In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1913: Get the source of the supernatural powers

The two creators suddenly retreated and became vigilant.

If the supreme five emperors and the three supreme beings really join forces, their two great creators are really in danger. What they fear most is the five supreme transcendental souls of the supreme five emperors!

The most powerful ultimate beings in the universe are the five supreme transcendental souls, namely: Heavenly Dao Transcends No Profound Truth, Nothingness Transcends Brahma, Hongmeng Transcends Brahma, Chaos Chaos Transcends Brahma, and Space-Time Transcends Brahma.

The most powerful ultimate powers in the universe are the five supreme transcendental powers, namely: the supernatural power of heaven, the supernatural power of nothingness, the superheroic power of Hongmeng, the superheroic power of chaos, and the super Brahma power of time and space.

Second only to the five supreme transcendent souls and the five supreme transcendental powers are the top ten souls of creation gods and the ten powers of creation gods.

The ten gods of creation are: the **** of destiny, the **** of cause and effect, the **** of desire, the **** of reincarnation, the **** of creation, the **** of destruction, the **** of time, the **** of space, the **** of life, and the **** of death.

The ten powers of creation gods are: the power of destiny god, the power of cause and effect god, the power of desire god, the power of reincarnation god, the power of creation god, the power of destruction god, the power of time god, the power of space god, The power of the God of life, the power of the God of death.

The supreme five emperors and the three supreme beings looked at the two great creators at the same time, the scene was full of gunpowder, and the war was about to break out!

Suddenly, the two creators turned their heads and ran away, disappearing in the blink of an eye!

"Uh..." Everyone at the scene saw a black line, and they were speechless.

Everyone said a few words together, and then the three supreme ones said goodbye and left, and the supreme five emperors entered the city master mansion of the source city. Under the arrangement of the city master Wu Jiang Zhixun, they temporarily lived in the city master mansion, waiting for the five absolute supreme men The origin of supernatural powers is present in the world.

A few days later, a vision of heaven and earth suddenly occurred in the source of the mountain. There are thousands of rays of light, thousands of colorful lights, endless colorful lights shining in the world, reflecting the entire sky into endless colors, beautiful and magical.

The source of the five absolute supreme supernatural powers finally appeared in the world!

The entire galaxy where the source star is located is illuminated by endless colorful light, and hundreds of millions of creatures are shocked and sensational!

However, as the Wushang Five Emperors quickly entered the source mountain, soon, the vision of heaven and earth disappeared out of thin air. It is rumored that the Wushang Five Emperors obtained the five peerless treasures born in the Source Mountain...

Time flies, time flies.

A thousand years later.

The Supreme Multiverse, a super multiverse in the super-infinite universe independent of the super-universe, known as the largest super-multiverse in the super-infinite universe, dominated by the first power in the universe, the Kingdom of Heaven.

There are more than 3,000 single universes in the Supreme Multiverse, and they are all ranked.

The First Supreme Universe, the number one supercell universe in the Supreme Multiverse.

The central star field, the largest super star field in the first supreme universe.

The Tianhe Galaxy, the largest super galaxy in the central star field.

Almighty Star, the only super-high-level life planet in the Tianhe Galaxy, where the Heavenly Kingdom and the Almighty Universe Academy are located.

Almighty Star is a human race planet. It is dominated by human races, and there are other races, but they are all minority groups. There are six human race supercontinents in the world, namely: the continent of heaven, the continent of creation, the continent of blessing, the continent of forgiveness, and the continent of enlightenment. , save the continent.

There are four oceans in the world, namely the central ocean, the eternal ocean, the eternal ocean, and the eternal ocean.

The world is dominated by the absolute supreme power heaven, which is located in the mainland of heaven and is known as the first power in the universe; there is also a cosmic superpower that is the almighty cosmos college beyond the transcendent, located in the middle of the continent of creation. The Universe Ten Thousand Clan Academy, with its teaching and no class, is known as the first academy of the super-infinite universe.

There are also eight first-class forces in the Almighty Star, called the Three Cities and Five Halls, all of which belong to the great forces of the human race. They are:

Eternal Ocean, Timeless Island, Eternal City (Caucasian Force)

Eternal Life Ocean Eternal Life Island Eternal Life Divine City (Purple Race Force)

Everlasting Ocean, Everlasting Island, Everlasting God City (Blue Race Force)

Create the Continent, Create the Holy Mountain, Create the Temple (Youth Power)

Bless the Continent Bless the Holy Mountain Bless the Temple (Green Race Force)

Forgiveness of sins in the mainland of forgiveness of sins Holy Mountain of forgiveness of sins temple (yellow race forces)

Apocalypse Continent Apocalypse Holy Mountain Apocalypse Temple (Orange People Force)

Save the Continent Save the Holy Mountain Save the Temple (Red Race Force)

Heaven Continent, Heaven.

