In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1909: 49 legends of Tianyan magic

"Boom!" An earth-shattering loud noise pierced through the sky with a series of shrill screams!

Under the boundless mighty power of the Great Master of Heaven, the Fourth Ancestor of the Era was instantly wiped out.

The Void Emperor Augustus looked at Ji Haotian who had finished his work, and curled his lips: "Ji Haotian, you are too cruel, aren't you? People are just looking at you with hatred, and you will destroy them!"

Ji Haotian said coldly, "I killed the master of the Fourth Ancestor of the Ji Yuan Dynasty, the Supreme Being. In order to retaliate against me, the Fourth Ancestor of the Ji Yuan Dynasty has already murdered tens of thousands of people from the Kingdom of Heaven. They all deserve to die!"

Hundi Biemonds nodded and said, "So it is, so it seems that the Fourth Ancestor of the Era really deserves to die, and keeping it will definitely be a disaster!"

Ji Haotian looked at Biemonds, and he said unhurriedly: "Little Biz, you can do it, you have actually mastered three of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, and I even know one of the great divine arts. no!"

Biemonds replied casually: "The legendary forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan only exist in the higher-level super-dimensional universe, and the super-infinite universe is only the pseudo-forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, and I can't master them. It's three kinds of pseudo-magic magic, it's no big deal!"

Emperor Hongdi Jingyu smiled and said, "Even if it is a pseudo-great magic technique, it has already reached the creation level, which is very good. I still have no pseudo-great magic technique until now!"

Void Emperor Augustus said: "I heard from a few super-primitive powers in our Void Kingdom that the forty-nine magical techniques of the pseudo-Tianyan in the super-infinite universe and the forty-nine divine techniques of Tianyan in the super-dimensional universe are slightly different. In and out, the power cannot be spoken at the same time.”

Shidi Rachiplessis asked, "Augusses, what are the differences between the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan that you know of and the forty-nine divine arts of pseudo-Tianyan? Tell us?"

Augustus nodded and said, "I'll give you the information about the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan in the extra-dimensional universe, and you'll know when you read it!"

After he finished speaking, he turned the information of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan in the extra-dimensional universe into four pieces of information and passed it to the other four emperors.

Forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, forty-nine kinds of innate supreme supernatural powers, refer to the way of heaven to derive all things in the universe, that is, three or three are inexhaustible, six or six are inexhaustible, forty-nine Tianyan, Tianyan all things are born, and forty Nine represents the meaning of all things in the universe, and the forty-nine changes in Tianyan are innate supernatural powers. Those who gather together the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan can become the supreme transcendent, which means "above everything", transcends everything, ignores everything, is omniscient, omnipotent, immortal and immortal.

The innate origin of the forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan is the forty-nine great divine arts seeds, which were born in the primordial chaotic source core and have innate spirituality. Lord, refining and merging, truly control the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan.

The forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan are all unique. They all have innate origins and seeds of great divine arts, and they all contain the truth of the Dao and innate spirituality. They are truly transcendent innate supernatural powers. However, the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan that have been circulated in the heavens and the world have no innate origin and seeds of great divine arts, and do not contain the truth of the Dao and innate spirituality. . In front of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, the forty-nine false divine arts of Tianyan are just trivial illusions.

The strength of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan depends on the level of the owner's cultivation. powerful.

The forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan include:

Omniscient and Almighty Magic; Creation and Creation Magic; Immortality and Immortality Magic ;The Great Magic of Soaring the Clouds and Driving the Fog; The Great Magic of Crossing the River and the Land; The Great Magic of Vertically Golden Light; The Great Magic of Turning the River and Stirring the Sea; The great magic of moving stones; the great magic of resurrecting the dead; the great magic of flying body and trace; the great magic of nine breaths and convincing; the great magic of deriving Yuanyang; the great magic of subduing dragons and tigers; the great magic of mending the sky and bathing the sun; the great magic of pushing mountains and filling the sea; the great magic of turning stones into gold ;The great magic of standing without shadows; the great magic of fetal transformation; the great magic of big and small wishful thinking; the great magic of flowers blooming in an instant; the great magic of wandering the gods and the qi; the great magic of seeing through the walls; the great magic of returning to the wind and returning fire; the great magic of mastering the five thunders Technique; The Great Technique of Shrinking the Earth; The Great Technique of Flying Sand and Moving Stones; The Great Technique of Carrying the Mountain and the Super Sea; The Great Technique of Scattering Beans and Forming a Soldier; The great magic of reciting; the great magic of knowing the future; the great magic of unhindered ears; the great magic of incorporeal intelligence; the great magic of speech and sound of sentient beings; the great magic of immeasurable forms and bodies; the great magic of all dharmas and wisdom; the great magic of entering the law and destroying it.

