In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1548: perun with us

The God of Judgment suddenly said to Ji Haotian, who was about to leave: "Ji Haotian, please stop, someone wants to see you."

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "Who wants to see me?"

The Judge God said: "It's the Patriarch of the Supreme Court of God, Pharaoh Uz, you come with me now!"

Ji Haotian was stunned and said, "Pei Lun uses Old Wang Wusi? I don't know him, what is he doing for me?"

Judge God said: "I don't know, you will know when you go."

Ji Haotian sneered to himself, his heavenly eye can see through everything, and his heavenly meaning can perceive everything, he has already sensed that the judgment God has no good intentions, and he has no intentions towards him, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go with you. have a look!"

In this way, he and the other four emperors said goodbye, and then flew to the most holy mountain, where the headquarters of the Supreme God's court was located in the center of the city, together with the God of Judgment.

Inside the pavilion, the other four emperors did not leave immediately.

Emperor Hongdi Jingyu smiled lightly: "Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to walk in the mountains. Haotian, I want to play with the Supreme Court of God!"

The virtual emperor Francis said with a smile: "Ji Haotian will be in danger, and if the Supreme Court of God provokes Ji Haotian, this peerless ruthless man, he will also be in danger!"

Emperor Beyemonds said expressionlessly: "When two tigers fight, one will be hurt. We have fun watching!"

Shidi Laci Plessis smiled lightly and said, "The Supreme Court of God will pay a painful price for provoke Ji Haotian!"

Francis said: "Let's wait and see, the Supreme Court of God will soon be lively!"

Di Jingyu said, "It's not lively, it's a catastrophe!"...

The Highest Holy Mountain, located in the center of the Highest Holy City, is an independent towering peak that reaches the sky straight into the sky. It stands tall and majestic, and is the headquarters of the Supreme Court of God.

The God of Judgment brought Ji Haotian to the front of an ancient cave house in the highest holy mountain. The stone wall above the cave house was engraved with five ancient golden characters "Yonas Secret Realm".

The God of Judgment said to Ji Haotian, "This secret realm of Yunas is the place where Peelun used the old king Wusi to retire. It is inconvenient for me to go in. You can go in by yourself. Peelun uses the old king Wusi to wait for you inside!"

Ji Haotian glanced at the God of Judgment and said nothing, and entered the secret realm of Yunas alone.

Soon, he only felt that his eyes lit up, appearing in a secret realm outside the world.

The secret territory is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with a secluded valley in the middle, surrounded by clouds and mist, and the scenery is beautiful.

Ji Haotian entered the secret valley along the tree-lined ancient road, and soon came to a super medicine garden deep in the valley.

There is a three-room thatched hut not far from the beautiful Super Medicine Garden. There is an old tree in front of the house, and there are several wooden chairs under the tree.

Sitting on one of the wooden chairs was an illusory white-robed old man in black.

Ji Haotian stepped forward, looked at the white-haired old man, and said in surprise, "Peiren used Old King Wusi? You are actually a severely injured soul body?"

The white-haired old man looked at Ji Haotian with his cloudy old eyes, and said with a laugh, "I am Peelun, the old king of Wusi. The Tao body has been destroyed, and the soul has also been severely damaged. I have not found a suitable carrier. Form exists! Ji Xiaoyou, please take a seat."

Ji Haotian sat on the wooden chair opposite Pharaoh Peelun and asked, "Are you also a primordial master? Why do you want me to come here?"

Ji Haotian has secretly been on high alert, he has already guessed Peelun's attempt to use the old king of Wusi!

Peelun said with the old king of Wusi: "I am indeed a primitive power of ancient times. I ended up here because I was sneak attacked and suffered heavy losses! My soul is too strong, and ordinary carriers can't accommodate it at all. Your heavenly body It is the first body in the universe, although your cultivation base is very low, your heaven body is strong enough to be my carrier."

Ji Haotian said indifferently, "You want to take me away?"

Peelun nodded with the old king of Wusi: "Exactly, I hope Ji Haotian will make it."

Ji Haotian said, "I'm angry."

Perun said with the old king of Wus: "Then what?"

Ji Haotian said, "The consequences are very serious!"

"How serious is it?" Perun asked with the old king of Wusi.

Ji Haotian said, "Not only will you die, but the Supreme Court of God will also suffer a catastrophe!"

Peelun smiled and said, "Ji Xiaoyou, you think too much. If I take you away, you will cease to exist, and you will not be able to do anything. What you say is just empty talk."

Ji Haotian said indifferently, "I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

Peelun shook his head with the old king Wusi and said, "I don't want me to choose, I have to take you away. I'm going to make up your mind about you, an all-around genius. What you say is useless!"

Ji Haotian said coldly: "Okay, no need to talk nonsense, you can start!"

Peelun nodded with Old King Wusi, and his soul body suddenly turned into an illusory white light and entered Ji Haotian's eyebrows, directly entering Ji Haotian's soul source.

However, after he entered Ji Haotian's soul source, he saw everything in Ji Haotian's vast and endless soul source, and was shocked!

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