In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1964: 4 Great Magic Seeds

Eternal King Yin Cheng looked at the enchantment of the ancient four sacred tombs in the sky and frowned: "This ancient enchantment of the four sacred tombs in the sky is a super innate hybrid avenue enchantment formed by mixing four kinds of super-primitive powers, which is the power. We can’t break it even if the attackers come, our cultivation base is limited, and the power of the Almighty Treasure is limited, even if we destroy the Almighty Treasure, it may not be able to break this super-primitive almighty enchantment!”

Destiny Zhou Wang Mingxiao nodded. He looked at Ji Haotian and said, "Ji Haotian, your cultivation is too low, and it is impossible for you to enter this super-primitive power barrier alone. Let's all join forces! Tiandao Pagoda, we will burn a large amount of ultra-dimensional crystals together as the original force to enhance the power of Tiandao Pagoda. With the help of Tiandao Pagoda, we still have hope of entering the enchantment."

Ji Haotian also knew that it would be difficult for him to enter this super-primitive and mighty super-powerful barrier by himself. He nodded in agreement at the moment, burning a large amount of super-dimensional crystals as the original force to destroy the super-treasure Tiandao Pagoda.

At the same time, the Ten Eternal Tribulation Kings also quickly burned massive amounts of Ultra-Dimensional Crystals as the original force, constantly enhancing the power of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda.

Ji Haotian's power of the Heavenly Dao, which smashed out the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, enveloped everyone, and slowly penetrated toward the barrier of the ancient four sacred tombs in the sky.

Soon after, there was a muffled sound of "bang", and everyone successfully entered the barrier of the Four Holy Tombs in the ancient sky, and everyone was overjoyed.

Ji Haotian took back the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, and together with the Eternal Tribulation Ten Zhou Kings, they all escaped into the ancient tombs of the Four Sages in the Sky.

Soon, everyone just felt that their eyes were bright, and they appeared in a quiet and beautiful secret realm outside the world.

They were amazed, they never thought that the Four Sacred Tombs in the ancient sky turned out to be a paradise-like secret realm!

They passed through the towering woods formed by various magical trees, and came to an open green meadow.

There are four ancient white stone altars in the center of the empty land. On each altar, there is a shimmering slap-sized great divine art seed, colorful and beautiful, exuding endless brilliance and infinite coercion.

Everyone stepped forward and looked at the four great magic seeds on the four altars, and they were all pleasantly surprised.

Space Eternal King Konglin said excitedly: "Sure enough, they are four of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, the seeds of flying sand and moving stones, the seeds of mountain and super sea, the seeds of sprinkling beans and turning into soldiers, and the seeds of nail head. Seeds of the Seven Arrows!"

Everyone was happy and happy, but they were not dazzled by the joy, and they did not directly rush to fight, because their almighty treasures sensed that these four great magic seeds were dangerous, to be precise, yes There is a crisis hidden in the four great divine arts!

Hope Zhou Wang Yuanyao looked at Ji Haotian, who was beside him, and said with a half-smile, "Ji Haotian, aren't you collecting the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan? The seeds of the four great divine arts are right in front of you. Why don't you, a robber, rush to grab them?"

Ji Haotian smiled lightly and said, "Didn't you guys rush to grab it? I want to watch the battle between you, the Ten Zhou Kings of Eternal Tribulation, because of these four seeds of great magic."

Lunxuan, the king of reincarnation, said with a light smile: "We are very compatible with the ten kings of the eternal robbery. Although these four seeds of great magic are very attractive, we will not fight for it! The seeds of great magic have innate spirituality. It is up to them who they think is the master, we will not fight, whoever is recognized by the seeds of the great divine art is his creation."

Eternal King Yincheng said to Ji Haotian, "Ji Haotian, what do you see in these four seeds of great magic?"

Ji Haotian smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing more than the remnants of four super-primitive powers!"

Destiny King Zhou Mingxiao nodded and said: "Our almighty treasures have also been sensed. The four remnants of the four saints in the sky are hidden in the four great magic seeds. They are not completely extinct. Although they are in the state of remnants now, but Its strength is comparable to the multiverse realm, three realms higher than our Eternal Tribulation Ten Universe King, and five realms higher than your Ji Haotian!"

The cultivation of super-dimensional people is divided into ten major realms, from low to high, they are:

Planetary Realm, Star Realm, Nebula Realm, Galaxy Realm, Star Realm Realm, Single Universe Realm, Parallel Universe Realm, Multiverse Realm, Super Universe Realm, Core Universe Realm realm).

Chuangxi, the Queen of Creation, frowned and said, "The remnants of the Four Saints in the Sky are too powerful. Even if we destroy the Almighty Treasure, it will be difficult to destroy them!"

The Space Eternal King Konglin looked at Ji Haotian and said with a smile: "The almighty treasure can't be done, isn't there a tower beyond the Supreme Treasure! If we and Ji Haotian can join forces to destroy the Tiandao Pagoda and enter this barrier, we can also work together to destroy the Tiandao Pagoda and destroy the four saints in the sky. The remnant of the soul!"

Everyone, including Ji Haotian, nodded in agreement. They all joined forces to destroy the Supreme Treasure Heaven Taoist Pagoda. There is indeed hope to wipe out the remnants of the four saints in the sky in one fell swoop. If they do not join forces, then there is no hope at all!

Ji Haotian said: "Okay, let's join forces again, we will destroy the Heavenly Dao Tower and destroy the remnant souls of the Four Sages in the Sky. After the remnants of the Four Sages in the Sky are destroyed, these four Great Divine Art Seeds will choose their own masters, who can get them? Their approval is someone's creation, and it's useless for others to be unwilling!"

Eternal Tribulation Ten Zhou Kings nodded in agreement.

At the same time, they fixed their eyes on the four great divine art seeds on the four altars.

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