In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1977: The great magic of repairing the sky and bathing the sun

Chi Hunyu Emperor Taiweitian said coldly: "The twelve swords of the heavenly way, the twelve almighty treasures, you Ji Haotian really got **** luck! Since you got the twelve swords of the heavenly way, take the remaining four almighty pieces of yours. Sell ​​all the treasures to me?"

Ji Haotian said, "I've fallen in love with your nine-breath persuasion technique, will you sell me the seeds of the nine-breath persuasion technique?"

Taiwei Tiandao: "Okay, I will exchange my nine-breath persuasion magic for your four almighty treasures."

Ji Haotian said: "You first give me the nine-breath convincing magic technique."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Aren't you stupid?"

"What do you say?"

"I think you are a big fool."

"You're a **** idiot!"

"Why are you talking nonsense if you're not stupid? You have to be kicked in the head by a donkey for a mere seed of a great magical technique to be exchanged for my four almighty treasures!"

"I was kicked by you, bastard, shut up your stinky mouth!" Tai Weitian glared and scolded.

"Do you have a fragrant mouth? Your mouth is even more stinky. It's full of feces!" Ji Haotian exclaimed wildly.

Tai Weitian was furious, and suddenly punched Ji Haotian with a punch!

However, the void was shattered, but Ji Haotian disappeared, leaving only the layers of energy fluctuations left by the folding of time and space.

Tai Weitian said in surprise: "Folding time and space? It's like a great magic technique to make up the sky and bathing sun!"

The great magic of repairing the sky and bathing the sun, also known as space-time communication, one of the forty-nine great magics of Tianyan, has the ability to repair the sky and the mighty power of bathing the sun. The power of time and space can travel through time and space, seal time and space, fold time and space, and stop time and space. Note: "This is the mighty power of creating heaven and earth, and it is the great supernatural power of time and space."

The time and space in the other direction distorted for a while, Ji Haotian flashed out, and he smiled lightly: "You have eyesight, this is one of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, the great divine art of repairing the sky and bathing the sun."

Tai Weitian's eyes suddenly shot out two rays of destruction, and lightning bolts shot at Ji Haotian!

Ji Haotian quickly used the time-space seal of the great divine art of mending the sky and bathing the sun, directly sealing the time-space in front of him as fast as lightning!

Taiweitian's light of destruction was also cancelled after being sealed by the great magic of repairing the sky and bathing the sun!

Tai Weitian exclaimed in amazement: "The time and space seal of the great magic of repairing the sky and bathing the sun has even sealed the light. It is worthy of being a supreme supernatural power, it is really amazing!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly shot again, and instantly condensed countless spears of revenge, and shot Ji Haotian overwhelmingly with the might of destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

Ji Haotian quickly disrupted the time and space of the great divine art of mending the sky and bathing the sun, imprisoning all the surrounding time and space, and the countless spears of vengeance that were shot were also stopped, suspended in all directions, falling into an eternal state of stillness!

Taiweitian shouted: "The time and space of the sun-repairing magic technique is still, time and space are stopped at the same time, and everything is in an endless state of stillness. It is really mysterious and powerful! Ji Haotian, give me the seeds of the great divine art of repairing the sky and bathing the sun, hurry up, give it to me!"

"Give you a dead head!"

Ji Haotian said that he once again used the various supernatural abilities of the great sun-boosting technique, and swiftly attacked Taiweitian.

The two peerless geniuses suddenly fought on the cliff and fought fiercely together.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"


A few hours later, the two were still fighting fiercely, evenly matched, and it was hard to tell the winner.

At this moment, Taiweitian suddenly released his Great Realm of Hongmeng, and instantly covered Ji Haotian within his great domain, trying to suppress Ji Haotian with this.

However, Ji Haotian's great divine art of mending the sun and bathing the sun is too powerful, possessing absolute space-time communication, and he can travel through time and space in an instant, directly piercing through his great realm of Hongmeng!

Taiweitian, who possesses the Hongmeng Taoist body and controls the Hongmeng Avenue, has never been so aggrieved. His seven orifices are filled with anger, and he jumps like thunder.

However, he was a step behind. Ji Haotian smashed twelve almighty and supreme treasures and twelve swords of the Heavenly Dao at the same time before him, forming the ultimate Heavenly Dao Judgment Formation. Taiweitian is strongly suppressing!

The price paid by Ji Haotian to destroy the twelve almighty treasures at the same time for the twelve swords of the Heavenly Dao is large enough. Not only did he burn one billion ultra-dimensional crystals in an instant, but his soul force also seemed to have been evacuated and fell into a weak state, unable to destroy it any longer. Move other treasures, otherwise his soul will be severely damaged even if it does not collapse!

Ji Haotian destroyed the twelve swords of the Heavenly Dao to form the ultimate Heavenly Dao Judgment Array and instantly suppressed Taiweitian. Performing the great divine art of making up the sky and bathing sun disappears out of thin air in an instant, and travels away through time and space.

His soul is currently in a weak state, and he can no longer destroy the almighty and supreme treasure, the purple lotus, so he directly casts the great divine art of repairing the sky and bathing the sun, which also has a space-time connection, and instantly travels through time and space.

Taiwei Tian got up from the ground in embarrassment. He had never suffered such humiliation before. He was so angry that he was so angry that he jumped like thunder and roared up to the sky.

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