1. Omniscient Almighty Magic

Also known as omnipotence, omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent, transcendental and transcendent above everything, it is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent Yes, the creator of all things, the ruler of the universe, the revelator of truth, the savior of all spirits, and the judge of sin.

Omniscient and Almighty Divine Art is a transcendent and absolutely supreme existence and non-existence. Everything is just a thought and an idea of ​​Omniscient Almighty Divine Art. It can create everything with a single thought, and can also erase everything with a single thought. Omniscient Almighty Magic is essentially everything, and knows everything, transcends and transcends everything, all this also refers to everything, including all concepts, definitions, time and space, causality, logic, laws, eternity, origin, boundaries , imaginary number, meaning, relative and absolute, concrete and abstract, matter and consciousness, existence and non-existence, etc.

The ultimate ability of the omnipotent and omnipotent divine art - do whatever you want, do whatever you want, you can change whatever you want, it is everything, and nothing can surpass it.

The blink of an eye can destroy hundreds of millions of beings in the universe. The omniscience and omnipotence magic is the strongest ultimate supreme magic in all multiverses. The multiverse is just like a drop of water in the vast ocean to the omniscient and omnipotent magic. It can be as strong as it wants, it is omniscient and omnipotent, and the strongest beings in all the multiverse are like microbes in front of it. What it says, everything is, and it is tens of millions of times more powerful than all the powerhouses of the multiverse combined.

2. The Great Magic of Creation and Creation

Also known as Creation, open up the world, destroy the universe, create the world, and cultivate all things. This technique can control all time, space, reality, mind, power, and soul in the entire infinite dimension; it can be created, distorted, or reordered Any time and space and cause and effect; the entire universe and even the entire multiverse can be plunged into an infinite time cycle; the entire universe of infinite dimensions can be completely stopped, only staying in the eternal present, able to create, destroy, dominate, control , dominate, manipulate, reboot, or modify everything.

The Great Magic of Creation and Creation can turn anyone's imagination into reality and realize any dream. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless in front of it, because it can arbitrarily change them. The great magic of creation and creation creates everything, exists in everything, transcends and is above everything.

3. The great magic of immortality

Also known as Eternal Life Pass, there is no beginning and no end, immortality and immortality, transcends everything, ignores everything, everything is infinite and infinite, everything has its own existence, and everything eternal has no meaning to the great magic of immortality. The immortal art is a supreme divine art that transcends metaphysical, spiritual and material things forever. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of the great magic of immortality.

The magic of immortality can ignore cause and effect and ignore paradoxes. It is the truth in itself, and what it says is what it says, as long as it can be imagined, from fixed numbers to variables, from the universe to all things, from time to space, from nothing to existence, From energy to matter, as long as it exists or has existed, it only takes a thought to make it disappear or recreate. In a word, what you say is what you say, it cannot be denied or reversed. No matter how powerful an individual is, they are as small as dust in front of the immortal magic.

Fourth, the great magic of mediating good fortune

It is also known as Good Fortune, the Great Dao of Good Fortune, which mediates the heavens and the earth, and the mysterious is good fortune. This technique is to create something out of nothing or to change the essence of things. It can create all things, and it can also subvert the original rules of the universe and redefine new rules of the universe. Create all things, educate all living beings, seize the creation of heaven and earth, and control infinite fortune. This technique is also a technique of controlling the current situation, allowing oneself to change from passive to active, from small to large, or even to create something out of nothing. It can leverage the world, benefit all souls, and shine through the ages. Note: "Evolve the universe, create living beings, and have immeasurable great blessings and infinite great luck."

5. Reversing Yin and Yang Great Magic

Also known as yin and yang, it can make the universe out of order and all things out of order, and can turn dark sky into day, and day into night. It is still said that life and death are reversed, reincarnation is reversed, and the so-called divine prison is the reverse journey of all things, and it is also a reversal of the universe. Note: "Yin and Yang are the opposites of things. This is the Great Way of Yin and Yang in the universe. It controls the cycle of life and death, the transformation of Yin and Yang, and the alternation of the sun and the moon, which can disrupt Yin and Yang and conceal the secret of heaven."

