In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1591: Shining Star Upgrade

The Tianlaohui is the highest legislative body of the kingdom of heaven. It consists of 100,000 Tianlao, including the 18-day Lao Wangchao, the original eighteen ancestors, the fifty presidents, the fifty-pillar ancient gods of the kingdom of heaven, and the three thousand Taishang Tianlao. Tianlao means The elders of the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly elders of the heavenly society are divided into seven types: the heavenly elders, the supreme heavenly elders, the legislative elders, the supervisory elders, the law enforcement elders, the guardian elders, and the deacon elders.

The titles of the kingdom of heaven are divided into seven grades, from high to low, they are:

The Great King of Heaven, the King of Heaven, the Duke of Heaven, the Marquis of Heaven, the Earl of Heaven, the Lord of Heaven, the Lord of Heaven.

Eighteen days of the Tianlaohui, Lao Wangchao, the original eighteen ancestors and the fifty presidents of the Tianlaohui, the fifty pillars of the ancient gods of the kingdom of heaven belong to the Great Heavenly King Jue, and the gods and gods such as Jiuchen Tianzun belong to the Heavenly King Jue, and the legislation Tianlao, The supervisor and law enforcement belong to the Duke of Tian, ​​while the guardian and the deacon belong to the Marquis of Tian.

There are 100,000 celestial elders in the kingdom of heaven, known as the 100,000 celestial elders in the kingdom of heaven. The celestial elders of the tianlao society are elected every 3,000 years. They are elected by all the high-level officials of the kingdom of heaven. They are the highest legislative body of the kingdom of heaven. right.

The Kingdom of Heaven implements a system of one meeting, three palaces, four government, five courts and eight ministries, and the five powers (legislative power, executive power, military power, supervision power, and judicial power) are separated.

Yihui: Tianlaohui (the highest legislative body).

The three halls: the first deputy emperor's hall (to supervise everything in the kingdom of heaven), the second deputy emperor's hall (to supervise the administration and military aircraft of the heavenly kingdom), and the third deputy emperor's hall (to supervise the supervision and justice of the heavenly kingdom).

Four Houses: East Heaven Zaifu, West Heaven Zaifu, South Heaven Zaifu, and North Heaven Zaifu, the four governments jointly manage the affairs of the kingdom of heaven.

Five Courts: Execution Court (implementation), Mission Court (preaching and indoctrination), Privy Council (military affairs), Supervisory Court (supervision and inspection), and Criminal Court (penal justice).

Eight Departments: Department of Heavenly Secrets (fortune-telling), Department of Heavenly Education (educational assessment), Department of Heavenly Officials (organizational management), Department of Heavenly Household (financial and civil affairs), Department of Heavenly Rites (ceremony and culture), Department of Heavenly Armament (war preparedness and national defense), and Heavenly Ministry Ministry of Punishment (penalty prison), Ministry of Heavenly Works (construction and construction).

The Central Committee of the Heavenly Kingdom implements the separation of five powers. The Tianlao Council is in charge of the legislative power, the three vice-monarch halls supervise everything, the four major Tianzaifu are in charge of the administrative power, and the fifth chamber is responsible for government affairs, preaching, military aircraft, supervision, and justice. All high-level officials of the Heavenly Kingdom, including the Fourth House and the Fifth House, have the power of supervision and impeachment.

Time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

A thousand years later.

The multiverse of God, a super multiverse in the super-almighty universe that is independent of the super-universe, and that dominates the multi-verse of God is the supreme court of God, the super-powerful superpower of the super-almighty universe.

There are more than 3,000 single universes in the multiverse of God, and they are all ranked.

The First God Universe, the number one supercell universe in the God Multiverse.

The central star field, a super large star field in the First God Universe, where the headquarters of the Supreme God's Court is located.

Eternal Galaxy, a super large galaxy in the central star field, dominated by the kingdom of heaven.

Glorious Star, the only super-high-level life planet in the eternal galaxy, the planet where the kingdom of heaven is located.

There are three super continents in Guanghui Star, namely: the continent of heaven, the continent of brilliance, and the continent of brilliance.

There are four oceans in the world, namely, the Bright Ocean, the Brilliant Ocean, the Antarctic Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.

Thousands of years have passed, and today's Radiant Star is no longer an emperor-level life planet. The ancestors of the kingdom of heaven personally took action to upgrade the Radiant Star to a super-high-level life planet, and the kingdom of heaven has also become the super-high-level life planet Radiance Star is the only ruler.

Heavenly Continent, Almighty Treasure, a circular supercontinent with a total area of ​​300 billion square kilometers, consisting of 3000 Heavenly Domains, an inland sea, 100,000 Heavenly City, 100,000 Heavenly Lake, 100,000 Heavenly River, 100,000 Mountains, 100,000 Heavens It is composed of grassland, one billion caves, one billion blessed land, and one billion paradise.

