In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1552: Runaway 1 Queen 2 Concubine

Queen Orisia didn't pursue any further, looked at the Third Empress of Hongmeng, and said coldly: "Did you hear, Ji Haotian said that it's okay, you three female robbers are full of feces! I warn you, don't try to seduce Ji Haotian, Ji Haotian is now She is already the wife of our Chaos Twin Empress and the wife of the Palace Master of Chaos Divine Palace, you three female robbers should not be wishful thinking!"

Empress Hongtian sneered: "Ji Haotian is indeed a married man, his three wives are the first queen and the second concubine, and they are also the third of the ten great masters of creation. They are not easy to provoke, you **** queens dare to be blatant. Seduce Ji Haotian, the second concubine will never let you go!"

Queen Antiope said indifferently: "We know that our two sisters are both transcendent geniuses with almighty treasures, and we are afraid that the three of them will not succeed in creating the world! When we meet them, we will ask them to leave Ji Haotian. , leave the kingdom of heaven, draw a clear line with Ji Haotian, and never see Ji Haotian again! If they don't agree, we will abolish them!"

Queen Orisia said coldly: "Ji Haotian, we have to make a decision, no one wants to take it away!"

Empress Hongguang sneered: "When you meet the first and second concubines, you won't think so, they will let you know what it means to be awesome!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Ji Haotian and asked, "Ji Haotian, why are the two **** queens so committed to you? Did you tarnish them too?"

Queen Antiope looked at the Third Empress of Hongmeng, and asked in surprise, "You three Empresses of Hongmeng have all been ruined by Ji Haotian, right?"

Empress Hongling said coldly and domineeringly: "It wasn't Ji Haotian who spoiled us, it was we who spoiled Ji Haotian. Our three sisters decided to be responsible to Ji Haotian, so Ji Haotian is already the joint wife of our three Hongmeng Empresses, and he is also the Hongmeng Shrine. The only lady of the palace master."

Queen Orisia said: "Ji Haotian didn't defile us, it was we who defiled him, we will be responsible for him, so Ji Haotian is now the wife of the palace master of our Chaos Shrine, under the protection of our Chaos Empresses, we will meet in the future. Always protect him."

Suddenly, the first and second concubines of the Kingdom of Heaven appeared at the scene, and they all had beautiful eyes and cold faces.

The first queen and the second concubines of the Heavenly Kingdom, the three wives of the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, the three creation female masters, and the three creation avenues, they are three sacred, noble, and unparalleled beauty in palace costumes. They are elegant and vulgar. The air of lightness, the beautiful eyes and the longing, the words are not spit, the air is like a secluded orchid, as pure and beautiful as the iceberg and snow lotus, elegant and noble, they can be called three perfect women.

They have three kinds of God's souls, twin creation-level talents and supernatural powers, and hold three creation treasures and many almighty treasures, namely:

Tianhou Pan Tianchan - the master of fate, in charge of fate, the image is a beautiful woman in white palace dress, with a pair of beautiful white wings of fate, possessing the soul of the **** of fate, twin creation-level talents, avenues and supernatural powers, great destiny Technique and Great Karma, Creation Treasure Destiny Disc, Almighty Treasure Destiny Scepter and Destiny Throne.

Feng'e Huang, the concubine of the cause and effect, is the master of cause and effect, in charge of cause and effect. The image is a beauty in purple palace dress of national color and heaven, with a pair of beautiful purple cause and effect wings on her back. She possesses the soul of cause and effect God, and has a twin-generation talent. Dao supernatural power, great karma and great wish, the causal chain of creation, the almighty causal scepter, and the causal emperor.

The creation goddess Aglaia - the master of creation, in charge of creation, the image is a beauty in cyan palace dress, with a pair of beautiful cyan creation wings on her back, with the soul of creation god, twin creation-level talent The great creation and destruction of the avenues, the creation of the creation pillar, the almighty creation of the scepter and the creation of the throne.

When Ji Haotian saw the three wives coming, he happily shouted, "Three beautiful and noble wives, you are here too, it's great!"

Pan Tianchan looked at Ji Haotian and said coldly, "Ji Haotian, have you tarnished the **** twin queens?"

Ji Haotian said a little embarrassedly: "This is an accident, listen to my explanation..."

Before he could finish his words, the opposite Empress Orisia suddenly said to the first and second concubines: "Ji Haotian has defiled our two sisters twice, each time for forty-nine days, that is to say, our two sisters and Ji Haotian We have been a dew couple for ninety-eight days!"

Queen Antiope said: "Ji Haotian is really amazing. Both of our sisters fell in love with him. Now Ji Haotian is the wife of our sisters, and the only wife of the palace master of our Chaos Shrine. The three of us are husband and wife. The same body, together for eternity and eternity..."

"Enough!" Pan Tianchan suddenly shouted angrily!

"Hit him!" Feng Ehuang yelled angrily.

"Who did you hit?" Aglaia asked for a while.

"Serve with family law!" Pan Tianchan shouted angrily!

As a result, in the stunned eyes of the Third Empress of Hongmeng and the Double Empress of Chaos, the runaway first and second concubines, like three angry tigresses, rushed towards Ji Haotian, the little lamb, fiercely and furiously. Such a beating!

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