In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1935: Sky Continent

Zhou Xian, King of the Universe of Heaven, said to Ji Haotian, "Ji Haotian, if you give me a treasure of Hongmeng, I will not hit you, nor will I bully you in the future. You will live happily in Juntianxing."

Tianyu Wang Yuhao also threatened: "Ji Haotian, if you give me a treasure of Hongmeng, I will not bully you, and I promise that you will live happily in Juntianxing in the future. If you can't meet our requirements, we will meet you later. Hit you once and let you live a miserable life in the future!"

Ji Haotian said indifferently: "You guys are talking too much, come on, let's go together, I'll hit you two!"

Zhou Xian, the king of the universe, smiled contemptuously: "A mere ant in the star realm wants to hit us both? It's really arrogant and ignorant, bastard, don't worry, I'll let you..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt a flower in front of his eyes!

"Bang!" There was a loud noise and a scream of pain!

Ji Haotian kicked Zhou Xian, the clamoring King of Heaven, with a flash of lightning!

Tianyu Wang Yuhao was furious, he suddenly shouted coldly, and punched Ji Haotian fiercely and violently.

Ji Haotian's 3000 Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist slammed into it with a thunderous force.

"Bang!" An earth-shattering loud noise!

"Beep, beep!"

The two took three steps back each, and they were evenly matched, regardless of strength!

Tianyu Wang Yuhao and Tianmo Wang Molin who were watching were both surprised.

Zhou Xian, the king of the heavens who was kicked out, suddenly roared and flew back. One of his feet suddenly turned into a dazzling golden color, and with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, he kicked Ji Haotian violently and violently!

Ji Haotian kicked him with infinite power with a kick of Heavenly Dao!

"Bang!" Another thunderous boom!

The two were each shaken back a few steps, but they were still evenly matched, regardless of strength!

The Demon King Mo Lin, who was watching from the side, said in surprise, "It takes at least 3,000 times your strength to fight against your opponent across two realms. Ji Haotian, you are really not easy!"

The Sky King Zhou Xian suddenly flew into the air and shouted at Ji Haotian on the ground, "Ji Haotian, come up, we will fight for eight hundred rounds, I want to see what a monster you are!"

Ji Haotian didn't talk nonsense, he just flew into the sky and fought fiercely in mid-air with Zhou Xian, the king of the universe!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


A few hours later, Ji Haotian suddenly burned a large amount of super-dimensional crystals, and at the same time, he destroyed forty-nine pieces of the forty-nine words of the Supreme Treasure of Heaven, and violently and violently suppressed Zhou Xian, the king of the universe, with the momentum of suppressing the Eight Desolations and the Thunder!

Then he quickly took action and used the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Technique to forcibly strip all the ninety-nine pieces of Eternal Eternal Light Gold from the universe in Zhou Xian's body, and directly devoured and refined his own Nine Treasures!

After the goal was achieved, Ji Haotian kicked Zhou Xian, the King of Heaven, into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye!

After completing the feat, Ji Haotian did not take back the forty-nine words of the heavenly way, but once again smashed the forty-nine words of the heavenly way to forcefully suppress Wang Yuhao, who was on the ground!

After the indiscriminate bombing, Tianyu Wang Yuhao was also suppressed by the forty-nine characters of Tiandao!

Under the shocked and horrified gazes of countless people, Ji Haotian took out the crystal ball of the super super-dimensional device in the universe of Tianyu Wang Yuhao, and then kicked Tianyu Wang Yuhao into the sky, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye!

This was originally a matter of lightning speed, as fast as lightning, in one go, neat and tidy!

The Demon King Mo Lin on the ground was stunned...

At the invitation of the Demon King Mo Lin, Ji Haotian was a guest in the Lord's Mansion of the Demon City for a few days, then left and continued to travel around the world, starting the journey of Jun Tianxing's experience.

Years later.

Sky Continent, Juntianxing's second largest supercontinent, second only to Juntianxing's largest Celestial Continent.

Sky Continent is a super continent dominated by human race. It is vast, boundless and prosperous.

Sky City, the first city in the Sky Continent, one of the ten heavenly cities in the Juntianxing universe, a super city of the human race, where all fourteen human races of the human race can see it.

On both sides of the streets in Sky City are tea houses, taverns, businesses, pawnshops, and workshops. In the open space on both sides of the street, there are many small vendors with big umbrellas and various street stalls.

The streets extend from east to west, all the way to the quieter suburbs outside the city, but the streets are still full of pedestrians, and people of all four kinds of human races can be seen. Yes, there are buying and selling transactions, and there are those who stop to watch the scenery.

With the tall tower as the center, the houses on both sides are row upon row, including tea houses, wine shops, inns, shops, public houses and so on.

In the center of the city is a rainbow-shaped bridge and the street level of Qiaotou Street.

At first glance, the crowds are crowded and disorderly; at closer inspection, these people are people of different professions, skin colors, and races, and are engaged in various activities.

There are some vendors and many tourists on the west side of the bridge, and there are all kinds of bizarre antiques and treasures on the stalls.

Many tourists of all races rely on the railings on the side of the bridge, or point their fingers, or watch the boats coming and going in the river.

On the sidewalk in the middle of the bridge, there is a bustling flow of people.

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