The Kingdom of Heaven, also known as the Kingdom of Eternal Life and the Kingdom of Supreme Heaven, dominates the vast and endless continent of the Kingdom of Heaven. The center of national governance is the Central Heavenly Court of the Central Tianshan Mountain. The Central Heavenly City next to the Central Tianshan Mountain is the capital of the Kingdom of Heaven. The total population of the Kingdom of Heaven is 100 billion people. The difference is always a beautiful spring. The source energy of the heaven and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will always be more than ten times that of the outside world.

The kingdom of heaven is vast and boundless, and even if hundreds of millions of beings in the universe go there together, there will be no danger of being overwhelmed. Heaven's climate is mild, there are no changes in the four seasons, cold and heat, rain and rain, and it is always so cool and comfortable, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The only inland sea in the Kingdom of Heaven is the Eternal Life Sea, the largest domain is the Central Heavenly Domain, the largest city is the Central Heavenly City, the largest lake is the Heavenly Lake of Life, the largest river is the Eternal Tianhe, the largest mountain range is the Central Tianshan, the largest The grassland is the Cangtian Prairie, the largest cave is the Hanhai Cangming cave, the largest blessed land is the Langhuan blessed land, and the largest paradise is the Garden of Eden.

The land of the kingdom of heaven is the top ten sacred soils, the water source is the top ten sacred waters, and there are countless spiritual roots of heaven and earth, magical trees, treasures of heaven and earth, and exotic flowers and plants, including the legendary five ancestral trees of Hongmeng and the ten spiritual roots of chaos. , Innate Ten Sacred Trees and Prehistoric Ten Gardens.

The Five Great Ancestral Trees of the Heavenly Kingdom: The root ancestors of all the trees, all the exotic flowers and plants, and all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in countless multiverses. They were born in the primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primal primord with with primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial High wisdom and supernatural powers, the five great ancestral trees of Hongmeng are respectively:

Hongmeng Destiny Tree - Knowing and deducing the fate of everything.

Hongmeng causal tree - can make cause and effect cycle and cause and effect collapse.

Hongmeng Wish Tree - Makes the wishes of living beings come true and their wishes come true.

Hongmeng Creation Tree - Creation, creation and nurturing of all living beings.

Hongmeng Tree of Life - Healing all spirits and nourishing all things.

The Ten Great Spiritual Roots of Chaos in Heaven:

Chaos Qinglian - Lotus of Creation

Chaos Huangzhong Li - The Li of Dao Xing

Chaos Peach - The Peach of Creation

Chaos Ginseng Fruit - Fruit of Longevity

Chaos Green Willow - Nourishing Willow

Chaos Bitter Bamboo - Bamboo of Seal

Chaos Gourd - Gourd of Ten Thousand Stars

Chaos Immortal Apricot - Apricot of All Souls

Chaos Fusang - The Mulberry of All Laws

Chaos five-needle pine - Vientiane pine

The Ten Heavenly Innate Sacred Trees:

Nine World Trees

Nine star fruit trees

Nine Tongtian Jianmu Trees

Three thousand congenital peach trees

Three thousand ginseng fruit trees

Six thousand Bodhi trees

Six thousand innate hibiscus trees

Nine thousand immortal trees

Nine thousand innate laurel trees

Nine thousand innate plane trees

The Ten Heavenly Innate Holy Waters:

Chaos Ancestral Water, One Yuan Heavy Water, Three Lights True Water, Three Thousand Weak Waters, Heavenly Holy Water, Undetermined Black Water, Forgetting River Water, Eight Merits and Virtues Water, Life Water, Xuanming True Water.

The Ten Heavenly Innate Holy Lands:

Hongmeng Creation Land, Unsurpassed Daluo Heavenly Land, Eternal Bliss Pure Land, Jade Purity Sacred Land, Yu Yu Yu Sacred Land of Supreme Purity, Taiqing Great Red Sacred Land, Supreme Mira Real Land, One True Unobstructed Dharma Land, The Great Sun Glazed Pure Land, and the Nine Heavens Resting Soil Spiritual Soil.

The Ten Great Gardens of the Great Desolation of the Kingdom of Heaven: These are ten super-large gardens composed of the Ten Great Desolate Flowers of the Great Desolation. The Ten Great Desolate Flowers of Great Desolation are all magical and each has its own magical effect. They are:

Prehistoric Purple Emperor Lotus - Longevity

Honghuangdong Minghua - see through the false

The flood of immortal lotus - immortal and immortal

Prehistoric Yunzhi - Escape from the sky

Wild Ambrosia - Boundless Mana

Nine Sui Wo in the Wilderness - Withered Trees Meet Spring

Prehistoric Drunken Chrysanthemum - Drunk for a thousand years

The Great Desolate Emperor Hughes Flowers - Relieving Sorrows and Forgetting Sorrows

Dreamland in the Wilderness - A Dream for a Thousand Years

Honghuang Huitianzhi - Resurrection of the Dead

The top ten gardens in the prehistoric kingdom of heaven are: Prehistoric Purple Emperor Lotus Garden, Honghuang Cave Minghua Garden, Prehistoric Immortal Lotus Garden, Prehistoric Tengyunzhi Garden, Prehistoric Ambergris Garden, Prehistoric Emperor Xiuhua Garden, Prehistoric Huaimenglan Garden, Prehistoric Garden Back to Tianzhi Garden.

