In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1931: Ultra-dimensional crystal garden secret realm

More than a thousand years ago, Ji Haotian took the kingdom of heaven to the super-dimensional universe. He first appeared on an intermediate life planet in the Yuantian galaxy, which was not suitable for the development of the kingdom of heaven. In the end, Ji Haotian chose the only super life in the Yuantian galaxy. Planet Juntianxing, so far, the land of heaven is located on Juntianxing, more than a thousand years have passed by now.

As the kingdom of heaven enters the super-dimensional universe, the super-primitive powers of the kingdom of heaven who entered the super-dimensional universe in advance will return to the kingdom of heaven one after another. Their return will bring huge changes and endless benefits to the kingdom of heaven, making the kingdom of heaven speed up its development and rise. .

The life planets of the extra-dimensional universe are divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Low-level life planet, primary life planet, intermediate life planet, high-level life planet, top-level life planet, super life planet, super life planet, ultimate life planet, ultimate life planet.

The practitioners of the super-dimensional universe are collectively referred to as the super-dimensional person. The main characteristics of the super-dimensional person are the power of the Dao dimension, the Dao domain and the inner universe (the inner universe of the super-dimensional person is equivalent to a single universe, located in the inner dantian space) .

The cultivation of super-dimensional people is divided into ten major realms, from low to high, they are:

Planetary Realm, Star Realm, Nebula Realm, Galaxy Realm, Star Realm Realm, Single Universe Realm, Parallel Universe Realm, Multiverse Realm, Super Universe Realm, Core Universe Realm realm).

The super-life planet has the existence of multiverse super-dimensional beings, the ultimate life planet has the existence of super-universal super-dimensional beings, and the ultimate life planet has the most powerful core cosmic realm super-dimensional beings.

Juntianxing is a super life planet. There are many multiverses and super-dimensional beings. There are many ethnic groups, many forces, strong people like forests, talented people, and it is extremely prosperous and prosperous.

In a deep valley in Xiliang Mountain of Tianwu City, Ji Haotian walked through the towering forest and came to a cliff deep in the valley.

The huge and steep cliffs are cyan as a whole, and only the one in the middle is dark purple.

Ji Haotian looked at it, and then it turned into a streak of colored light, and the purple area that disappeared into the middle of the cliff disappeared.

In an instant, Ji Haotian appeared in a quiet and beautiful secret realm.

This is the secret realm of the mysterious Xiliang Mountain Ultra-Dimensional Crystal Garden. The secret realm is full of middle-grade ultra-dimensional crystal trees that can’t be seen at a glance. There are a billion middle-grade ultra-dimensional crystal trees with golden branches and jade leaves. It is covered with crystal clear and shining mid-grade ultra-dimensional crystals.

Ultra-dimensional people generally use ultra-dimensional crystals to practice or trade. Ultra-dimensional crystals are also known as ultra-dimensional source crystals. The grades from low to high are: low-grade ultra-dimensional crystals, middle-grade ultra-dimensional crystals, top-grade ultra-dimensional crystals, and super-high-quality ultra-dimensional crystals. Wei Jing.

Ultra-dimensional crystal has the size of a fist, is crystal clear, colorful, shining, and contains rich ultra-dimensional source energy and cosmic source energy, produced from ultra-dimensional crystal trees and ultra-dimensional crystal mines. The ultra-dimensional crystals are more pure and more numerous, so most of the ultra-dimensional people will plant a large number of ultra-dimensional crystal trees.

In the secret realm, Ji Haotian looked at the middle-grade ultra-dimensional crystal trees with joy, and said happily: "One billion middle-grade ultra-dimensional crystal trees, great, it's worth the trip, I want all these ultra-dimensional crystal trees. It's gone!"

The super-dimensional crystal trees are all golden branches and jade leaves. They are beautiful and ten meters high. Ji Haotian walks through the towering super-dimensional crystal tree garden and keeps exploring.

Soon after, he walked through the super-dimensional crystal forest and came to an open space in the garden.

The clearing is a green grass covered with exotic flowers and plants, and in the middle of the grass is a magical stone that is the height of one person.

The huge strange stone is golden, emitting a faint golden brilliance.

Ji Haotian walked over to the golden strange stone to check, and he said in surprise by the lake: "This is the innate eternal stone recorded in the "Universe Golden List", which contains the innate source energy and eternal source energy. If I swallow and refine it, my supreme heavenly way Both the body and the cultivation base should be able to break through, great!"

After speaking, he directly put the huge Innate Eternal Stone into the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm, and then he disappeared out of thin air and entered the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm. The Tiandao Pagoda automatically turned into a speck of dust and fell into the grass.

A month later.

Ji Haotian appeared out of thin air again on the spot, and the Tiandao Pagoda automatically formed a purple light, which disappeared between Ji Haotian's eyebrows.

He swallowed and refined the innate source energy and eternal source energy contained in the Innate Eternal Stone in the Tiandao Tower and the Heavenly Dao Realm. His supreme heavenly body broke through to the sixty-sixth order, and his physical strength and power were comparable to the innate intermediate super-dimensional device. , his cultivation has also broken through to the first-order star realm in one fell swoop.

The cultivation of super-dimensional people is divided into ten major realms, from low to high, they are:

Planetary Realm, Star Realm, Nebula Realm, Galaxy Realm, Star Realm Realm, Single Universe Realm, Parallel Universe Realm, Multiverse Realm, Super Universe Realm, Core Universe Realm realm).

The super-dimensional devices used by super-dimensional users are divided into nine grades, from low to high:

Low-level super-dimensional device, primary super-dimensional device, intermediate super-dimensional device, advanced super-dimensional device, top-level super-dimensional device, super-dimensional super-device, super super-dimensional device, ultimate super-dimensional device, and ultimate super-dimensional device.

After Ji Haotian left the customs, he continued to search for secrets in the secret realm.

Soon after, he walked out of the Ultra-Dimensional Crystal Garden and came to a mountain col.

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