In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1527: Heaven's Way

After listening to Tiandao Ningze, he exclaimed: "Do whatever you want, do whatever you want, you can change whatever you want! He is everything, and nothing can surpass him! The blink of an eye can destroy billions of universes. The soul, the supernatural soul of heaven is the most powerful and ultimate existence in all multiverses! The multiverse is just like a drop of water in the vast ocean to the super soul of heaven. He can be as strong as he wants. He is supreme and omnipotent! The strongest beings in all the multiverses are like microbes in his eyes. Whatever he says, everything is what he is. He is a billion times more powerful than all the multiverses combined The way of heaven is beyond profound and the soul is so terrifying, it's incredible!"

When he said this, he looked at Ji Haotian and asked, "What is a superhuman? What is a superhuman soul?"

Ji Haotian explained again with no interest.

Those who are beyond space and time, also known as self-existing ones, they are beyond time and space, beyond reincarnation, beyond life and death, beyond cause and effect, beyond fixed number and variable, beyond all existence and non-existence, they have no beginning and no end, self-existence, omnipotence, omnipotence, Immortal and immortal, it is a super wise person, a super supernatural power, and a super lucky person who transcends everything. It is the absolute supreme being that transcends and transcends everything. The super-space person is divided into five levels, called the five elements, which are:

One-dimensional superheroes - the five transcendental masters (Tao).

Two-dimensional super-spacers - ten masters of creation (nothingness).

Three-dimensional superheroes - thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods and seventy-two chaotic primordial gods (Hongmeng Chaos).

Four-dimensional super-space person - super-space eighty-one pillars of primordial gods and super-primitive ninety-nine pillars of ancient gods (all things in the universe).

Five Yuan Chaos and Space - The Twelve Presidents of the Heavenly Elders Association, the Twelve Primitive Ancestors, the Thirty-six Presidents of the False Kingdom's Elders Association, the Thirty-six Evil Kings of the Universe, the Eighth Presidents of the Hongguo Presbyterians' Association, the Eight Yuan Ancestors of Chaos Sea, and the Chaos Sea Eight Yuan Ancestors. The twenty-four presidents of the State Veterans Association, the twenty-four star ancestors of the giant beasts, the twelve presidents of the Shiguo Veterans Association, the Honghuang Twelve Dragon Ancestors, and other innate primordial powers; The younger generation has great wisdom, great supernatural powers and great fortune, such as the peerless Tianjiao and other powerful people (they represent endless life).

The super-temporal soul, also known as the self-existing and eternal soul, transcends everything, ignores everything, is omniscient and omnipotent, immortal and immortal, and is the almighty soul and eternal life that transcends and transcends everything; the super-temporal soul does not rely on any external It exists without beginning and end. It is the root of all spiritual and material things. It transcends attributes, causality, time and space. It does not need any reason for its existence. The superhuman soul is divided into five levels, called the five causes, which are:

1. The soul of the first cause -- the soul of the supreme and unique ultimate first cause, the supreme and unique soul of the supreme master of heaven.

2. The second cause of the soul - the super Brahma soul, the other four super Brahma souls of the other four transcendence masters, namely the nihility super Brahma soul of the great master of nothingness, the Hongmeng super Brahma soul of the great master of Hongmeng, and the Chaos Super Brahma soul of the great master of chaos. Brahma soul, the super Brahma soul of the time and space master.

3. The third reason is the soul—the soul of God, the ten souls of the ten creators and masters of the world.

Fourth, the fourth cause of the soul-too soulless, the super-temporal soul possessed by the super-primitive power.

Fifth, the fifth because of the soul - the Tai Brahma soul, the supernatural soul possessed by the innate primordial power.

The most powerful of them is the soul of the supreme master of heaven, the soul of the supreme master of heaven, the soul of the supreme master of heaven, the soul of the master of heaven, the soul of the three thousand avenues, and he represents the heaven, the Tao, everything , The first cause is the soul of the supreme super-almighty, the soul of the supreme and ultimate first cause, and the strongest ultimate force in the universe. He is in charge of the Dao of Heaven, omniscient and omnipotent, transcending everything, ignoring everything, the source of the universe, the ultimate truth, the root of the Dao, the first cause of everything, and transcends and transcends all existence and non-existence.

Destroying hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe with a blink of an eye, the soul of heaven is the most powerful being in all multiverses!

The multiverse is just like a drop of water in the vast ocean to the supernatural soul.

He wanted to be as strong as he was.

He is super almighty!

The strongest beings in all of the multiverse are like microbes in his eyes.

What he said, what the universe is.

He is a billion times more powerful than all the powerhouses in the multiverse combined!

The most powerful ultimate beings in the universe are the five supreme transcendental souls, namely: Heavenly Dao Superimpossible Soul, Nothingness Super Brahma Soul, Hongmeng Super Brahma Soul, Chaos Super Brahma Soul, and Space-Time Super Brahma Soul.