Sixth, the great magic of shifting stars and changing battles

Also known as Xingchentong, it is the ability to change the constellations of the universe and all things, to move the stars and change the order of the stars; it can obscure and tamper with the secrets of the sky. Heaven's secret, still God's will. The way of heaven enlightens the mind, that is, the secret of heaven, which is the great technique of life and death; this technique has the ability to control billions of stars, and can also use the power of stars to arbitrarily construct cosmic wormholes, through which wormholes are used to conduct space in billions of stars in the universe. Teleportation and time travel. Note: "This is the great supernatural power of the Avenue of Stars."

7. The Great Magic of Returning to Heaven and Returning to the Sun

Also known as time pass, returning to the sky is to pull back the day; returning to the sun is to raise the sun that is sinking in the west again. This great magic means that the mana is strong enough to stop the passage of time and allow the sun to change its own trajectory, which is the ability to reverse the world. This technique can penetrate into the heavens, illuminate the world of Jambu, the world of hundreds of millions of constant sands, and can show the scenes that happened in the past without obstacles. Accelerate, stop time, reverse time, plunder time. Note: "This is the great magical power to control time."

8. The Great Magic of Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain

Also known as the natural power, the natural avenue supernatural power, can summon strong winds, heavy rain, and even cloud and rain. It can also play blizzard or frost, cloud and rain, and control thunder and lightning. Note: "The great power of manipulating nature and weather changes."

Nine, the great magic of shaking the mountain and shaking the earth

Also known as Daditong, it can make the earth produce earthquakes, shake the earth, shake the mountains and rivers, and destroy the world and everything in the world. To shake the mountain is to shake the mountain. To shake the earth is to shake the earth. When this great magical technique was deployed, countless super volcanoes erupted violently, the smoke and dust covered the sky, causing great changes in the sky such as wind, thunder, rain and electricity. It erupted at the same time, landslides and fissures, rivers and rivers were diverted, vicissitudes of life, countless territories and thousands of miles of red land, floods flooded, life was devastated, and it was like a **** on earth, horrible to see. Note: "The power is very broad and the destructive power is extremely strong. It is a great magical power to control the earth."

10. The Great Magic of Flying the Clouds and Driving the Fog

Also known as Feitong, the supernatural power of the Great Dao of Flight, it is the first flying technique in the universe, which can travel hundreds of millions of miles in an instant. You can roam the universe and starry sky, travel through the heavens and the world, teleport between the stars, jump in space, go to the sky and enter the earth, come and go without a trace. Note: "The supreme supernatural power of flight."

Eleven, the great magic of crossing the river into the land

It is also known as water control, the supernatural power of the avenue of water, which divides the area of ​​rivers or oceans, so that it can become land; can control, dominate, and travel through rivers, lakes and seas; has the power to control water, and can control the universe at will. All water sources are the avenues of water. Note: "The supreme supernatural power of water control."

12. Longitudinal Golden Light Magic

Also known as the speed pass, it transforms into a golden light that can reach tens of thousands of miles away in an instant, and the speed exceeds the speed of light. , Space shuttle. Note: "You can move instantly, thousands of miles in a flash, but it is the great power of speed."

Thirteen, the great magic of turning the river and stirring the sea

Also known as Chaos Tong, Chaos Dao supernatural power, can control rivers, lakes and seas, set off the mighty power of rolling waves, causing huge disasters and catastrophe; Trapped in chaos; wherever the torrents of chaotic times have passed, the kingdoms are heavy, the thoughts of chaotic times have shrouded the ancients, and any living being will suffer the disaster of annihilation. Note: "The sky is chaotic, the order is out of order, and the catastrophe is coming. It is a great magical power that stirs the situation and creates chaos."

14. The Great Magic of Fingering the Earth into Steel

Also known as imprisonment, imprisoning the avenues of supernatural powers, turning the land of an area into steel, and overcoming the earth and the earth; it can imprison all things and spirits, making them unable to move, unable to speak, and become a lamb to be slaughtered; reaching the extreme can Instantly imprisoned time, imprisoned space, imprisoned matter, imprisoned spirit, imprisoned energy, imprisoned billions of stars. Note: "The imprisoned supernatural powers at will."

15. The Five Elements Great Escape Technique

Also known as the Five Elements Pass, it is the magical power of the Five Elements Dao, which is divided into the Five Elements Dao Method and the Five Elements Escape Technique. Among them are the spells of attacking the enemy or defending and the Five Elements Escape Technique that can travel freely in the gold, wood, water, fire and soil, and avoid fire or earth. Magic and other spells are included in the Five Elements Great Escape. Note: "The wonderful way that contains the five elements to overcome changes is the general term for magic and escape."

