In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1918: Early Purple Lotus

At this time, the three masters of the Taixu Forbidden Territory, one of the five ultimate forbidden areas, strode in leisurely.

The three masters of Taixu, the three masters of the Taixu forbidden area, one of the nine ultimate forbidden areas, and the three mysterious and powerful young transcendental geniuses, they all possess transcendent nihilistic bodies and twin transcendences. The avenue of talent, the supernatural power, the great nothingness and the great time and space, and an all-around treasure.

The three masters of Taixu are all super-primitive and powerful reincarnations who have spent seventy-one chaotic generations. They have omniscient, omnipotent, and self-existing Taiyi souls. Their Taiyi souls are sealed with seventy-one chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases. Their cultivation is just to get back their own power.

The Forbidden Territory of Taixu is an infinite void. It is located at the outermost edge of countless multiverses and surrounds the entire countless multiverses. It is a vast and endless white space. , reality, universe, planes, etc., all cosmology.

The Taixu Forbidden Territory predates all creation, is the source of the birth of all things, and is the ultimate void before all things. All forms and meanings are meaningless in the face of the Taixu forbidden area, which means that the Taixu forbidden area cannot be defined by anything, and any form to define the Taixu forbidden area is also meaningless. The Forbidden Realm transcends opposing concepts, and the existence and non-existence of the Forbidden Realm are a kind of thing, which transcends any definition of time and space, so that time and space come together in an instant. There is no concept of death in the Taixu Forbidden Realm. Anything that is erased will return to the Taixu Forbidden Realm itself, and the Taixu Forbidden Realm is earlier than anything thought and matter, and is still outside of consciousness and origin.

The essence of the void itself, which represents blankness, can erase all existence and merge them into its own blankness while transcending all concepts. Even the most powerful character falls into the void of the too-empty forbidden area, it will still be swallowed up.

The creation and destruction of countless creations will emerge from the boundless emptiness of the forbidden realm. Countless creations rise from it and eventually fall. In the end, all creations will return to the Forbidden Realm, and all creations will rise from the Forbidden Realm.

The Three Lords of Taixu are three extremely young and beautiful men of different races. They often wander freely in various universes, appearing and disappearing, mysterious whereabouts, coming and going without a trace, extremely mysterious and unpredictable. The three masters of Taixu are the three major domain masters of the ultimate forbidden area, the Taixu Forbidden Domain.

Taiwu God Helmond, a beautiful man with black hair and purple eyes, a pair of purple wings on his back, a young transcendental genius with a nihilistic body, a twin talent, the great nihility and the great space-time technique, the almighty treasure Taiwu Skywheel.

Watkins, the God of Brahma, a beautiful man of the dragon race with blond hair and golden eyes, with a pair of golden dragon horns on his head, a young transcendental genius with a nihilistic body, a twin talent, a great avenue of supernatural powers, great nothingness and great time and space, and the all-powerful treasure Tai Brahma wheel .

Lin Tianyi, the lord of the gods, is a beautiful man of the yellow race of human race with black hair and black eyes. There is a vertical eye between his eyebrows. wheel.

The Twelve Ultimate Emperors all frowned when they saw that the Three Lords of Taixu had come.

Pan Huang Yapan frowned and said, "What are you, the Three Lords of Taixu, doing here?"

Tai Wu God Helmond smiled lightly: "Whatever you come to do, we will come here to do what."

Emperor Longtian raised his eyebrows and said, "You guys also know about this?"

Watkins, the God of Brahma, said with a blank expression: "There is a mysterious and terrifying forbidden place in the sacred mountain of the very beginning called the Chaos Cave in the beginning. Nine thousand nine hundred purple lotuses were born in the endless chaos in the Chaos Cave in the beginning. In half a month, the purple lotus will mature in the early days, and that is the best time to pick it."

Emperor Sui Zhan Sui said indifferently: "You guys are here, it seems that we can't avoid a fight!"

Lin Tiandao, the **** of the sky, said, "There are enough purple lotuses in the beginning, enough for us to share."

Pan Huang Yapan said: "There is an ultimate forbidden area behind both of us. Many people in the forbidden area need the purple lotus in the early days. Now that the purple lotus in the early days is about to mature, we can't avoid fighting for it!"

The purple lotus in the very beginning was born in the chaos of the beginning, and a total of 9,900 flowers were born. They belong to the super-high-level spiritual roots of heaven and earth. They contain the original energy of the beginning and the purple energy of the beginning. If the realm devours and refines a purple lotus in the beginning, the cultivation base can also directly break through to the Great Eternal Ancestral Realm in one fell swoop. .

At this moment, the heroes of the kingdom of heaven headed by Ji Haotian suddenly came with a powerful aura.

One emperor, one queen, two concubines, three monarchs, four slaughterers, five masters, eight kings, ten envoys and twelve marshals, all the core executives of the younger generation of the Kingdom of Heaven have arrived!

