In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1955: Wandering gods and gods

The Yulun Mountains, located in the northwest region of the Sky Continent, are the habitat of the mysterious Yulun ancient people.

The ancient Jade Wheels, a jade-colored alien race, are shaped like the faces of jade-colored living creatures, each with a wheel on the ground, and their legs are four strange jade-colored wheels. The shape and color of the wheel resembles water blue jade. It is like a wheel within a wheel, and when the wheel travels, it can go straight in all directions without turning. There are eyes around the four wheels. The living creature walks, and the wheel walks beside it. As the living creatures rise from the earth, so do the wheels. The speed of the wheel clan is extremely fast, which has exceeded the speed of light. The speed of the powerful wheel clan can even reach dozens of times the speed of light, and the great cycle of talent avenues and supernatural powers.

There is a vast deep valley in the depths of the Yulun Mountains. There are ancient palaces and huge altars in the valley. There are many guards from the ancient Yulun tribe.

This is the ancestral land of the Yulun Ancient Clan, and it is also a forbidden place for the Yulun Ancient Clan. Even the natives are not allowed to enter without authorization. Violators will be severely punished.

Deep in the ancestral land of the ancient Yulun tribe is a mountain shrouded with strange rocks and mist, and in the mountain there is a huge and ancient white pagoda.

At this moment, a beautiful green-haired woman with a green-gold horn suddenly appeared in front of the huge and ancient White Pagoda. Behind her head was a silver halo of wisdom and various visions.

This woman is the life queen Shengyao, one of the ten kings of the eternal robbery in the ultimate forbidden land, the eternal robbery, and her cultivation is in the star realm.

Shengyao, the Queen of Life - a beautiful woman of green race with green hair and green eyes, with a green-gold horn on her head, a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of her head, twin creation-level talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great life art and great death Art, Almighty Treasure Life Clothes.

Shengyao, the queen of life, was observing the huge and ancient white pagoda in front of her when suddenly, the first and second concubines appeared out of thin air.

The two sides looked at each other and were not surprised, they obviously recognized each other's identity.

Shengyao, the queen of life, said coldly: "The first queen and the second concubine, you three **** are really ruthless. Not only did you beat the Death King Zhou to death, but you also stole his great magic seed!"

Pan Tianchan said coldly, "Don't worry, you bitch, it's your turn soon!"

Shengyao, the Queen of Life, said coldly: "Why, you still want to beat me up and take away my great magic seed?"

Feng'e Huang said coldly: "If you give us the seeds of the Great Spiritual Art of Yushen Yuqi, we don't need to beat you."

Shengyao, the queen of life, suddenly shouted coldly: "Kneel down! Kneel down! Hmm? Why don't you kneel down?"

Sheng Yao, the queen of life, tried to control the minds of the first and second concubines by performing the great magic of wandering spirits and imperial qi, and asked them to kneel, but the first and second concubines were indifferent and did not kneel down for her, which made her look surprised. The second concubine was virtually immune or broke her great magic technique of wandering spirits and imperial qi!

One of the forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan, it is one of the forty-nine divine arts of controlling the Dao, which is to control the supernatural powers of the Great Dao, refine the spirit out of one's body, and wander into the emptiness of the mind. Soul control, qi control, mixed control of soul and qi, can control the soul, control objects, control spirit, control force, control energy, control qi, control non-existence, control everything, and control everything in the universe. Note: "It includes the techniques of leaving the body and controlling the qi, which can control all things and all spirits and everything in the universe. This is the great supernatural power of control."

Among the soul sources of the first and second concubines, there are three main characters of creation and three treasures of creation to protect their minds, so they are automatically immune to the control of the Great God of Wandering Spirituality.

The nominative figure of the fifteen avenues dominated by the fifteen avenues not only represents their personalities, but is also a super-almighty force, in charge of the fifteen highest avenues, possessing all kinds of mysterious and infinite supernatural powers.

Aglaia sneered and said, "Kneeling on your dead head, you slut, it is despicable and shameless to use the Great Spiritual Power of Wandering God to sneak attack secretly!"

Pan Tianchan said to the two sisters beside her, "Shengyao is protected by the almighty treasure, we directly use the treasure of creation to suppress her and seize the seeds of the Great Spiritual Art of Yushen Yuqi!"

The first and second concubines quickly shot at the same time, burning a large amount of ultra-dimensional crystals as the original force, destroying the three great treasures of creation - the destiny disk, the causal chain, and the creation pillar!

Suddenly, the sky turned upside down, the void shattered, and the space collapsed!

"Boom!" A loud bang!

The first queen and the second concubine smashed the three great creation treasures to suppress the might of eternity, and violently and violently suppressed the queen of life Shengyao to the ground!

Afterwards, Pan Tianchan quickly took action and used the supernatural power of destiny to forcibly deprive the seed of the wandering spirit and imperial power of the queen of life Shengyao.

After the goal was achieved, the first and second concubines quickly shuttled through the space and walked away!

Shengyao, the queen of life, had unkempt hair, and got up from the ground in a state of embarrassment. Not only was she beaten, but she also took away the seeds of the great divine art of Yushen Yuqi, causing her seven orifices of anger to become smoke, and she jumped like thunder and cursed.

She still has powerful trump cards that she has yet to display, such as her creation-level avenue field, such as her almighty treasure. However, the first and second concubines did not give her a chance to launch a big move, and directly used the three strongest ultimate trump cards. Treasures of creation, thunderous, fast as lightning, strong suppression, in one go!

As a result, Shengyao, the Queen of Life, was beaten and robbed in such a confused and extremely sad way!

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