In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1905: Origin 3 Holy

Ji Haotian smiled indifferently and said, "The Three Sages of Origin are the three cosmic **** of the cosmos **** society. Ten years ago, I was besieged by more than 30 ancient powers of the cosmos **** society, and I was caught off guard. After being secretly attacked by six ancient powers, I was severely injured by being involved in the crack of space and falling into the vortex of time and space. After that, I fell into a deep coma and finally fell to the source star. And ten years ago, the six ancient powers who secretly attacked me secretly Among them are the Three Sages of the Source! The reason why they are afraid of me is that ten years ago they saw me alone fighting against many ancient powers, killing more than a dozen ancient powers. The ability to kill all the dozens of ancient powers present! The source of the three saints was afraid of being killed by me, so when they saw me, they turned their heads and ran away, because they knew that if they escaped slowly, they would be killed by me !"

Ji Haotian is now in the Three-Star Eternal Ancestor Realm, and his strength is comparable to that of the Primordial Great Master. If he breaks through to the Great Eternal Ancestral Realm, he will become a truly invincible existence in the super-infinite universe. Neng is also not his opponent, because the cultivation of the super-primitive powers in the super-infinite universe is only the ten-star Great Eternal Ancestral Realm, that is to say, once Ji Haotian breaks through to the Great Eternal Ancestral Realm, he will kill the ultra-primitive alone. Powerful ability, his five supreme super-almighty cards are the nemesis of all super-primitive powers.

Ji Haotian's soul source is like the vast and boundless universe. In the depths of the soul source, located in the center of the soul source are the five supreme super-almighty cards: the supernatural soul of the heavens, the master of the heavens, the seed of the supernatural powers in charge of the heavenly arts, and the master of the heavens. The source of power and the tower of the Tao of Heaven, the five supreme super-all-powerful powers form a five-legged situation in the center of the soul source; surrounded by the three thousand avenues of origin beads, various treasures, the origin of the ancestral thunder of the heavens, and the light of life of the heavens Source Light Seeds and Heavenly Dao Super Infinite Infinite Tribulations Source Tribulation Seeds and many other supreme treasures.

Ji Haotian's five supreme super all-around cards are:

1. The way of heaven is beyond the soul of no mystery - the ultimate first cause.

2. The nominative figure of the Tao of Heaven - the ancestor of all personalities and origins

3. In charge of Heavenly Daoshu - the ancestor of all magical powers and spells

4. The Great Ruler of Heaven—the ancestor of all exercises and realms

Fifth, Tiandao Pagoda - the ancestor of all treasures and spiritual things

Wu Jiangzhixun widened his eyes and said in surprise: "Haotian, you... Who are you? You are much younger than me, how can you be so powerful?"

Ji Haotian said with a smile, "I am Ji Haotian, the great ruler of the heavens and the emperor of the kingdom of heaven."

Origin Divine Mountain, adjacent to Origin Divine City, is a majestic super mountain range.

In the center of the mountains is a towering and tall peak that reaches the sky, and on top of the peak is a huge palace of purple gold.

In the magnificent and magnificent hall, the Three Sages of the Source are sitting on three huge thrones, talking to themselves.

Suddenly, the space in the hall was distorted, and Ji Haotian and Wu Jiang Zhixun flashed out!

Seeing Ji Haotian, the peerless killing **** coming to the door, the Three Saints of the Source were so frightened that their hair stood on end, shuddered, and panicked!

The source sage shouted nervously: "Ji Haotian,'re too cruel, right? You're actually killing me!"

Shengjun Yuanyuan said nervously: "Ji Haotian, it was our fault that we secretly attacked you back then. We apologize to you and are willing to make huge compensation to you."

The three sages of the source suddenly threw Ji Haotian a space ring each, and each space ring contained a huge amount of shocking wealth.

Ji Haotian didn't even look at it, and directly gave Wu Jiang Zhixun all three space rings.

Then he suddenly burst out with a thunderous attack, which shook the world and shook the world!

The Three Sages of the Source were so frightened that their souls would flee. As if they were facing a great enemy, they hurriedly prepared to parry with all their might, but...Ji Haotian's offensive was just halfway and suddenly withdrew!

Ji Haotian, who had withdrawn the offensive, looked at Wu Jiang Zhixun beside him, and said with a smile: "Zhixun, the Three Sages of the Source are not wicked people, it would be a waste to kill them. Would you like to imprint them with souls and completely control them? Their lives and deaths, will they be brought under their command? If you are assisted by the three ancient great powers of the Three Sages of the Source, you will be the overlord of this universe, and there will be many benefits."

Wu Jiangzhixun's heart warmed when he heard the words, he saw that Ji Haotian was a person who knew his favor and repayment.

He said gratefully: "Haotian, thank you, I have already gotten my revenge, and there is no big enmity between me and the original three saints, and the original three saints are indeed not wicked people, if they help me, my The road of cultivation will indeed be more magnanimous, I accept your kindness, and I am willing to take the Three Sages of the Source under my command."

Ji Haotian nodded, and he suddenly burned a massive amount of Zhou Crystal as the force to destroy the Transcendent Supreme Treasure Pagoda!

The 3,000-story Purple Gold Pagoda Tiandao Pagoda rose in the face of the storm, and instantly turned into a super purple-gold giant tower as huge as a giant mountain. The purple light is ten thousand feet wide, and it oppresses the universe, like the purple-golden sun that destroys the sky and destroys the earth. Swept across the world, covering the Eight Wastelands.

As soon as the Tiandao Pagoda appeared, it shook countless universes, and every vast and mighty force could destroy countless days and countless places, any time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, concepts, laws, etc. Everything, the Tiandao Pagoda has no All shattered under the mighty power above!

The vast and endless Heavenly Dao Pagoda, the Heavenly Dao will, descends the boundless and vast Heavenly Dao mighty power, suppresses the eternity, and obliterates the universe. Under this endless Heavenly Dao repression, all living beings must submit. If they do not submit, they will be suppressed. Crash Avenue!

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