In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1997: Resurrection magic

After being punished by the Heavenly Emperor, the Eternal Tribulation Ten Zhou Kings sang a song to Ji Haotian, and released the more than 3,000 young geniuses they kidnapped. The three thousand primordial chaotic cores that were born were no longer needed, and they all fled like lost dogs and walked away.

Ji Haotian and Sigismund who stayed behind continued to drink and eat meat. Sigsmond was the only one who witnessed the Emperor punish the Eternal Tribulation and Ten Universe Kings with his own eyes. He did not speak from the beginning to the end, and kept silent. No one knew. What is he thinking...

A few days later.

In the shade of a tree not far outside the Three Thousand Primal Chaos Cave, Ji Haotian and Sigismund sat in their respective places, closed their eyes and rested silently, waiting for the three thousand Primordial Chaos Core that was about to form.

At this time, Tai Zetian, the tall and handsome Emperor Mingjiyu came over, he looked at Ji Haotian and Sigsmond sitting under the shade of the tree, and smiled lightly: "Ji Haotian, Sigsmond, how can you two be? Sitting together? Are you two congenial? Are you embarrassed?"

Emperor Mingjiyu Tai Zetian——The main body is a chaotic behemoth in the starry beast family. The human image is a beautiful white man with white hair and white eyes, wearing a platinum crown, wearing a white imperial robe, and silver on the back of his head. Wisdom halo and various visions, possessing a chaotic body, twin transcendent talents, Dao supernatural power, great chaos technique and great space-time technique, controlling the power of the mysterious and mysterious, and holding the all-powerful treasure, the universe wheel.

The two who were sitting cross-legged opened their eyes and looked at Tai Zetian, Emperor Mingji Yu, who came over.

Ji Haotian suddenly said in surprise: "The seeds of the great magic art? Tai Zetian, you are really a lucky person, and you have obtained another kind of great magic seed, which is gratifying!"

Tai Zetian suddenly said vigilantly: "Bastard, are you happy? You stole a seed of a great divine art from me, and I haven't settled with you yet. Now you are thinking about my newly obtained great divine art seed?"

The great magic of resurrecting the dead, also known as Resurrection Tong, is one of the forty-nine great magic tricks of Tianyan. It lifts the dead and turns the flesh into the bones, returns the soul of the deceased to the corpse, and regenerates nirvana, showing the mystery of life and death. Reaching the extreme can revive and restart the universe, and revive hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe at the same time. Note: "Resurrection of deceased people, the supreme magic method, is the great supernatural power to resurrect all things and spirits."

Ji Haotian stood up and said with a smile, "I'm collecting the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, you know it too, you can be the beauty of an adult, sell me the seeds of the great divine arts of resurrection, and I'll give you 10 billion high-grade ultra-dimensional crystals! "

Tai Zetian said disdainfully: "10 billion high-grade ultra-dimensional crystals? It's your mouth! The resurrection of the dead is a great innate supernatural power, and it is a priceless treasure, not to mention 10 billion ultra-dimensional crystals. Trillions, ten trillion ultra-dimensional crystals can't be bought! Become your beauty? Am I sick? Son of a bitch, hurry up and return the seeds of my great magic to me, or I'll be with you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly stopped, his eyes dazed!

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Ji Haotian suddenly and secretly controlled Tai Zetian's mind by using the great magic technique of Yushen Yuqi, causing him to fall into a state of absolute dementia for a short time, standing there like a fool.

One of the forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan, it is one of the forty-nine divine arts of controlling the Dao, which is to control the supernatural powers of the Great Dao, refine the spirit out of one's body, and wander into the emptiness of the mind. Soul control, qi control, mixed control of soul and qi, can control the soul, control objects, control spirit, control force, control energy, control qi, control non-existence, control everything, and control everything in the universe. Note: "It includes the techniques of leaving the body and controlling the qi, which can control all things and all spirits and everything in the universe. This is the great supernatural power of control."

Afterwards, Ji Haotian slapped Tai Zetian unconscious with a slap, and then performed the great magic of deriving Yuanyang!

Deriving Yuanyang Great Divine Art, also known as Deprivation Tong, is one of the forty-nine Divine Art of Tianyan. One breathes one breath of life, and this breath is Yuanyang, and exporting Yuanyang is to deprive and export part of other people's Yuanyang. Deprive the enemy's Yuan Yang, export the Yang Qi in the body, absorb the opponent's Yuan Yang, strengthen one's own Yuan Yang, harm others and benefit oneself, and strengthen oneself. In addition, this technique can also deprive the opponent of essence, qi, spirit, cultivation, soul, strength, vitality, longevity, cause and effect, luck, weapons, items, chance, and good fortune, so as to capture the good fortune of heaven and earth, and reverse the yin and yang to seize the opportunity of heaven and earth. . Note: "Yuanyang people, that is, people can live a breath, and deriving Yuanyang's great magic can also be called deprivation of great magic."

Ji Haotian used the deriving Yuanyang magic technique to forcibly deprive Tai Zetian of the seeds of the great magic technique of resurrecting the dead and took it for himself, and then kicked Tai Zetian, who had passed out in a coma, 108,000 miles away.

So far, Ji Haotian's great magic has increased to twenty-one, namely:

The Great Magic of Reviving the Dead, the Great Magic of Flying the Body and the Trace, the Great Magic of Nine Breaths, the Great Magic of Deriving Yuanyang, the Great Magic of Subduing the Dragon and the Tiger, the Great Magic of Patching the Sky and Bathing the Sun, the Great Magic of Pushing the Mountain and Reclaiming the Sea, the Great Magic of Turning Stones into Gold, Standing Without Shadows The Great Magic, The Great Magic of Fetal Transformation, The Great Magic of Big and Small Ruyi, The Great Magic of Flower Blossoming Instantly, The Great Magic of Wandering Spirits, The Great Magic of Seeing Through the Walls, The Great Magic of Returning the Wind and Returning Fire, The Great Magic of Mastering the Five Thunders, The Great Magic of Shrinking the Abyss The magic of the earth, the magic of flying sand and moving the stone, the magic of relying on the mountains and the sea, the magic of throwing beans and forming an army, and the magic of nailing the head and seven arrows.

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