In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1928: cosmic dimension

The hierarchy and dimensions of the universe:

1. Dimensions:

Also known as "dimension", it is the number of independent parameters in mathematics. In the fields of physics and philosophy, the number of independent space-time coordinates. High-latitude creatures are equal to high-dimensional creatures. We humans are three-dimensional creatures, that is, three-dimensional creatures. The "dimension gap" is equal to the "dimension gap".

2. Monolithic universe:

Three-dimensional space (three-dimensional). Just like the real universe in which every one of us lives, it consists of three space dimensions and one time dimension. Each parallel universe is a single universe, and all the different parallel universes make up a multiverse.

3. Multiverse:

Ten-dimensional space (tenth dimension). All the different parallel universes constitute a multiverse, representing the completeness of a series and a system, including all the possibilities and impossibility of the system. It consists of nine space dimensions and one time dimension.

4. The super universe:

Super-large dimensional space (ten dimensions, super-large dimension). The concept of cross-system includes at least two or more systems. If put into our real world, the super universe is all the possibilities of "another system" (different physical laws, definitions, concepts, thinking, consciousness, etc.) that are completely different from all possible universes in our reality, but this is beyond Our understanding is out.

Fifth, the extra-dimensional universe:

Infinite dimensional space (infinite dimension). Unlimited thinking includes all systems, including all history, future, novels, games, animations, comics, movies, obscenities... including all known and unknown, all existing and non-existent, all imaginable and unimaginable. Everything that is definable and undefinable, everything within and beyond, everything and beyond, belongs to the extradimensional universe.

Ten-dimensional space-time (multiverse):

A multiverse has only ten dimensions at most, and ten dimensions constitute a complete multiverse.

The essential idea is:

Identify a point, or condense multiple dimensions into one point (to find another point).

A line between two distinct points (to produce higher dimensions).

Forks on the line (to create higher dimensions).

Distort the high-dimensional plane resulting from the bifurcation (to produce higher dimensions).

Condenses the higher dimensions of the warped high-dimensional plane into a point (to find another point).

...and so on.

In a little more detail, it is:

Zero dimension: There is no length, width and height, just a single point, such as a singularity.

One-dimensional: connecting two points;

Two-dimensional: The connection produces bifurcations and forms a plane;

Three-dimensional: The plane is distorted to form a three-dimensional space;

Four-dimensional: Condensing the three-dimensional space into a point, the fourth dimension is time, connecting the past and the future;

Five-dimensional: the connection produces bifurcation, and a certain time produces a different future;

Six-dimensional: The five-dimensional space-time plane is distorted, and you can directly jump between different futures, so you can get all possibilities, so you can directly think of the beginning of the big bang to the end of the universe (the destruction of the universe), which represents the creation of the big bang all possibilities;

Seventh dimension: Condensing the beginning of the big bang to the destruction of the universe into a single point, different big bangs produce different destructions of the universe, connecting the two points becomes the infinite possibility line;

Eight-dimensional: an infinitely possible line bifurcates into an infinitely possible line beyond the possible, forming an infinitely possible plane;

Nine dimensions: distort the plane formed by infinite possible lines to become infinite possibilities;

Ten dimensions: cannot be constructed. But at least, infinite possibility has become a point in ten-dimensional spacetime. According to superstring theory, the smallest particles are matter formed by superstrings with different vibration frequencies, and different frequencies produce different external manifestations. In ten-dimensional space-time, matter is no longer different, or there is no matter. Only strings with different vibration frequencies exist. Everything is possible in ten-dimensional space.

When the different big bangs were connected to form the seventh dimension, since the time axis has been used up in the fourth dimension, there is no such a standard to draw the seventh dimension.

Further, all the possible sets of the big bang form an eight-dimensional plane, then the "jump" produced by the distortion of the eight-dimensional plane will still be meaningless because there is no connection standard of the seventh dimension.

But at least, under the premise of the assumption that all possible space-time universes exist, it proves that all possible space-time universes have a total of ten dimensions, that is, the multiverse is ten-dimensional space-time.

