In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1567: 2 Great Ancient Gods

Pan Tianchan said coldly: "The super-primitive powers have calculated that there are 3,000 almighty cosmic crystals and 3,000 primordial chaotic crystals in the primordial chaotic source core. Allocated with the three thousand primordial chaotic crystals, so that everyone will not fight again in the primordial chaotic source core. If the three thousand almighty cosmic crystals and the three thousand primordial chaotic crystals are destroyed because of our battle, we will all play for nothing! "

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Shidi Rachiplessis looked at the first and second concubines, and said with a smile: "You first and second concubines are both pregnant now, so you shouldn't be able to make a big deal, right?"

Feng Ehuang snorted coldly, "It's not a problem for our three sisters to take care of you!"

Ji Haotian solemnly warned everyone in the four countries: "I warn you in advance that my three wives are pregnant, you have to let them, and you are not allowed to do anything with them, whoever dares to do anything with my three wives, I will decide. Don't spare him lightly!"

The deputy prince of the Hun Kingdom, Polluxina, said dissatisfiedly, "Why should I let you three dog wives? If the three dead women beat me, can I still fight back?"

Ji Haotian said coldly: "If you can't fight back, you must be able to fight back! Besides, if they beat you, you are dead, won't you run away?"

"You..." Everyone in the four countries was speechless with anger, but they didn't refute. The first and second concubines of the Heavenly Kingdom are Ji Haotian's scorpion. Now that she is pregnant, she can't move it. The second concubine, Ji Haotian will definitely rip off his skin!

Ji Haotian was too ruthless, and they had to be scruples, so they put up with it for the time being, and tacitly agreed that they would not do anything to the first and second concubines who were pregnant.

When Ji Haotian saw that everyone had acquiesced, he nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You should also know that the three thousand life Dao souls possessed by the last Chaos Yanji Heavenly Dao Master are three thousand almighty universes, and the Chaos Yanji will be destroyed. In the midst of the last chaotic evolutionary master reincarnation, his three thousand life Dao souls and three thousand almighty universes evolved into three thousand almighty cosmic crystals. That is left to me, these three thousand almighty cosmic crystals are part of my three thousand life Taoist soul! If my three thousand life Taoist soul is refined and fused with three thousand almighty universe crystals, there will be a real qualitative change. It can be said that The real awakening! Three thousand almighty cosmic crystals are too important to me, so they must belong to me, and it can be regarded as the original owner, and none of you are allowed to argue with me!"

Pan Tianchan said: "As for the three thousand primordial chaotic crystals derived from the three thousand almighty cosmic crystals, everyone can share them equally."

Rakiprisis said: "Primitive Chaos Crystal contains the original energy of Primordial Chaos. Its function is to make the Dao body break through and make the cultivation base skyrocket. It can be called a peerless treasure, and it is very important to us."

Francis said to Ji Haotian, "We all know how important three thousand almighty cosmic crystals are to you, we can give you three thousand almighty cosmic crystals instead of competing with you, but you have to give three thousand primordial chaotic crystals to you. Some of our other four emperors."

Ji Haotian shook his head resolutely and said, "There is no negotiation. The three thousand almighty cosmic crystals belong to me, and the three thousand primordial chaotic crystals are divided equally among all of us. Three thousand divided by fifteen equals two hundred, and each of us, the masters of the fifteen great avenues, can be divided into two hundred. A Primordial Chaos Crystal."

Seeing that Ji Haotian was so determined, everyone did not argue any more, and finally decided that the three thousand almighty cosmic crystals would belong to Ji Haotian, and the three thousand primordial chaotic crystals would be divided equally among fifteen people.

At this moment, suddenly, two dazzling rays of light and endless coercion appeared in the void opposite them, and two mysterious ancient alien super-primitive powers appeared!

They are the ancient **** Zababa and the ancient **** Zurqi, two of the super primitive ninety-nine ancient gods.

God Zababagu, the image is a super huge nine-headed golden leopard, with huge golden leopard eyes, a body as huge as a mountain, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great battle techniques.

The ancient **** Zurqi, whose image is similar to a white fox with three heads and nine tails, has colorful pupils, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the two ancient gods, the masters of the fifteenth avenue immediately became vigilant, and they were far from being the opponents of these super-primitive powers.

The ancient **** Zababa looked at the master of the fifteenth avenue, and said in a muffled voice: "You masters of the fifteenth avenue have divided the three thousand almighty cosmic crystals and the three thousand primordial chaotic crystals. What about us? Don't we have our share?"

The old voice of the ancient **** Zuerqi said: "I think the three thousand almighty cosmic crystals and the three thousand primordial chaotic crystals are shared equally by all of us? Whoever sees it will have a share."

Biemonds asked, "What do you call the two ancient gods? Three thousand almighty cosmic crystals and primordial chaos crystals are also useful to you?"

Zababagu said: "I am Zababagu, he is the ancient **** Zurqi, three thousand almighty cosmic crystals and three thousand primordial chaotic crystals are indeed useful to us. We all join forces to enter the primordial chaotic source core, and then divide equally. Three thousand almighty cosmic crystals and three thousand primordial chaotic crystals."


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