In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1529: Fighting the God of Heaven

The ancient **** Hippolyte looked at Ji Haotian and smiled lightly: "Ji Haotian, you are right, but we are not three pretenders."

Tiandao Ning Ze was surprised when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that the "Three Yujuns of the Cosmic Avengers" sitting in the pavilion turned out to be three legendary super-primitive powers and three ancient gods!

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "You three ancient gods have transformed into the three Yujuns of the Cosmic Avengers Alliance, here you are pretending to be a coercion, and blatantly eavesdropping on us. What do you say you are not pretenders? Older than you? The super-primitive powers will worship and see you when you see this seat, you three ancient gods pretend to be old and don’t act cheap for a long time, and it’s disgusting to pretend to be cool there, you know?”

The ancient **** of Hyatis said: "Pretending to be powerful is respected, while pretending to be weak is looked down upon and reviled. We are powerful pretenders, understandable and should be respected."

Ji Haotian turned his head to Ning Ze and said, "Dude, I think your bones are very strange, you must be a genius in Taoism, I think you should submit to me, as long as you kill those three in the pavilion in front of me. Guys, I guarantee you will be a legend!"

Tiandao Ning Ze gave Ji Haotian a big white eye and said angrily, "Ji Haotian, why don't you eat shit?"

The icy female voice of the mother goddess Erinias said: "Ji Haotian, what are you doing in the Vengeance Star, you little **** who runs around and kills everywhere? Do you want to kill and set fire on the Vengeance Star again? Erinius, who dominates the Vengeance Star. The ancients are all my descendants, I warn you not to mess around in the revenge star, or I will beat you to shit!"

Ji Haotian defiantly said, "Hit me? Do you dare? Come on, give it a try. If you don't fight, you are the grandson of Tiandao Ningze!"

Tiandao Ning Ze rolled his eyes at him and said, "Mother Erinius is mother."

Ji Haotian said, "Then she is your granddaughter."

Tiandao Ning Ze: "..."

Mother Goddess Erinius was about to get angry when her face suddenly changed, and she said to the other two ancient gods, "It's fighting again, let's go over immediately!"

The ancient **** Hippolyte shouted angrily, "Are you on horseback playing gang fights? Fight them to the end!"

The three ancient gods suddenly disappeared out of thin air, without knowing where to go.

Suddenly, there was a muffled "bang" and a scream of pain!

Ji Haotian suddenly kicked out, kicking Tiandao Ning Ze who was caught off guard like a kick!

Tiandao Ning Ze, who rolled down on the green grass among the cherry blossom forests, got up from the ground in embarrassment. He didn't get angry, but walked over to Ji Haotian again and said, "Insidious and cunning, it's hard to guard against it, blame me for being careless! Yes! I look down on you Ji Haotian too much, I didn't expect you to be so sinister, vicious, despicable and shameless!"

Ji Haotian stepped forward and said with a light smile, "I'm just trying your adaptability. Your reaction is too slow, you can't do it! In the future, don't call yourself a **** emperor, you can just call it a **** emperor."

Tiandao Ning Ze's eyes suddenly shot out two white lightning bolts, which swiftly and violently slashed towards Ji Haotian!

Ji Haotian's Heavenly Dao eyes quickly shot out two Heavenly Dao Zulei and slammed them!

Tiandao Zulei: Ancestor of the universe, contains the power of heaven, representing infinite punishment, evolving the universe, swallowing the universe, destroying the universe, destroying time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect , laws, eternity and everything; it can be infinitely upgraded, infinitely powerful, infinitely devoured, and infinitely destroyed; the peak Tiandao Zulei can instantly destroy hundreds of millions of stars in the universe, and even destroy the multiverse in an instant.


A thunderous bang!

The two were each taken a few steps back.

Tiandao Ning Ze suddenly made another move, destroying his other big trump card - Taifan Boundless Tribulation!

The endless terrifying calamity swept out overwhelmingly with the might of destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

At the same time, Ji Haotian also wrecked his Heavenly Dao Transcendence and Infinite Tribulation!

No beginning and no end, no form, no sound, no sound, devours the starry sky, annihilates all things, and judges all!

Heaven's Dao is beyond the boundless and limitless calamities: also known as the catastrophe of the chaotic epoch, it is the ancestor of all calamities and the calamity of the great end of the chaotic epoch. ) of the big end.

Birth and death, repair, cause and effect, and reincarnation are the basic laws of all things in the The laws of its operation are called the Tao of Heaven.

Whether the heaven and the earth are not benevolent or the heavenly heart is compassionate, it is a matter of the mentality of each creature, but the supreme way of heaven, one thing is for sure, it is fair to all things, to all living beings, and even to gods, saints, demons, ghosts and monsters.

Therefore, in the heaven and the earth, all living beings are evolving, they are struggling for survival, and their fates are intertwined to form various cause and effect. , which is called calamity.

There are nine types of kalpas, ranging from small to large: kalpas, quantity kalpas, immeasurable kalpas, immeasurable kalpas of great Brahma, immeasurable kalpas of Great Brahma, immeasurable kalpas of great Brahma, immeasurable kalpas of great Brahma, immeasurable kalpas of supreme Brahman, and transcendent Brahma Infinite and immeasurable kalpas, the way of heaven is beyond immeasurable and immeasurable kalpas.

The biggest and most terrifying thing is that the Dao of Heaven is beyond limitless and infinite calamities. It is caused by the collapse of cause and effect that supports the operation of all multiverses. It is the ultimate judgment of the Dao of Heaven on all the multiverses. This calamity is to return all universes to nothingness. Absolute transcendental nothingness, no one can reverse it, even those who transcend reincarnation and those who are omnipotent in the universe will completely disappear and return to nothingness.

The Way of Heaven is beyond immeasurable and immeasurable kalpas and is the ancestor of all kalpas. It can evolve, destroy, restrain, modify, manipulate, dissolve, devour, and erase all kalpas.

The Tao of Heaven is beyond immeasurable and infinite kalpas and can destroy countless multiverses, the so-called eternity, and everything in time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, etc. It is the absolute ultimate power that transcends and destroys everything.

The appearance of Heaven's Dao Chaos Infinite and Infinite Tribulations means the end of a chaotic era and the birth of a new chaotic era.

According to the law of the universe, a chaotic epoch is 6 trillion years. Therefore, in 6 trillion years (a chaotic epoch), there will be an immeasurable and infinite calamity of heaven, which represents the end of the universe.

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