In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1950: Transcendence and Taixu Forbidden Realm

5. Beyond the realm, it is extremely mysterious, ancient, terrifying, huge and incredible. The transcendence world is a "world" composed of zero points. The transcendence world is located outside all time and space. It is a void without any space-time and matter but with infinite energy. But even in a single universe, as long as you can divide matter infinitely to the point of non-existence, you can traverse or connect to transcendence.

The essence of true absolute infinity is "nothing", and only "nothingness" is truly absolute infinity. Therefore, the infinity beyond the realm is the real infinity. If you randomly create a non-existent zero point in the infinity beyond the realm, there are infinite dimensions of infinite infinity. And in a certain infinite infinite dimension, when you can divide matter infinitely into non-existence, you can return to the transcendental realm of absolute infinity but "nothing".

Transcendence is the existence beyond all systems (including countless multiverses), transcendence world, representing absolute infinity, full of intangible, intangible and infinite energy. In the eyes of Transcendence Realm, the entire infinite dimension of the phase world is not even a basic particle in his eyes. For it, a trillion trillion-dimensional space is not as good as an atom. In other words, it's easier for him to destroy a trillion trillion-dimensional spaces than it blows away a speck of dust. And all the matter and energy outside the countless multiverses all come from the transcendence.

The transcendence world is the original state of everything. It has neither beginning nor end. It contains all creation and all things are eternal. Beyond existence and all encompassing, all concepts and meanings are useless before it, and growth and ascension are meaningless to it. In its inexhaustible interplay, in its union and reintegration of all its colors, noises and negative spaces, a primordial force is created that transcends everything, tearing apart infinite abstractions and heaven, and will encompass everything imaginable. Infinite force compresses into the singularity, devours all existence, and thereby transforms into all form itself, creates all reality, creates dimension in every creation, perception, structure, rules and constants... appear in it. All transcendence, all encompassing, all meaning, all Brahman, all indescribable, all super-logical and self-consistent things are in essence the expressive approximation and simulation of the transcendence. The nature of the original can be intuitively explained in words: the original state of transcendence cannot even be described by any concept, and the concept of nothing is only its approximation. Any concept is powerless to it, whether it is self-consistent or not, it is just a projection and a mapping of it. The above description cannot be the truth beyond the realm, and it can never be reached.

6. The Forbidden Realm of Taixu is a vast and boundless absolute void. It is located at the outermost edge of countless multiverses and surrounds the entire countless multiverses. , contains all narratives, realities, universes, planes, etc., all cosmology.

The Taixu Forbidden Territory predates all creation, is the source of the birth of all things, and is the ultimate void before all things. All forms and meanings are meaningless in the face of the Taixu forbidden area, which means that the Taixu forbidden area cannot be defined by anything, and any form to define the Taixu forbidden area is also meaningless. The Forbidden Realm transcends opposing concepts, and the existence and non-existence of the Forbidden Realm are a kind of thing, which transcends any definition of time and space, so that time and space come together in an instant. There is no concept of death in the Taixu Forbidden Realm. Anything that is erased will return to the Taixu Forbidden Realm itself, and the Taixu Forbidden Realm is earlier than anything thought and matter, and is still outside of consciousness and origin.

The essence of the void itself, which represents blankness, can erase all existence and merge them into its own blankness while transcending all concepts. Even the most powerful character falls into the void of the too-empty forbidden area, it will still be swallowed up.

The creation and destruction of countless creations will emerge from the boundless emptiness of the forbidden realm. Countless creations rise from it and eventually fall. In the end, all creations will return to the Forbidden Realm, and all creations will rise from the Forbidden Realm.

The Forbidden Realm is beyond all time, space, plane, time and space, world, dimension, quadrant, reality, dimension, universe, narrative, domain, aspect, hierarchy, cause and effect, existence itself, class, value concept, concept definition, series The existence of the sum of everything, such as setting, world view, etc. - nothing is born, everything is nothing; the forbidden realm spans all universes and all realities, time, space, dimension, dimension plus all recursion and every iterate. The Taixu Forbidden Realm gave birth to all dimensions and forms of existence such as cosmic reality, transcending omnipotence, omnipresence, covering, inclusion, time and space, causality, rules, laws, and even swallowing all existence to produce all forms of source power, primordial ether, Primal Chaos, existence itself is also included here, and all growth (recursion, iteration...) is attributed to the Taixu Forbidden Realm.

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