The most powerful ultimate powers in the universe are the five supreme transcendental powers, namely: the supernatural power of heaven, the supernatural power of nothingness, the superheroic power of Hongmeng, the superheroic power of chaos, and the super Brahma power of time and space.

Tiandao Ning Ze nodded after hearing this, and after a little thought, he asked again, "What is Tiandao?"

Ji Haotian talked about the Tao of Heaven in a leisurely manner.

The world must have its rules, which is the way of heaven.

There are all worlds in the universe, and each world has a way of heaven. The way of heaven in the dark maintains the order and balance of the world, rewards and punishes everything in the world. There are countless worlds in the multiverse, and there are countless world ways of heaven, and all the world's ways of heaven are common. The Lord is the Supreme Lord of Heaven, who is above all, omniscient and omnipotent.

The Sovereign of Heaven is omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omniscient, omniscient, omniscient, fully created, eternally supreme and eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent; the creator of all things, Ruler of the universe, revealer of truth, savior of spirits, and judge of sin.

There is one way, and there are ten thousand ways, this way is the way of heaven.

The Dao of Heaven, the general outline of the Three Thousand Daos, the origin of the universe, the ultimate truth, the first cause of everything, is the absolute ultimate power that transcends and surpasses everything.

The sovereign of heaven, in charge of heaven, transcending everything, ignoring everything, immortal, omniscient and omnipotent, creating everything in a single thought, and destroying everything in a single thought.

The Way of Heaven transcends and is above everything, including time, space, matter, spirit, fantasy, thinking, consciousness, meaning, and everything. Beyond any definition and beyond any meaning. Any definition of anything or any substance has no meaning to the Tao of Heaven. The Tao of Heaven transcends complete existence and complete non-existence, and reaches the realm of non-existence and non-non-existence (neither existence nor non-existence, neither non-existence nor non-existence. does not exist).

Therefore, all infinity and infinity, all self-existence and all eternity have no meaning to the Tao of Heaven. The Way of Heaven is always beyond metaphysical, spiritual, and material existence. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, material, spirit, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of heaven.

The way of heaven can ignore cause and effect, ignore paradox, he is the truth, whatever he says is what he says, as long as it can be similar, from fixed numbers to variables, from the universe to all things, from time to space, from nothing to existence, from energy to matter , as long as it exists or has existed, it only takes a thought to make it disappear or recreate. In a word, what you say is what you say, it cannot be denied or reversed. No matter how powerful an individual is, they are as insignificant as dust in the face of Heaven.

Heaven is beyond the existence of countless multiverses, the embodiment of a lonely, supreme, extremely huge abstract existence before the appearance of all infinite dimensions of time and space, so he can control all time and space within the entire infinite dimension. , reality, mind, power, and soul; he can create, distort, or reorder any space-time and cause and effect; he can plunge the entire universe and even the entire multiverse into an infinite time loop; he can make the entire infinite The dimensional universe has completely stopped moving forward, staying only in the eternal present, capable of creating, destroying, mastering, mastering, dominating, manipulating, restarting, or modifying everything.

Tiandao can turn anyone's imagination into reality, and can realize any dream. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless in front of him, because he can modify them at He can copy All physical superpowers, and make his own physical attack ability and defense ability to an invincible level; he can enter the thinking of other people, and he can also let all fantasies, dreams and thoughts enter his brain; he can Enhance spiritual strength and increase psychic ability, and can enter the mind of all things at the same time.

The Tao of Heaven creates everything, exists in everything, transcends and transcends everything.

The Tao of Heaven is the transcendent, absolute and supreme existence and non-existence. He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Everything is just a thought and an idea of ​​the Tao of Heaven. The Tao of heaven can create everything with a single thought, and it can also be a thought. Erase everything.

The Tao of Heaven is essentially everything, and knows everything, transcends and transcends everything, and everything refers to everything, including all concepts, definitions, time and space, cause and effect, logic, laws, eternity, origin, boundaries, imaginary numbers , meaning, relative and absolute, concrete and abstract, matter and consciousness, existence and non-existence, etc.

The Tao of Heaven transcends the whole of nature and all its thoughts, consciousness, soul, imaginary numbers, fixed numbers, variables, cause and effect, laws, etc. All figurative beings and abstract beings cannot understand and imagine him, and even the "nothing" that transcends nature itself and the whole of nature cannot understand and imagine him. Because he has already greatly surpassed and surpassed these things, and has reached a super-metaphysical concept, definition, and realm, and no concept can be greater than it.

Therefore, as a four-dimensional carbohydrate-based life body limited by the inherent way of thinking and metaphysical concepts of living beings, it is an impossible task for living beings to truly understand the concept of heaven.

The Dao of Heaven is everything, and it is the ultimate first cause of the supreme and all-powerful!

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