In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1911: 2 great creators

In Dafang City, Beichen River, located in the forest pavilion along the Beichen River, the Wushang Five Emperors chatted together.

Suddenly, two of the five creators of the universe appeared outside the pavilion. They were the creator of Polyphemus and the creator of Amyclas.

The Cosmos Association, located in the Legislative City of the Legislative Star, is an organization of powerful people of all races in the universe. **There will be more than 100,000 Mighty Ones in the universe****.

The five presidents and five creators of the **** society of the universe are all super-primitive powers who have spent twenty-one chaotic ages. They are:

President Timnius, the creator, the beautiful man of the human race

The second president, Polyphemus, the creator, the beautiful man of the demon race

The third president, Amyclas, the creator, the beautiful man of the Wu ethnic group

The fourth president, Sinilas, the creator, the beautiful man of the monster race

The fifth president, the creator of Pochuius, the beautiful man of the dragon family

The Wushang Five Emperors sitting in the pavilion saw the two great creators coming, but they didn't pay attention to them.

Now that the Supreme Five Emperors have truly grown up and are standing at the pinnacle of the universe, the super-primitive powers no longer pose a great threat to them.

They are all in the ancestral realm now, and they already have the ability to compete with the super-primitive power. If they break through to the big ancestral realm, they will have the ability to kill the super-primitive power, and the super-primitive power in the super-infinite universe will be cultivated. The highest is only the ten-star great ancestral realm. The many supreme super-almighty cards of the Supreme Five Emperors are the nemesis of all the super-primitive powers, which can completely destroy the super-primitive power of super-space-time soul and make the super-primitive power completely disappear. To nothingness!

Under normal circumstances, the super-primitive powers are immortal, but if there is an accident, they will also be in the cold.

Every time the super-primitive powers go through a chaotic era of destruction, they will experience the catastrophe of the chaotic era of destruction, that is, the ultimate trial of heaven and the ultimate punishment. Nothingness; part of the super-primitive powers that are powerful enough to survive the catastrophe, but they all suffered heavy losses; there are also some super-primitive powers who were destroyed in the catastrophe of the Chaos Age of Destruction, and their souls were reincarnated and reborn with supernatural powers. The memory of the original power is re-cultivated.

The cultivation realm of normal monks is from low to high, constantly escalating, and constantly ascending to higher universes one by one, while the super-primitive powers who have survived the catastrophic destruction of the chaos era are just the opposite. Ji broke the catastrophe, suffered heavy losses under the ultimate heaven trial, and their cultivation realm began to gradually decline. They would continue to descend from one super high-level universe to one low-level universe, until their cultivation realm fell to the mortal realm. To the limit of monks.

Then they need to start all over again, re-cultivation, the cultivation realm is constantly upgraded, and they continue to soar to higher-level universes, until they stand on the top of the universe, until the end of the Chaos Generation Period again, and then they will again One tribulation, entering the next chaotic evolutionary era, so they spend one chaotic evolutionary era after another, and they continue to exist in a cycle. This is the eternal life that belongs to the super primitive power.

The super-primitive power is immortal under normal circumstances, but if there is an accident, it will also be in the cold. The almighty super-space-time soul makes the super-primitive power completely disappear and return to nothingness.

The masters of the fifteen great avenues also belong to the super-primitive powers. They have the nominative figure of the fifteen great avenues and are in charge of the fifteen highest avenues. They are fifteen absolutely supreme super-primitive powers. They are different from other super-primitive powers because they do not. It is necessary to survive the catastrophe of Chaos Yanji, absolutely surpassing and ignoring the catastrophe of Chaos Yanji destruction. They are reincarnated and exist in the form of personification, passing through one chaotic era after another, reincarnating in hundreds of millions of lives, in order to accumulate their own supreme peak and ultimate cultivation.

The masters of the Fifteen Great Dao possess the absolute supreme soul, the root of all spirituality, and the infinite, omnipresent, and immortal spiritual entity. Before them, nothing existed, not even "non-existence" itself and nothingness and "Tao". Existence; they have neither difference nor form and attribute, cannot be understood in concept, cannot be expressed in words; they are self-existing beings that transcend all sentient experience of living beings, and are the cause, maintenance and destruction of all phenomena. The ultimate reason is the absolute supreme existence that cannot be understood or imagined by any thought.

Outside the pavilion, the two great creators sank when they saw that the supreme five emperors in the pavilion ignored them.

The creator of Polyphemus clamored wildly: "Are you all blind to the five scumbags in the pavilion? Didn't you see the two great and noble creators reign here?"

Augustus suddenly looked at the two great creators outside the pavilion, and scolded: "It's so noisy, two ants-like things dare to bark in front of us, they really don't know whether to live or die, go away!"

When the two creators heard the words, their anger rose up, and it would be fine if they were ignored, but they were despised again. Uncles can't bear it, auntie can't bear it!

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