In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1536: 5 Great Lord

The Pope Prince Tiridatus heard the words and shouted angrily: "Shut up, bastard, I said it all, I am not a dog, I am the great and noble Imnar First Clan, who dares to say that I am Dog, I'm killing him!"

Ji Haotian smiled lightly and said, "You are quite grumpy!"

Tiridatus said arrogantly, "I'm so angry that I'm even afraid of myself! Which **** did you pee on my three subordinates?"

Ji Haotian and Tiandao Ning Ze pointed at Gao Ruitian at the same time, and said in unison, "This **** did it!"

Tiridatus suddenly turned into three large gourds and began to urinate in the three large gourds. After a while, it filled the three large gourds with urine, and then stared at Gao Ruitian and shouted: "You, immediately put After drinking the urine of these three gourds, not a single drop of urine is allowed to remain, if you dare to drop a drop of urine, I will give you shit!"

Tiandao Ning Ze gloated to Gao Ruitian and said: "Gao Ruitian, you should drink all the urine of the three gourds, or it will eat **** for you!"

Gao Ruitian didn't speak, he suddenly took off his pants and squatted down to pour out a splash of shit.

When he was done, he raised his pants, stood up, and said disdainfully to Tiridatus: "It's really a dog who can't change to eat shit, okay, I've poured some **** out, you eat it, it's my gift to you, it's cheap for you It's gone!"

Tiridates was furious and was about to rage.

Ji Haotian suddenly exclaimed, "Tiridates, wait a while before you get angry. Let me ask you one thing. Your nose is very smart, right?"

Tiridates was taken aback and said, "How do you know that my nose is very smart?"

Ji Haotian said, "Aren't dog noses very smart? Not long ago, there was a vision of heaven and earth in the ruins of the ancient Lonitis Palace. Can you smell something unusual?"

Tiridates shouted angrily: "Fuck Nimabi, you are the dog's nose! I really smell something unusual, but why tell you this stupid?"

Suddenly, there was a loud bang!

A big explosion occurred in a mountain deep in the valley, blasting out a deep hole, and five figures were blasted out, and they rolled to the ground in embarrassment.

The huge sound of the explosion attracted many strong men of various races in the ruins to come to check.

The five powerhouses that were blown up in the big bang were from five different races. Although they were all in a state of embarrassment, they were still mighty, powerful and unpredictable. They were obviously five super powerhouses!

Many of the powerhouses who came to check out recognized the identities of these five superpowers and exclaimed in surprise.

These five superpowers are impressively the five supreme leaders of the five super-almighty universes, the five supreme leaders of the five super-universal nations, the five mysterious and incomparably powerful peak giants, and the ancient primordial powers!

The five super universe nations, the five supreme leaders, the five lords, and the five primordial powers:

China Multiverse Republic (Human Kingdom), China Lord.

Star Chronicle Multiverse Republic (Star Clan Kingdom), Star Chronicle Lord.

The Golden Multiverse Republic (Semitic Nation), the Golden Lord.

The hegemonic multiverse empire (the ancient kingdom of swallowing the sky), the hegemony lord.

The Great Wheel Multiverse Empire (the ancient kingdom of Yulun), the Lord of the Great Wheel.

The Five Lords felt very embarrassed when they were seen by so many strong men in a state of embarrassment. They quickly replaced their tattered robes and put on new ones to remove the scars on their faces and restore their glory.

Others can't see through their internal injuries, but Ji Haotian's eyes can see it. These five Lords are all severely injured in soul and body. They can no longer fight with others. They have become five paper tigers, and now they are just any Yujun. In the past, they could be beaten violently, making them unable to fight back!

Gao Ruitian said to the five masters: "Where are you five masters playing? Why is there a big explosion in the mountain?"

The master of Huaxia coughed and said, "It turns out that Xiaoyou Gao is also here. We accidentally detonated a powerful innate source lightning seed hidden in the mountain, and it was blown out!"

Gao Ruitian asked curiously: "What kind of powerful innate thunder seed is that, that can actually blow up the five of you ancient primordial powers? Are you seriously injured?"

Lord Xing Ji said proudly: "We unintentionally detonated the super innate Promise Divine Lightning Source Lightning Seed, which can kill the ancient power and severely damage the original power! Fortunately, we are prepared in advance, and the injury is not a problem."

Gao Ruitian nodded and said, "It's good that the injury is not serious. The five masters, you should remember? I once saved the five young leaders of your five countries. Your five masters said that you owe me a favor."

Lord Jinguang nodded and said, "Of course I remember, why, do you want us to repay your favor? Did you encounter difficulties?"

Gao Ruitian suddenly pointed to Ji Haotian, and said to the five great masters: "This **** is called Ji Haotian, he has humiliated me and lost all face! I want Ji Haotian to make the oath of heaven, the great oath of the devil, and the great oath of all calamities. Every time you see me, you have to kowtow three times, and then tremble three times in horror to show your awe for me!"

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