Heaven's One Billion Cave Heaven: There are countless rare treasures and panacea in it.

Heaven's Billion Blessed Land: There are countless magical powers and peerless treasures in it.

Heaven's Billion Paradise: There are countless heaven and earth spiritual roots and heaven and earth treasures.

The most famous paradise in the kingdom of heaven is the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden is the largest and most beautiful paradise among the countless paradises in the kingdom of heaven. The beautiful Garden of Eden is sprinkled with gold, pearls, onyx and countless rare treasures. Various trees grow from the ground. Full of all kinds of exotic flowers, it is very beautiful; the fruit on the tree is beautiful, and it can also be used for food and other purposes. In the garden there are also trees of life and trees of knowledge of good and evil. There is also river water flowing in the garden, moisturizing the earth. The river is divided into four rivers that surround the beautiful Garden of Eden: the first river is called the Tianhe Pison; the second is the Tianhe Gihon; the third is the Tianhe Hidekiel; and the fourth is the Tianhe River. In the Garden of Eden, there are spirit beasts on the ground, different birds in the sky, trees in the garden, flowers in the fields, countless treasures of heaven and earth, spiritual roots of heaven and earth, as well as a lot of palaces and pavilions, Qionglou and Yuyu, and the garden is quiet. It is beautiful, the scenery is pleasant, and it is beautiful, just like a paradise, the supreme holy land.

The only inland sea in the Kingdom of Heaven is the Sea of ​​Eternal Life. It is a vast and beautiful ocean within the Heavenly Kingdom Continent. The sea of ​​eternal life is a beautiful sea of ​​life, the sea water is the water of life containing the power of endless life, the sea is the mother body of life, and the sea water is the baptism of life.

The area of ​​Eternal Life Sea is 100 million square kilometers. There are 100,000 beautiful islands of different sizes in the vast Eternal Life Sea, and there are 3 billion islanders living there.

There are three masters in the sea of ​​eternal life, called the three queens of life. They are three young and beautiful female geniuses of creation with the body of life. They live on the island of life in the sea of ​​eternal life.

There are 100,000 islands in the Eternal Life Sea, and there are 100,000 island owners. The ten largest islands among the 100,000 islands are called the top ten super islands. Each super island has tens of millions of islanders, namely: Life Island, Shengyun Island , Shengguang Island, Shenghui Island, Shengling Island, Wansheng Island, Ansheng Island, Fansheng Island, Huasheng Island, Huaisheng Island.

The beautiful sea of ​​eternal life is calm, sparkling, smoke is vast, the sky is clear, and the scales are racing. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks and the sand is endlessly The waves, almost like a white line, rushed from afar, and hit the shore with a rhythmic splash. The sound, then burst into foam, disappeared between the sand and gravel, followed by a row of waves chasing up.

At the junction of the sea and the sky, blue slowly spreads towards the beach. The sea is as blue and clear as the sky, shining like a silver brilliance.

The eternal sea is so beautiful and so quiet, but it can always make people discover its different beauty, and let hundreds of millions of creatures feel the beauty of nature together! In the future, the sea will be bluer, the grass will be greener, and billions of creatures will live in a world of beauty.

The kingdom of heaven is a paradise of bliss and eternal life, a place that is with the source of all good and separated from all evil.

There are many beautiful places in heaven, which are immortal.

In the kingdom of heaven, there will be no disaster, no sorrow, no tears, no death, and no labor.

The kingdom of heaven is completely holy, without sin, without the use of sunlight, but it will always shine brightly.

Heavenly mainland, the central Tianshan Mountains.

The Central Tianshan Mountain, also known as the Million Sacred Mountain, is located in the center of the Heavenly Kingdom. It consists of a million peaks that reach the sky. The mountains are continuous, the clouds are shrouded in mist, there are many palaces, Qionglou and Yuyu, countless heaven and earth spiritual roots, and exotic flowers and plants everywhere. The natural creation is like a beautiful scenery in a painting, and the magic is like a holy place.

The Central Heavenly Court, located in the central Tianshan Mountains, is the supreme ruling center of the Central Heavenly Kingdom.

Eternal Life Peak, located in the center of the Central Tianshan Mountains, is the first peak of the Central Tianshan Mountains.

The Eternal Life Palace is a sacred and magnificent palace group located in the Eternal Life Tianfeng. It is the dojo and residence of the supreme monarch of the kingdom of heaven. The temples in the palace are the first of all the temples. This meeting and discussion.

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