The kingdom of heaven is a paradise of bliss and eternal life, a place that is with the source of all good and separated from all evil.

There are many beautiful places in heaven, which are immortal.

In the kingdom of heaven, there will be no disaster, no sorrow, no tears, no death, and no labor.

The kingdom of heaven is completely holy, without sin, without the use of sunlight, but it will always shine brightly.

The kingdom of heaven, that is, the supreme dojo of the great master of heaven, is the kingdom of absolute supremacy, the kingdom of immortality, the first holy land in the universe, containing the three thousand avenues and the ultimate truth, and it is also an all-encompassing view of the universe. It is everywhere, and everything is in the causal reincarnation that it has created. In reality, all works that have appeared, may appear, will appear and will not appear, all scripts, all movies, all films, all life. , all gods, all gods, all words, all languages, all thoughts, all imaginations, all fantasies, all fantasies, all whims, all hypotheses, all delusions, all fancies, all associations, all fantasies, all dreams, all memes, All antimemes, all thinking, all reality, all matter, all power, all energy, all power, all power, all idealism, all materialism, all universes, all dimensions, all dimensions, all planes, all worlds, all Box, all collection, all void, all nothingness, all space, all time, all logic, all cause and effect, all destiny, all possibility, all impossibility, all omnipotence, all future, all existence, all realm, all hierarchy, all worldview , all that does not exist, all that exists, all that does not exist, all that is real, all that is false, all that is structured, all that is visible, all that is invisible, all that is known, all that is unknown, all that is intelligible, all that is incomprehensible, all that is a priori, all that is a posteriori , all transcendence, all properties, all arithmetic, all operations, all infinity, all Alephs, all Beth numbers, all unreachable, all cardinal numbers, all ordinal numbers, all literature, all mathematics, all numbers, all sciences, all Physics, all chemistry, all astronomy, all geography, all philosophy, all metaphysics, all theology, all disciplines, all knowledge, all metaphysical, all metaphysical, all absolutes, all truths, all truths, all jurisprudence, all Taos, all heavens, All laws, all rules, all sentient beings, all unfeelings, all ego, all external ego, all superego, all non-self, all non-self, all true self, all false self, all end, all end, all beginning, all destruction , all creation, all supreme, all stalwart, all supreme, all transcendence, all setting, all concept, all nature, all abstract, all all vague, all detailed, all transcendent, all detached , all other shores, all Taoist causes, all Taoist effects, all eternal, all absolute, all authority, all omnipotent, all non-thinking, all non-non-thinking, all non-non-non-thinking, everything... everything.

All of this is within the kingdom of heaven, and it is impossible to defy its destiny. Everything, even the so-called existence above the Tao, is still within it, because it is the supreme Taoist field of the master of the heavenly Tao. The root of everything is the ultimate truth, the absolute supreme holy land of the universe, and it represents the absolute supreme will of the great master of heaven.

The kingdom of heaven is an existence that transcends all systems (including countless multiverses), transcends the world of appearances, represents absolute infinity, and is full of intangible, intangible, and infinite energy.

The kingdom of heaven includes all that is, all that is not, all that is not, all that is not, all that is beyond being and what is not, all "things" that are beyond things, and all that is above the absolute highest and the Absolutely the ultimate mystery.

Heavenly mainland, the central Tianshan Mountains.

The Central Tianshan Mountain, also known as the Million Sacred Mountain, is located in the center of the Heavenly Kingdom. It consists of a million peaks that reach the sky. The mountains are continuous, the clouds are shrouded in mist, there are many palaces, Qionglou and Yuyu, countless heaven and earth spiritual roots, and exotic flowers and plants everywhere. The natural creation is like a beautiful scenery in a painting, and the magic is like a holy place.

The Central Heavenly Court, located in the central Tianshan Mountains, is the supreme ruling center of the Central Heavenly Kingdom.

Eternal Life Peak, located in the center of the Central Tianshan Mountains, is the first peak of the Central Tianshan Mountains.

The Eternal Life Palace is a sacred and magnificent palace group located in the Eternal Life Tianfeng. It is the dojo and residence of the supreme monarch of the kingdom of heaven. The temples in the palace are the first of all the temples. This meeting and discussion.

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