forces, even if you don't die, you Emperor Hunyuan Sanyu will suffer heavy losses! "

Hunyuan Sanyudi didn't say anything, because what Sigsmond said was the truth.

Tai Yutian snorted coldly: "I, Tai Yutian, are not a good person, but I absolutely keep my promises, and I am not someone who can't afford to lose!"

After he finished speaking, he threw his shining seeds of the great divine art of ignoring the future to Ji Haotian.

So far, Ji Haotian has possessed twenty-three great divine arts, which are:

The Great Magic of Reverse Knowing the Future, the Great Magic of Whispering the Mountain and Move the Stone, the Great Magic of Reviving the Dead, the Great Magic of Flying the Body, the Great Magic of Nine Breaths, the Great Magic of Deriving Yuanyang, the Great Magic of Subduing the Dragon and the Tiger, the Great Magic of Patching the Sky and Bathing the Sun, Pushing the Mountain and Reclaiming the Sea The Great Magic, the Great Magic of Touching Stones into Gold, the Great Magic of Standing Upright and Shadowless, the Great Magic of Fetal Transformation, the Great Magic of Big and Small Ruyi, the Great Magic of Blossoming in an Instant, the Great Magic of Traveling the Spirit and the Great Magic of the Spirit, the Great Magic of Seeing Through the Walls, and the Return of the Wind Fire magic, mastering the five thunder magic, subterranean abyss and shrinking the earth, flying sand and moving stones, carrying mountains and super seas, throwing beans into soldiers, and nailing seven arrows.

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