A multiverse is a corresponding collection of all parallel universes.

A multiverse contains at most ten dimensions, and ten dimensions constitute a complete multiverse.

The time dimension is merged into ten dimensions, and the sum of all space and time dimensions is the ten-dimensional time-space (multiverse).

The universe has ten dimensions. Humans are three-dimensional beings, gods are five-dimensional beings, supreme gods are seven-dimensional beings, and creator gods are eight-dimensional beings.

The first dimension is a line, the second dimension is a surface, and the third dimension is a solid space.

The fourth dimension is time. In the fourth dimension, time flows in one direction. You can see a person from birth to death, but you cannot change it. If you want to change the flow of time, you come to the fifth dimension.

There are prophets or prophets in human society. These people can go to the four-dimensional universe and see what happens in the timeline but cannot change.

The fifth dimension is the butterfly effect, which is all the choices in life and all the results brought about. You can change your choices and get the desired results.

In the fifth dimension, you can go back to the past at any time and change your arbitrary choices, so as to get the final result.

Fifth dimension Because you see the complete timeline, you can control the butterfly effect to get the results you want.

The sixth dimension is just curling up the fifth dimension, going directly from one result to another.

It's like, you can be whatever you want to be, without restrictions.

Just like supernatural powers and spells, you can achieve the results you want in an instant.

This is the power of God, and it should be the power of a lower God.

The seventh dimension includes all choices and all results. You can associate any choice with any result. It is the power of the Most High God to change everything in an instant.

The eighth dimension is to ascend to a high plane. You regard the first seven dimensions as an infinite point, and this point contains all the results of all choices.

The eighth dimension is beyond this point to a surface, you can see or change the infinite number of choices and results contained in the infinite number of points.

To put it simply, the fifth dimension is that God can only change himself; the sixth dimension is the result of the main **** changing an area; the seventh dimension is the supreme god, who controls a galaxy; the eighth dimension is the creator god, who can change a universe, From the Big Bang to the universe spreading to infinity, and returning the infinite universe to a point.

The ninth dimension is to regard the previous eight dimensions as a point, that is, the eighth dimension can change a universe, and the ninth dimension can change all the choices of all universes and all the corresponding results.

The tenth dimension, the tenth dimension is to regard all the previous ninth dimensions as a point, and this point includes all the results of all choices of all universes, so this point is infinite.

If the ninth dimension is God, then the tenth dimension is the total God of God, referred to as the total emperor.

Perhaps there is also the eleventh dimension, there is always God, the human brain cannot imagine it, it has reached the limit of imagination.

Zero dimension: the dimension of a point;

1D: the dimension of the line;

2D: the dimension of the face;

three-dimensional: three-dimensional dimension;

Four dimensions: the dimension of time;

Five dimensions: the dimension of warping time;

Six dimensions: the dimension of possibility;

Seventh dimension: the dimension of all possibilities of a single universe;

Eight dimensions: the dimensions of the multiverse;

Nine Dimensions: The dimension of the warped multiverse;

Ten dimensions: the dimension of the entire universe (and also the dimension of a point).


Outside the universe, there is the only kind of existence that does not depend on time and space, and is freely discernible. They are the afterimages of the past, preserving all the meaning of the present world. For the Colossus, you can describe it like this: a back that never sees the front, or a dream that never ends.

If life is like a dream, then life itself is a colossus.

Space-like universe:

A model of the universe (space-time view, defining the basis), in such a universe, the microscopic elements that make up macroscopic things are always changing, but the continuity of macroscopic things is not disrupted by changes in microscopic elements. The corresponding model is the Ash Universe, a world where everything dies as soon as it appears, and there are only remnants that have yet to disappear.

The space-like universe is not an entity, it is parasitic on other physical universes, and it relies on the flow (set of numbers carrying characteristic information) that can span space and time to exert control over these universes.

Outside the space-like universe is outside the universe.

Empty no class:

The composition of the space-like universe. Everything in the world is a reflection of nothingness on the colossus.

There is no real destruction, just breaking the connection (hidden price); there is no real creation, just establishing the connection (explicit price).