16. The Great Magic of Rokka Qimen

Also known as Tianjitong, Liujia Qimen is in charge of Tianji, seeking good luck and avoiding evil. Liujia, Jiazi, Jiaxu, Jiashen, Jiawu, Jiachen, Jiayin, is the art of Dunjia, which is a general term for a series of spells such as using ghosts and spirits, talismans to exorcise ghosts, and medical stars; With the spell Qimen. This technique is a systematic method that integrates forecasting, operational research, and cultivation of the "trinity", including the magic of mathematics, magic, and Taoism. It can not only be used to predict the good and bad of life, regulate diseases, but also can take advantage of the secrets to carry out all strategies and tactics. Operations research, Feng Shui layout of all things development, life restoration energy, change the pattern, etc. Note: "Including deduction of heaven's secrets, talisman to exorcise ghosts, medical astrology, incarnation outside the body, three heads and six arms, the universe in the sleeves, the whole chapter of the alchemy array, the method of penetrating the seclusion and the mysterious light, and other magical powers. It is prediction, planning, and cultivation. The great supernatural power is the avenue of heaven's secrets."

17. The Great Magical Technique of Reverse Knowing the Future

Also known as Destiny Link, Destiny Dao supernatural power, can reverse destiny, understand destiny, deduce destiny, manipulate destiny, modify destiny, and erase destiny; it can gain insight into what will happen in the future, and can see the secrets of heaven, and it is also a prophet of uncertainty; the past, The fate of all beings now and in the future, to know and control the fate and fortune, to control the fate of everything in the universe, and the fate of all things in the universe; it can also arbitrarily make the fixed number of the multiverse into a variable, make the variable become a fixed number, the so-called reincarnation, destined, The causal cycle, the laws of the universe, etc. can be arbitrarily created, destroyed, controlled, dominated, modified, manipulated, reversed, and erased in front of this technique. Note: "It is the supernatural power that can reverse and understand all destiny."

Eighteenth, the great magic of whipping mountains and moving stones

Also known as the mountain pass, the mountain road supernatural power, is the technique of manipulating mountains, whipping mountains, and moving boulders. Ten fingers are whips that whip the mountains and moss, and ten fingers are ropes that bind and move ten thousand stones. It can control the changes of mountains, open mountains and split rocks, suppress all things, and transfer mountains for their own use; it can control countless mountains to suppress, seal, and destroy all things in the universe. Note: "Manipulating the changes of the mountains, that is, opening the mountains and splitting the rocks, can also transfer the mountains for your own use. This is the great magic of manipulating the mountains, and you can control all the mountains in the billions of stars in the universe at the same 9. The Great Magic of Bringing Back the Dead

Also known as Resurrection Pass, it lifts the dead and turns their flesh into bones, allowing the soul of the deceased to return to the corpse and reborn in Nirvana, showing the mystery of life and death. Reaching the extreme can revive and restart the universe, and revive hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe at the same time. Note: "Resurrection of deceased people, the supreme magic method, is the great supernatural power to resurrect all things and spirits."

20. The Great Magical Technique of Flying Body and Tracking

Also known as space communication, it is hidden in the universe and travels in the world. It is unknowable, unsearchable, and unobservable. It exists in the universe, but cannot be seen in the universe. It controls the power of space and can be invisible, jump, cut, Space confinement. Note: "This is the supreme supernatural power of space."

Twenty-one, nine breath convincing great magic

It is also known as Refining Qi Tong, the Dao of Qi's supernatural power, breathing and breathing nine breaths, which can transform the vitality of heaven and earth into mana, and can also disperse it into vitality and combine with heaven and earth, and return to the baby and mix into one, if it can gather, it will take shape, Dispersion becomes gas. This technique is also the supreme method of adjusting the breath. It gathers the energy of heaven and earth, and can heal wounds and restore overall state. Note: "This is the supreme avenue of qi refining. It is a great supernatural power that can spit mountains and rivers with qi, shake the sky with qi, and control the vitality of heaven and earth."

22. Deriving Yuanyang Great Magic

Also known as deprivation, a breath of life is Yuanyang, and exporting Yuanyang means depriving others of their Yuanyang. Deprive the enemy's Yuan Yang, export the Yang Qi in the body, absorb the opponent's Yuan Yang, strengthen one's own Yuan Yang, harm others and benefit oneself, and strengthen oneself. In addition, this technique can also deprive the opponent of essence, qi, spirit, cultivation, soul, strength, vitality, longevity, cause and effect, luck, weapons, items, chance, and good fortune, so as to capture the good fortune of heaven and earth, and reverse the yin and yang to seize the opportunity of heaven and earth. . Note: "Yuanyang people, that is, people can live a breath, and deriving Yuanyang's great magic can also be called deprivation of great magic."

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