In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1907: Cosmic Supernatural Powers List

The "Cosmic Supernatural Powers List" records billions of supernatural powers in countless multiverses, of which the most powerful are the five absolute supreme supernatural powers, the ten great creation **** supernatural powers, the forty-nine supernatural powers of Tianyan and the three thousand avenue supernatural powers .

The five absolute supreme supernatural powers are: the supernatural supernatural power in charge of heaven, the supernatural supernatural power in charge of nothingness, the supernatural supernatural power in charge of Hongmeng, the supernatural supernatural power in charge of chaos, and the supernatural supernatural power in charge of time and space.

The five absolute supreme supernatural powers are the five transcendent-level supreme super-almighty super-powerful supernatural powers and the five ultimate super-supreme super-powerful supernatural powers, possessing the five ultimate powers of transcendence, ignoring everything, absolute supremeness, absolute supernatural power, and absolute super-almighty. , is controlled by the legendary five masters of transcendence, and belongs to the five ultimate supernatural powers in the legend.

The ten great powers of creation gods are: the great power of destiny, the great power of karma, the great power of wish, the great power of reincarnation, the great power of creation, the great power of destruction, and the great power of time Supernatural powers, supernatural powers in charge of space, supernatural powers in charge of life, supernatural powers in charge of death.

The Ten Great Creation Gods are ten kinds of innate supernatural powers, possessing the ultimate power of the ten Great Ways of Creation, and are controlled by the legendary ten great masters of creation, belonging to the legendary ten kinds of ultimate powers. On the great magic.

Forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, forty-nine kinds of innate supreme supernatural powers, refer to the way of heaven to derive all things in the universe, that is, three or three are inexhaustible, six or six are inexhaustible, forty-nine Tianyan, Tianyan all things are born, and forty Nine represents the meaning of all things in the universe, and the forty-nine changes in Tianyan are innate supernatural powers. Those who gather together the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan can become the supreme transcendent, which means "above everything", transcends everything, ignores everything, is omniscient, omnipotent, immortal and immortal.

The innate origin of the forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan is the forty-nine great divine arts seeds, which were born in the primordial chaotic source core and have innate spirituality. Lord, refining and merging, truly control the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan.

The forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan are all unique. They all have innate origins and seeds of great divine arts, and they all contain the truth of the Dao and innate spirituality. They are truly transcendent innate supernatural powers. However, the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan that have been circulated in the heavens and the world have no innate origin and seeds of great divine arts, and do not contain the truth of the Dao and innate spirituality. . In front of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, the forty-nine false divine arts of Tianyan are just trivial illusions.

The strength of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan depends on the level of the owner's cultivation. powerful.

The forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan include:

Omniscient and Almighty Magic; Creation and Creation Magic; Immortality and Immortality Magic ;The Great Magic of Soaring the Clouds and Driving the Fog; The Great Magic of Crossing the River and the Land; The Great Magic of Vertically Golden Light; The Great Magic of Turning the River and Stirring the Sea; The great magic of moving stones; the great magic of resurrecting the dead; the great magic of flying body and trace; the great magic of nine breaths and convincing; the great magic of deriving Yuanyang; the great magic of subduing dragons and tigers; the great magic of mending the sky and bathing the sun; the great magic of pushing mountains and filling the sea; the great magic of turning stones into gold ;The great magic of standing without shadows; the great magic of fetal transformation; the great magic of big and small wishful thinking; the great magic of flowers blooming in an instant; the great magic of wandering the gods and the qi; the great magic of seeing through the walls; the great magic of returning to the wind and returning fire; the great magic of mastering the five thunders Technique; The Great Technique of Shrinking the Earth; The Great Technique of Flying Sand and Moving Stones; The Great Technique of Carrying the Mountain and the Super Sea; The Great Technique of Scattering Beans and Forming a Soldier; The great magic of reciting; the great magic of knowing the future; the great magic of unhindered ears; the great magic of incorporeal intelligence; the great magic of speech and sound of sentient beings; the great magic of immeasurable forms and bodies; the great magic of all dharmas and wisdom; the great magic of entering the law and destroying it.

The three thousand avenues of supernatural powers, also known as the three thousand talent avenues of supernatural powers, of which the top five are called the five transcendent talents of the avenues of supernatural In order of ranking, they are: Datian Daoshu, Daowushu, Dahongmengshu , Great Chaos, Great Time and Space.

The ten kinds of talent Dao magical powers ranked sixth to fifteenth are called the top ten creation-level talent Dao magical powers, in order of ranking they are: Great Destiny Technique, Great Karma Technique, Great Wish Technique, Great Reincarnation Technique, Great Creation Technique, Great Destruction, Great Time, Great Space, Great Life, Great Death.

The five masters of transcendence have awakened the supernatural powers of the three-life supernatural avenues, and the ten masters of creation have awakened the supernatural powers of the twin creation-level talents. , also represents their powerful ability and infinite potential, which will never disappear, and will accompany them to exist forever, grow together, infinitely improve and become infinitely powerful.

Under normal circumstances, all geniuses will awaken a kind of talent Dao supernatural power, a transcendent genius will awaken a super talent Dao supernatural power, a creation-level genius will awaken a creation-level talent Dao supernatural power, and an emperor-level genius will awaken a kind of emperor. Level talent avenue magical powers, the higher the cultivation base, the stronger the talent avenue magical powers, and the high-level talent avenue magical powers will always suppress the low-level talent avenue magical powers.

The "Universe Supernatural Powers List" records hundreds of millions of supernatural powers in countless multiverses. Among them, the 3,000-talented Dao supernatural powers are the most famous. They are divided into seven levels, namely: five kinds of transcendence, ten kinds of creation, one There are one hundred and twenty emperors, five hundred kings, and the rest are high, intermediate, and low.

The avenue of talent is far stronger than ordinary magical powers. Only true geniuses can awaken the avenues of talent, and only one kind of avenue of talent can be awakened. Those who can awaken twins of the avenue of talent are extremely rare and rare, even among hundreds of millions of living beings. It is unlikely that there will be one. As for the Sansheng Talent Dao Divine Ability, it only exists in the legend.

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