In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1987: 9 Supreme Elder Kings

After the Great Sage Anum appeared, he bowed to Ji Haotian to see His Majesty the Great and Noble Heavenly Emperor.

Ji Haotian was very happy to see the Great Sage Anum coming, smiled and said, "The Great Sage Anum, you came at a good time, the Daogu Tianwei Sacred Ancestor will be handed over to you to deal with!"

Anum Great Ancestor laughed and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I can still deal with this old guy, Daogu Tianwei Sage Ancestor, he has 70 Chaos Yanji cultivation base, but I have 77 Chaos Yanji. Ji Xiuwei will definitely beat him!"

Daogu Tianwei sage said indifferently: "If you start with me here, not only will everyone present be implicated and severely injured, but even the forty-nine innate qi and the entire planet will be destroyed!"

Anum Great Ancestor smiled indifferently and said: "Well, all of us old guys leave, do not participate in the competition for innate energy, and leave the competition for innate energy to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and Tai Yutian. Whoever gets the innate performance will belong to whoever."

Daogu Tianwei Sage Ancestor nodded and said, "Okay, I agree."

Exploring the Great Heavenly Sovereign smiled and said, "Our four Great Heavenly Sovereigns also agree, so the matter is settled!"

The Great Demon Lord Mamu suddenly exclaimed dissatisfiedly, "I don't agree, I firmly oppose it, it won't do us any good!"

The Great Demon Lord Porescoro also protested: "I don't agree either, it's not fair, you can't..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt a flower in front of his eyes!

"Bang!" A muffled sound!

The Great Ancestor of Anum suddenly kicked the Great Demon Lord Porescoro into outer space!

The other two Great Demon Lords dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and suddenly they rose into the air, turning into a gust of wind and black mist and leaving.

Daogu Tianwei Shengzu said goodbye to Taiyutian and left.

The Great Sage Anum and the four Great Heavenly Monarchs also bid farewell to Ji Haotian.

Before leaving, the Great Sage Anum passed a stream of information to Ji Haotian, which was information about the nine supreme elder kings of the Nine Great Forbidden Lands.

The nine supreme elder kings of the nine ultimate forbidden places, they are nine super-primitive powers who have spent seventy chaotic ages, extremely mysterious, ancient, unfathomable and incomparably powerful, they are the nine supreme forbidden places. The nine strongest, they hold nine almighty treasures and nine ultimate sticks, the nine sticks are combined, and their power is comparable to the creation treasure.

What is surprising and incomprehensible is that, for countless years, the nine supreme elder kings of the nine extreme forbidden places will deliberately pretend to tremble with fear every time they see the great master of heaven, and then reluctantly knelt down and kowtowed three times. This is to express "reverence" for the great master of heaven.

The nine supreme elder kings of the nine ultimate forbidden places are:

The Supreme Transcendent Heavenly Venerate—the transcendent god, the supreme elder king of Daoshan Mountain, in the image of an old man with white eyebrows of the human race, with white hair, long snow-white beard, wearing a purple robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, and the almighty treasure in his palm Great transcendent rod.

The Supreme Brahma God - the God of Profound Truth, the supreme elder king of the Brahma Palace, the image is a huge golden giant old man, with blond hair, golden eyebrows, golden beard, four arms, wearing a golden robe, and a silver halo of wisdom behind his head And all kinds of visions, the almighty treasure in the palm surpasses the Great Brahma Rod.

Daogu Tianwei Saint Ancestor - God of Endlessness, the supreme elder king of the black hole of Primordial Yuan, the image is a gray-haired gray-bearded gray giant old man, his body is as huge as a mountain, and his body is a chaotic behemoth in the starry sky behemoth clan , there is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, and he holds the Almighty Supreme Treasure Dao Gutianwei stick.

I am in all things - the **** of all things, the supreme elder king of the ultimate heaven, he is an ancient existence that transcends logic, cause and effect, time and space, and dimensions. It usually appears in the image of a silver-haired old man of Yuzu with 10,000 arms, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, holding the almighty treasure I in the stick of all things.

The time of our almighty - the **** of power, the supreme elder king of transcendence, he is omnipotent and omnipotent, transcending all time, space, cause and effect, law, possibility and all existence and non-existence, in the image of having ten thousand eyes The blond old man of the Zhou clan has a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, and he holds the almighty rod, the almighty treasure.

The Dimensional Void Godmother - the **** of the void, the supreme elder king of the Taixu Forbidden Region, the image is a blue-haired old woman with twelve star wings on her back, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head, holding the almighty treasure dimensional void stick.

Our Lady of Eternal Source Nucleus - the God of Source Nucleus, the supreme elder king of the Hongmeng Temple, in the image of a Semitic blond old woman with four golden faces and four golden wings, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head, and an almighty treasure in the palm of her hand. Eternal Source Scepter.

The Infinite Primitive God Ancestor - the God of Primitive, the supreme elder king of the Chaos Shrine, the image is a bald, big-eyed, short-statured gray old man, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, and an almighty treasure Infinite Primitive Stick in his palm.

Eternal Tribulation and Immortality Dharma Ancestor - the **** of immortality, the supreme elder king of the Eternal Tribulation Universe, the image is a blue-haired and blue-bearded old man of the starry sky giant clan, wearing a dark blue robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head. The supreme treasure is indestructible rod.

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