In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1939: Robbery 3 Heavenly Kings

"Boom!" A loud bang!

Ji Haotian used the Nine Body Demonstration Method of the Heavenly Dao to suppress the might of the ages and violently and violently suppressed the Heavenly Star Queen Xingyao, and then quickly and forcefully deprived the Heavenly Star Queen Xingyao of the source stone of the stars, and then kicked the Heavenly Star Queen Xingyao along the way. The window kicked out!

Tianhui Wang Huili cried out in alarm, "Bastard, even beaten women, I'll kill you!"

The furious Tianhui King Huili suddenly launched a sixty-seventh-level Taiyi Infinite Tribulation Source to kill Ji Haotian!

At the same time, Ji Haotian quickly smashed out the boundless and boundless tribulations of the Heavenly Dao, and the endless Heavenly Dao tribulation power quickly swept across the eight wastelands, devouring the world!

The Dao of Heaven is beyond immeasurable and immeasurable calamities: also known as the Great Destruction of Chaos Yanji, it is the ancestor of all calamities, the calamity of the great end of Chaos Yanji, and the ultimate judgment of the Dao of Heaven. Trillions of years) the great end, everything is completely gone, returned to nothingness.

The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and the Great Dao lacks one... What is the name? The one missing is the Way of Heaven.

The way of heaven has that ray of vitality, the Dao is fifty, and the heaven is forty-nine. Therefore, one is left, one is born, one is two, two is three, and three is all things; all things have life and death, or life or death, or death or life, all are good fortune. The three thousand feet of the world, greed or murder, sadness or joy, there are causes and effects, entangled with each other, forming a quantity of kalpas, and a quantity of kalpas is connected to a quantity of kalpas, which is an immeasurable kalpa...

Birth and death, restoration, cause and effect, and reincarnation are the basic laws of all things in the universe, and the laws of their operation are called the Tao of Heaven.

Whether the heaven and the earth are not benevolent or the heavenly heart is compassionate, it is a matter of the mentality of each creature, but the supreme way of heaven, one thing is for sure, it is fair to all things, to all living beings, and even to gods, saints, demons, ghosts and monsters.

Therefore, in the heaven and the earth, all living beings are evolving, they are struggling for survival, and their fates are intertwined to form various cause and effect. , which is called calamity.

There are ten types of catastrophes in the universe, ranging from small to large. They are:

Quantum kalpas, immeasurable kalpas, supreme Brahman immeasurable kalpas, great Brahman immeasurable kalpas, Taiyi immeasurable kalpas, Tai Brahma immeasurable kalpas, Tai Wu immeasurable kalpas, God immeasurable kalpas, transcendent Brahman immeasurable kalpas, Heavenly Way transcendent Infinite calamities.

The biggest and most terrifying thing is that the Dao of Heaven is beyond limitless and boundless calamities. It is caused by the causal collapse that supports the operation of all multiverses. It is the ultimate judgment of the Dao of Heaven on all multiverses. This calamity is to return all multiverses to nothingness. Entering the next reincarnation, no one can reverse it, even those who have transcended reincarnation and those who are omnipotent in the universe will completely disappear and return to nothingness.

The Way of Heaven is beyond immeasurable and immeasurable kalpas. It is the ancestor of all kalpas and is the ultimate ultimate kalpa. It can create, destroy, evolve, dominate, restrain, modify, manipulate, dissolve, devour, and wipe out all calamities in the universe.

The infinity of heaven is beyond immeasurable and infinite kalpas, which can instantly destroy countless multiverses, can destroy the so-called eternity, can destroy everything in time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, etc. It is an absolute that transcends and surpasses everything. The ultimate catastrophe.

The appearance of Heaven's Dao Chaos Infinite and Infinite Tribulations means the end of a chaotic era and the birth of a new chaotic era.

The Dao of Heaven is fixed, a chaotic epoch is six trillion years, which is a great cycle. Therefore, in six trillion years (a chaotic epoch), there will be an immeasurable and infinite calamity in the way of heaven, representing the greatness of countless multiverses. end.

In the eyes of Tianhui King Huili's incomparable anger, his sixty-seventh level Taiyi Infinite Tribulation had not yet exerted his infinite power, and was instantly swallowed and refined by Ji Haotian's Heavenly Dao Super Infinite Infinite Tribulation, even his six The 17th-level Taiyi Infinite Tribulation Source Tribulation Seed was also forcibly deprived, swallowed, and disappeared!

"Boom!" Heavenly Dao Chao Infinite Infinite Tribulation swallowed and refined the 67th level Taiyi Infinite Infinite Tribulation Origin Tribulation Seed, and immediately broke through directly to the 66th level!

"Bang!" There was another loud noise and a scream!

Ji Hao Tian's lightning flashed his foot, and a lightning-fast Tiandao foot kicked the roaring Tianhui King Huili along the window and flew out!

Just like that, Ji Haotian robbed and repaired three heavenly kings in a hurry!

Kong Jun, who was sitting beside him, widened his eyes and stared at it dumbfounded. He was speechless. He really convinced Ji Haotian!

Because the ten heavenly kings of the universe suffered heavy losses, their cultivation bases plummeted to the galaxy realm, but their cultivation bases were still two great realms higher than Ji Haotian. However, even so, they were still vulnerable to Ji Haotian and were repaired one by one by Ji Haotian. , Strike one by one, grab one by one!

After the matter was settled, Ji Haotian and Kong Jun continued drinking and chatting.

An hour later, the two full of food and drink walked out of the restaurant, and at Kong Jun's invitation, Ji Haotian agreed to stay at the City Lord's Mansion for a period of time.

In this way, under Kong Jun's arrangement, Ji Haotian temporarily lived in the City Lord's Mansion in Sky City.

After he informed Kong Jun, he began to retreat and practice.

After half a month, Ji Haotian left the customs.

He swallowed and refined the huge star source energy of the star source stone in the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm, and the cultivation base rose to the third order, and directly broke through to the fourth-order star realm; , Sky City and his party, it can be said that the harvest is quite large.


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