In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1980: Flying Body Trace Great Magic

Emperor Hundong Yu Tai Yutian raised his eyebrows and asked, "Ji Haotian, you are so bold and fat, how dare you steal the seeds of my two good brothers' great magic!"

Ji Haotian said, "I still want to rob you of the seeds of the Great Divine Technique of Flying Body and Trace."

Hundong Yu Emperor Tai Yutian said coldly: "Then it depends on whether you have that ability. Ji Haotian, what are you doing here?"

Ji Haotian said, "The purpose is the same as yours."

Taiyu Tiandao: "You even predicted that the secret realm of innate qi formation is about to form and come into existence?"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "Yes, innate performance is useful to me, I want it."

Taiyu Tiandao: "Nonsense, innate qi is one of the nine innate qi. It is the source of all things. Who is useless? If you want, you have to pass me."

The nine innate qi, the nine kinds of innate qi, are innate when the world is chaotic, there are three ancestral qi, Xuan, Yuan, and ShiXiantian. Innate nine qi: the ancestor qi produces mixed qi blue, the mixed qi gives rise to hole qi red, and the hole qi gives rise to bright qi blue; the Yuan ancestral qi gives rise to min and min qi green, min qi gives rise to prosperity yellow, and the prosperity gives rise to elusive qi white; Xuanzu's qi is mellow and mellow, and the qi is purple.

The nine congenital qi are: congenital mixed qi, congenital hole qi, congenital bright qi, congenital min qi, congenital prosperity qi, congenital escape qi, congenital melting qi, congenital flaming qi, congenital energizing qi.

Ji Haotian said, "I was just about to see the great magic of flying body traces, which is known as Space Linkage. Come on, show it and let me see it!"

Taiyu Tiandao: "Aren't you collecting the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan? I can exchange it with you."

Ji Haotian asked, "What do you want to exchange?"

Taiyu Tiandao: "I'll give you the seeds of the Great Divine Art of Flying Body, and you will give me an almighty treasure."

Ji Haotian suddenly punched Tai Yutian as fast as lightning.

The space was shattered by Ji Haotian's punch, but Tai Yutian disappeared, leaving only a slight space fluctuation.

Ji Haotian sighed, "The space jump of the Great Divine Art of Flying Body and Trace is really mysterious!"

The great magic of flying body and trace, also known as space communication, one of the forty-nine great magic tricks of Tianyan, hidden in the universe, roaming in the world, unknowable, unsearchable, unobservable, exists in the universe, but not in the universe ; Control the power of space, can space invisible, space jump, space cutting, space confinement. Note: "This is the supreme supernatural power of space."

The space in the other direction was distorted for a while, and Tai Yutian appeared out of thin air again. He slapped Ji Haotian with a palm in the air, drawing out a silver light, like silver lightning!

The space cutting of the great magic of flying body traces!

The space in the area where Ji Haotian was located was instantly cut open, revealing huge space cracks and terrifying and violent space turbulence!

On the other hand, Ji Haotian disappeared out of thin air and disappeared without a trace.

Soon, he appeared out of thin air in the other direction.

Tai Yutian once again used the space confinement of the great magic of flying body and trace, instantly imprisoning the space where Ji Haotian was, and imprisoning Ji Haotian in the space as well.


A crisp sound!

The imprisoned space Ji Haotian was in was shattered like glass!

Tai Yutian exclaimed: "One force can break ten thousand methods, this is the great magic of holding mountains and super seas!"

The supernatural power of the mountain and the sea, also known as the power pass, is one of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan. Those who practice this technique are physically tyrannical, devouring the heavens and the earth, manipulating the wind, water and thunder and lightning, moving mountains and seas, changing the world, and the power is endless. Note: "This is the great supernatural power of infinite power."

Ji Haotian suddenly jumped up with a flash of lightning, and a 3,000 Tiandao cosmic fist slammed into Tai Yutian.

At the same time, Tai Yutian slammed a punch with an unparalleled endless qi!

"Bang!" There was a loud bang!

The two of them took three steps back in a row. They were evenly matched, regardless of strength.

Although Ji Haotian has 3,000 times the combat power, Tai Yutian is two big realms and twenty small realms higher than him, and he is still beyond genius, so the two of them are evenly matched, and it is hard to tell the difference between the strong and the weak.

The two were about to make another move when three men from the Neng Clan Star Territory came over.

The Neng Clan, also known as the Energy God Clan, ranked twelfth in the "List of All Clans in the Universe". The image is very similar to the human purple race, with four arms. Their faces are slightly long and thin, and most of the Neng people have slightly pointed chins, mostly melon-seed faces and goose-oval faces. Neng people have long and slender eyebrows, tall and long noses, but smaller nose tips and slightly narrower nose wings; most Neng people have thin lips and small mouths; long and large ears are close to the head.

The Neng people will keep their hair long and well-groomed, and their hair will not be messy. Their eyes are bright and sharp, their eyesight and hearing are far superior to other races, and they can see everything billions of miles away. The skin of the Neng tribe is lavender, and the hair is mostly purple. Most of their pupils are purple pupils, and a few impure Neng tribes have pure black pupils.

The number of energy races is extremely large and spreads across countless multiverses. They are born to be closely integrated with various energies of the universe, relying on absorbing various energies in the universe to enhance themselves, and can create, destroy, devour, manipulate, dominate, ignore, restart, and ingest. , twist, divide, absorb all kinds of energy in the universe.

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