The Tianlaohui is the highest legislative body of the kingdom of heaven, consisting of 100,000 Tianlao, including:

1. One hundred and thirty-five days old king - thirty-six extra-dimensional super gods and ninety-nine founding great ancestors.

2. Twenty-eight Supreme Taishangtian Lao - the ancestor of the twenty-eight star giants.

3. President Thirty-six -- the Thirty-six Heavenly Monarchs of the Extra-Dimensional Dimensions.

Four, three thousand Taishangtian Lao.

Fifty to one hundred thousand days old.

Tianlao means the elder of the kingdom of heaven. There are seven kinds of Tianlao in the Tianlao Society: Tianlao Wang, Taishang Tianlao, Legislative Tianlao, Supervision Tianlao, Judgment Tianlao, Law Enforcement Tianlao, and Deacon Tianlao.

The titles of the kingdom of heaven are divided into seven grades, from high to low, they are:

The Great King of Heaven, the King of Heaven, the Duke of Heaven, the Marquis of Heaven, the Earl of Heaven, the Lord of Heaven, the Lord of Heaven.

One hundred and thirty-five days of Tianlaohui, Laowang, thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods, and ninety-nine founding great ancestors, twenty-eight supreme gods, twenty-eight stars, giant ancestors, and thirty-six presidents of Tianlaohui. The super-primitive powers of the Thirty-six Dimensional Heavenly Monarchs belong to the Great Heavenly King Jue, Zhu Taishang Heavenly God belongs to the Heavenly King Jue, the Legislative Heavenly Elder, the Supervising Heavenly Elder and the Judgment Heavenly Elder all belong to the Heavenly Duke, and the Law Enforcement Heavenly and the Deacon Heavenly Elder belong to the Heavenly Duke. Marquis of Heaven.

There are more than 100,000 celestial elders in the heavenly kingdom, known as the 100,000 celestial elders in the heaven. power of impeachment.

The Kingdom of Heaven implements a system of one council, three palaces, four governments, five courts, and eight ministries, and the five powers (legislative power, executive power, military power, supervision power, and judicial power) are Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian is the supreme leader of the kingdom of heaven, and he belongs to the hand-dragging shopkeeper. He doesn't manage the affairs of the kingdom of heaven. Even if he does not return to the kingdom of heaven for 100,000 years, the kingdom of heaven will still operate in an orderly manner, because there are many powerful beings and many super geniuses in the kingdom of heaven to manage, and Ji Haotian does not need to be distracted.

Yihui: Tianlaohui (the highest legislative body).

The three halls: the first deputy emperor's hall (to supervise everything in the kingdom of heaven), the second deputy emperor's hall (to supervise the administration and military aircraft of the heavenly kingdom), and the third deputy emperor's hall (to supervise the supervision and justice of the heavenly kingdom).

Four Houses: East Heaven Zaifu, West Heaven Zaifu, South Heaven Zaifu, and North Heaven Zaifu, the four governments jointly manage the affairs of the kingdom of heaven.

Five Courts: Execution Court (implementation), Mission Court (preaching and indoctrination), Privy Council (military affairs), Supervisory Court (supervision and inspection), and Criminal Court (penal justice).

Eight Departments: Department of Heavenly Secrets (fortune-telling), Department of Heavenly Education (educational assessment), Department of Heavenly Officials (organizational management), Department of Heavenly Household (financial and civil affairs), Department of Heavenly Rites (ceremony and culture), Department of Heavenly Armament (war preparedness and national defense), and Heavenly Ministry Ministry of Punishment (penalty prison), Ministry of Heavenly Works (construction and construction).

The Central Committee of the Heavenly Kingdom implements the separation of five powers. The Tianlao Council is in charge of the legislative power, the three vice-monarch halls supervise everything, the four major Tianzaifu are in charge of the administrative power, and the five courts are in charge of government affairs, preaching, military aircraft, supervision, and justice. All high-level officials of the Heavenly Kingdom, including the Fourth House, the Fifth House, and the Eighth Ministry, have the power of supervision and impeachment.

The core executives of the younger generation of the Kingdom of Heaven's Dominion Center are:

The Emperor of Heaven, the First Empress and the Second Concubine, the Three Deputy Kings of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Most Holy Four Heavenly Priests, the Almighty Five Gods, the Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings, the Ten Great Angels, the Twelve Elements Heavenly Commander, the Seventy-two Heavenly Generals, the Three Thousand Heavenly Lords, and the Ten Heavenly Kings Wan Tianhou and so on.

They are all young super geniuses with great wisdom, great supernatural powers, and great luck in the kingdom of heaven. They are collectively called: one emperor, one queen, two concubines, three kings, four slaughterers and five masters, eight kings, ten envoys, twelve marshals, seventy-two generals and three thousand princes. One hundred thousand princes.

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