In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1601: Super God Primordial God Primordial God Ancient God

The two primordial gods that appeared looked at the heroes present.

Hunabo, the original **** of the void, laughed and said: "It's so lively! There are super gods, primordial gods, primordial gods, ancient gods, and the five transcendental masters are also there!"

The original **** of spirit worshiped Aimee, the creator, looking at the super **** of balance dimension, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Super **** of balance dimension, why are you here to join in the fun?"

The balance dimension super **** said coldly: "I'm full, so I came out for a walk."

Hunabo, the creator of the world, said: "Come out for a walk? Where's the rope? Why isn't there a rope to tie you? Just let you out? What should I do if I bite someone?"

The balance dimension super **** said coldly: "Aren't you two old dogs tied without a leash? This is about to bite?"

Ji Haotian suddenly conjured up three ropes and threw them at the feet of one Super God and two Genshin Impacts, and said, "I just have three ropes here for you."

The balance dimension super **** and the two original gods are all black lines.

The balance-dimensional supergod suddenly yelled at Ji Haotian angrily: "Ji Haotian, you son of a bitch, do you think of the three of us super-primitive powers as dogs? You immediately kneel and kowtow to me and confess your guilt, I will tie you with a rope. Neck, walk you!"

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "I'm not a dog, I don't need a leash."

The balance dimension super **** said angrily: "Then do we need a dog leash?"

Ji Haotian said indifferently: "I don't know if they need a dog leash, but I know that your balance-dimensional super-god definitely needs a dog leash, because you have already started biting people!"

After speaking, he looked at the three ancient gods and asked, "Do you think what I said is correct?"

The three ancient gods nodded, expressing their agreement.

Ji Haotian looked at the two primordial gods again, and asked, "Do you think the balance dimension super gods need a dog leash?"

Hunabo, the creator of the world, nodded and said: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is right, the balance dimension supergod really needs a dog leash, otherwise it will be bad for him to run out and bite people!"

Ji Haotian nodded, looked at the Super God of Balance Dimension and said, "Look, everyone agrees that your Super God of Balance Dimension should keep the dog on a leash."

The super **** of balance dimension said coldly: "Ji Haotian, if I want to clean up you, the three ancient gods can't stop me!"

Bai Aimee the creator said indifferently: "What if we add our two original gods? Can I stop you?"

The balance dimension is super divine: "You two also want to cover Ji Haotian?"

Hu Nabo nodded and said: "We and Ji Haotian are not in the same group, we will not cover him, we just don't like you, you are upset, we are very happy!"

Bai Aimei the Creator said to the three ancient gods: "Three ancient gods, let's join forces to beat the balance dimension super **** together, are you optimistic?"

The ancient **** Saturninus nodded and said, "Very good, we see that the balance dimension super **** has long been unpleasant, and we have long wanted to beat him!"

The super **** of balance dimension snorted coldly: "Your idea is very beautiful, but it's just an idea, you can't do it!"

Yu Mogu Shendao: "Our three ancient gods and two original gods can't beat you violently together?"

The primordial goddess Nketosa suddenly said coldly, "Don't you think that our three primordial goddesses do not exist?"

The ancient **** Jiedun asked: "You three old **** and the super **** of balance dimension are in a mess? Are you conspired? Have you become adulterers?"

Ji Haotian suddenly made three dog leashes and threw them at the feet of the three primordial goddesses without saying a word.

Seeing this, the three primordial goddesses exploded with rage, each and every one of their seven orifices emitting smoke, and they were about to beat Ji Haotian.

The three ancient gods suddenly blocked, firmly protecting Ji Haotian in the middle, and confronted the three primordial goddesses.

The super-god of balance dimension opposite is eyeing Ji Haotian, so he will take action to clean up Ji Haotian.

At this moment, two more ancient gods suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and at the same time protected Ji Haotian in the middle.

The two ancient gods that appeared are the second of the fifty ancient gods of the kingdom of heaven, namely the ancient **** Mobius and the ancient **** Kronde.

The ancient **** Mobius, the **** of absorption, has a bloated body, white skin, a big head, but small eyes, and is the same height as a human being. It is resourceful, distinguishes right from wrong, has great wisdom and strong memory, has a kind personality, has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of its head, and has twin talents with great avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great absorption.

The ancient **** of Kelund, the **** of maintenance, looks similar to people, with silver-gray skin and silver-gray hair. He is the peacekeeper of the universe, maintaining the peace of the universe, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents Dao Supernatural Powers Great Space-Time Technique and Great Maintenance Technique.

The balance dimension super **** saw the presence of the five ancient gods in the kingdom of heaven, and it was impossible for him to clean up Ji Haotian, so he could only give up.

The three primordial goddesses also retreated one after another, giving up the idea of ​​cleaning up Ji Haotian.

The two ancient gods who appeared later all paid homage to Ji Hao Tianxing to meet His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and revealed their identities and names.

Only then did Ji Haotian know the two later ancient gods and greeted them happily.

Suddenly, "Bang!" There was a muffled sound and a scream of pain!

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Ji Haotian, who was talking and laughing, suddenly hurt people, and knocked the unpredictable Dawei Tianlong to the ground with a punch!

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