In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1985: Daogu Tianwei Saint Ancestor

Gao Tianjun smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, these three shameless old devils have been handed over to us, and we must give them some color to see."

When the three Great Demon Sovereigns on the opposite side saw the arrival of the four Great Heavenly Sovereigns, they all frowned. Three to four, they would suffer!

The Great Demon Lord Porescoro said coldly, "What are you four **** **** doing here?"

Analyzing Da Tianjun replied casually, "We've had enough to eat, so let's go out for a walk and digest it."

The Great Demon Mother Batibat, in the image of a fat old woman, said, "How much **** have you eaten and traveled so far to digest?"

Exploring Da Tianjun said: "You don't eat a lot, you fat girl, you are too fat, you must be eating too much shit!"

The Great Demon Mother Batibat snorted coldly, "You're full of feces, you must have eaten more!"

Observing the Great Heavenly Monarch shook his head and said, "No, no, no, you're polite, we don't eat as much as you do. You are so fat, you must be full of feces."

The Great Demon Lord Mamu called out impatiently: "Okay, don't talk shit, let's get down to business!"

Gao Tianjun smiled contemptuously and said, "What you do is devilish, there is no serious business."

The Great Demon Lord Porescoro rolled his eyes at him and said, "The secret realm of innate qi in Tianyan Lake is about to form and come into existence. A total of forty-nine innate qi were born in the innate chaos in the secret realm. In order to prevent us from If there is an accident due to the scramble, let's assign the ownership in advance!"

Ji Haotian opened his mouth and said, "I need thirty-six innate performance qi, and the remaining thirteen innate performance qi, you can share!"

Tai Yutian said arrogantly: "I want thirty-six innate performances, and you can share the remaining thirteen!"

The Great Demon Mother Batibati glared and scolded: "Arrogant and arrogant, I don't have the share of you two little brats, get out of the way!"

Analyzing the Great Heavenly Sovereign smiled at Ji Haotian and said, "Your Majesty, the thirty-six innate evolution qi can make your cultivation breakthrough to the first-order galaxy realm, if you swallow and refine all the forty-nine innate evolution qi, you The cultivation base should be able to directly break through to the third-order galaxy realm."

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "Since this is the case, I want all the forty-nine innate performances. Four Great Heavenly Sovereigns, you will stop these three old demons when the time comes, and I will deal with Tai Yutian, this bastard."

The four Great Heavenly Monarchs nodded in agreement.

The three Great Demon Lords all showed anger. They couldn't do anything about Ji Haotian, so they turned their anger on Tai Yutian, and all of them stared at Tai Yutian with bad eyes, like three big bad wolves staring at a little sheep. .

Demon Lord Ma Mu said viciously at Tai Yutian: "Fuck, Ji Haotian is protected and has arrogant capital, you are arrogant? Who protects you? Where is your protector? Let him get out! If you If there is no guardian, I will kill you immediately!"

Tai Yutian has always been calm, and he said with a contemptuous smile: "How arrogant! Kill me? Try it! If you can kill me, you are amazing!"

The Great Demon Lord Polescoro suddenly punched Taiyutian with a monstrous demonic energy and endless demonic might!

"Boom!" An earth-shattering loud noise!

Under the shocked and horrified gazes of everyone at the scene, the Great Demon Lord Porescoro was directly shaken out by dozens of meters, his body was unstable, and he was a little embarrassed.

On the other hand, Tai Yutian didn't change his face and didn't move.

It wasn't that Tai Yutian threw the Great Demon Lord Porescolo back, but that a mysterious ancient gray-haired giant old man appeared beside Tai Yutian at some point. He was dressed in a gray robe and held an almighty treasure. Scepter, with a shining silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

On the opposite side, the Great Demon Mother Batibat said in surprise: "The supreme elder of the Hunyuan Black Hole, King Dao Gutianwei Saint Ancestor, you were born too!"

Daogu Tianwei Saint Ancestor - God of The Supreme Elder King of Hunyuan Black Hole, the image is a gray-haired gray-bearded gray giant old man, his body is as huge as a mountain, and his body is a starry sky behemoth The chaotic behemoth in the clan has a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, and he palms the almighty and most precious way, the ancient sky-dimensional staff.

Daogu Tianwei Sage's face was expressionless, and his old and loud voice said: "An old and immortal old devil bullying a child is really shameless and utterly bastard!"

Next, under the shocked and unbelievable gazes of everyone at the scene, Daogu Tianwei Sage Ancestor looked at Ji Haotian. He suddenly pretended to be trembling with fear, and then reluctantly knelt down to Ji Haotian and kowtowed three times. After that, he stood up, expressionless, as if nothing had happened!

"Uh..." Ji Haotian, who was shocked, was speechless. He was puzzled, but he didn't ask the reason. He knew such a shameful thing.

He looked at the four Great Heavenly Sovereigns beside him, and the four Great Heavenly Sovereigns also all looked confused and smiled bitterly to show that they did not understand.

The one who was most shocked and envied and hated was Tai Yutian, who shouted angrily at Daogutianwei Saint Ancestor: "Supreme Elder King, you don't respect me so much, why do you fear Ji Haotian so much? I even gave him three kowtows, you... this is a great shame! You are the supreme elder king of our ultimate forbidden Hunyuan Black Hole, you represent our Hunyuan Black Hole, you actually gave Ji Haotian three kowtows, you... …Are you crazy?"

Daogu Tianwei Sage Ancestor said indifferently: "Your Majesty Emperor Yu, you will get used to it in the future!"

Tai Yutian said angrily: "What did you say? I'll get used to it in the future? What do you the future, when you see Ji Haotian, you will kowtow three times to him?"

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