In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1983: I'm interested in the 12 Swords of Heaven

The three major demons, Mamu Great Demon Lord, Porescoro Great Demon Lord, and Batibat Great Demon Mother, appeared at the same time.

Among them, Mamu, the Great Demon Lord, looked at Ji Haotian and Tai Yutian, and let out a devilish laugh: "Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, Hundong Yu Emperor Tai Yutian, you two sons are actually here!"

Ji Haotian was secretly vigilant, but on the surface he was calm. He said coldly, "What are you three old devils doing here?"

The Great Demon Lord Porescoro made a cold and harsh voice and said: "The secret realm of Xiantian Qi in Tianyan Lake is about to be formed and will appear in this world. We are here for Xiantian Qi, and you two little brats are here for this purpose, right? "

Ji Haotian said unhurriedly, "That's right, we are here for exactly the same purpose. Is innate qi also useful to super-primitive powers like you?"

"Our current cultivation base is only restored to the multiverse realm," said the Great Demon Mother of Batibart. "Innate qi is indeed useful to us. Your Ji Haotian's supreme blood is more useful to us."

Tai Yutian interjected: "Since Ji Haotian's supreme blood of heaven is useful to you, let's bleed Ji Haotian! Don't miss this opportunity, the time will never come."

Mamu Great Demon Lord said: "This is the purpose of our appearance, Ji Haotian, do you want us to bleed you, or do you bleed us yourself? We are not greedy, you only need to give us the blood of the six gourds. I'll let you go, after all, you are the master of heaven, and we don't want to offend you to death!"

The Great Demon Lord Porescoro looked at Ji Haotian, his eyes widened suddenly, and he exclaimed, "Fuck, sixteen almighty treasures, plus the Heavenly Dao Universe Mountain and the Heavenly Kingdom Continent, you Ji Haotian actually own eighteen pieces now. The almighty treasure!"

Hearing this, Tai Yutian looked at Ji Haotian in surprise. He didn't expect that Ji Haotian did not possess sixteen almighty treasures, but eighteen almighty treasures. He became more and more envious and jealous!

The Great Demon Mother Batibat asked, "Ji Haotian, what are the names of your twelve peerless swords and almighty treasures?"

Ji Haotian said indifferently, "The twelve swords of the Tao of Heaven."

The Great Demon Lord Ma Mu suddenly shouted with fiery eyes: "I have seen the twelve swords of the Heavenly Dao, give it to me!"

Suddenly, four tall, handsome men with different skin tones appeared out of nowhere. All of them had a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind their heads. They were mighty and mysterious.

These four people are impressively the fourth of the Thirty-six Presidents of the Heavenly Elder Society and the Thirty-six Super-Dimensional Great Heavenly Sovereigns.

Collect Datianjun: The shape is similar to a huge spindle-shaped super barrel, about one thousand meters high. There are starfish-shaped appendages at the bottom of the body, and the head of the five-pointed star at the top has five giant golden eyes, five siphons and a set of ciliated tissue for sensing the outside world in a dark environment; the bottom of the five-pointed star appendages resemble shellfish. Axe feet, used for walking and other forms of movement. In addition, it has five pairs of leather-like wings and five sets of golden tentacles sprouting from the body. The personified image is a tall and handsome yellow man, wearing a golden crown, wearing a yellow robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large dimension technique and big collection technique.

Analysis of Datianjun: In its natural state, it is a vortex of green energy, and the naked eye cannot capture their image at all. Only on fairly rare occasions does it create a tangible, visible body for itself. These bodies are huge and bizarre, a bit like giant green reptiles, with huge green heads and long tails; but upon closer inspection, they are nothing like any reptile that has ever existed in the universe. The personified image is a tall and handsome green man, wearing a green and gold crown, wearing a green robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and big analysis technique.

Explore Datianjun: It is a super-large purple super alien creature with a body as huge as a mountain. Each arm has two forearms with sharp claws, and its feet resemble birds or dinosaurs. It is covered with purple fur. It has a pair of protruding purple eyes scattered on the sides of its head, emitting a purple light. The personified image is a tall and handsome man of purple race, wearing a purple-gold crown and purple robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and great exploration technique.

Observe Datianjun: Its body is a huge brown mass with eight shining brown eyes on it, and countless brown whip-like tentacles grow on the mass. There was also a huge mouth open around the mass, from which brown mucus was dripping continuously, and under the body were strong brown limbs with brown-gold claws. The personified image is a tall and handsome brown man, wearing a brown and gold crown, wearing a brown robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and big observation technique.

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