If you drop an apple into the void, the void will immediately show a price, and then you will get two identical apples, but the two apples are not just the same in shape, they will share properties, which means that Any action exerted by one apple will also act on the other apple at the same time. Similarly, if you drop an apple into the colossus, the apple will be devoured, a total destruction of entities and connections, so that you don't remember dropping an apple into the colossus at all, because you don't remember, you Countless apples may have been dropped into the Colossus.

We may realize the phenomenon of life by constantly throwing something into the colossus, but this thing is not under the control of our consciousness.

Two poles:

The direct valence of empty class is extremely empty, and the indirect valence is pole core. The polar interactions create flows that can span space and time.

Extremely empty

Extreme emptiness is divergent, symmetrical, and can be described, but not perceived. Container class, the prototype of white matter.

polar nucleus

The polar nucleus is cohesive, asymmetric, and can be perceived but not described. The causal class, the archetype of the substantia nigra.


The three phases are the three basic elements that make up the physical universe, and they can be properly perceived and described.

white matter

The object class is both the initiator of the action and the receiver of the action. The disordered part of white matter is space, and the ordered part is matter.

gray matter

The link class, the unpolarized void class directly enters the physical universe, and connects the bridge between the white matter and the black matter. The infinite part of grey matter is time and the finite part is frequency (life).

substantia nigra

Logic class, the reason why things change. The irrational part of the substantia nigra is consciousness, and the rational part is law.

Four in:

Existence is everything that can be referred to (named). Any kind of existence is one of quantity, body, form, state or any superposition thereof.


bit. The amount of people - in the eyes of the universe, the appearance of "people", the collection of elements.


constant. Human body - in nature, the appearance of a "human", a collection of cells.


variable. Human form - in real society, the appearance of "people" and the collection of relationships.


limit. Human form - in history, the appearance of "people", the collection of human nature.

Fifth degree:

Things that cannot be quantified and determined are limited by degree.


One, absolutely, the energy level is high. The representative thing is time.


Approaching one, approaching absolute, the energy level is higher. Representing things is feeling, spirit.


Zero to one, uncertain, the energy level is uncertain. All social products are its representatives.


Approaching zero, accidental, low energy level. All natural products are its representatives.


Zero, impossible, lowest grade (no energy). Represents things as nothingness.


1/2, average, medium energy level. If universes can be created, then such universes (sub-universes) belong to the ephemera.

Six dimensions:

Used to describe mysterious things that are in a different dimension from the reference.


Humanoid - a class that is not human but functions (partly) as a human. For example, robots, pets.


From people - a class that arises from people's needs. For example, a city like

Human-like - a species that is not human but looks like a human. For example, mirroring.


Doujin - A species that is not human but makes people feel human. For example, artificial intelligence.


Superman - a class that replaces man. the result of the development of things.


String people - the boundary class of the human set. A class that does not belong to any class.

Seven genera:

common features of things.

Blindfolded: Things cannot come close to the truth (Colossus)

Polar Shooter: Nothing Is Still

Common Origin: All things are essentially the same

Knowing: things can be recognized

Limited: things can be felt

Rational: things can be controlled

Order: things can be created


The process of changing things.

Materialization: the process of increasing volume

Bokeh: The process of volume reduction

Synthesis: the process of increasing the body

Differentiation: the process of body reduction

Normalization: the process of adding shape

Residualization: the process of shape reduction

Alienation: the process of increasing state

Assimilation: the process of state reduction

Nine Realms:

All the life activities of ordinary people are summarized in the three realms (the real world, the real world, the real world and the image world).

The real world: the world where the elements exist

Infinite Boundary: The world where virtual species exist

Essence Realm: The World in which Real Kinds Exist

The real world: the world in which the observer exists

Present Pseudo World: The World in which Pseudo Observers Exist

Image recognition world: a world where pseudo-types exist

The World of Consciousness: The World in which Absolute Consciousness Exists

Defining World: The World in which Name Exists

Beyond Boundaries: The World of Linked Existence

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