In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1525: Tiandao Ningze

In the pavilion, the three Yujuns from the Cosmic Avengers Alliance looked at Tiandao Ningze, a beautiful man sitting on the green grass under the cherry tree. They couldn't see through Tiandao Ningze at all.

Among them, Yujun of the ancient Erinyes family smiled at Tiandao Ningze and said, "This beautiful Your Excellency, why don't you sit in the pavilion?"

Tiandao Ningze, who was sitting on the futon under the cherry tree, smiled indifferently and said, "I am not the beautiful Lord, but the handsome Lord, the noble Lord. The pavilion is too small to accommodate me, so I won't go in."

Yujun of the ancient Hippolyte tribe said in surprise: "This pavilion is big enough, why can't it hold you? What would happen if you came in?"

Tiandao Ning Ze said: "If I enter the pavilion, I will destroy the pavilion in a while, and it will also affect you. God has the virtue of good life, and I don't want to hurt you."

Yujun of the ancient Hyatis tribe smiled and said, "Is Your Excellency a kind person?"

Tiandao Ning Ze said: "I am not good, and I am not a human race, but I represent the heavens, and I represent the heavens to rule the creation, judge evil, and dominate all things."

Yujun of the ancient Erinyes family smiled lightly: "Your Excellency is so loud, you simply say that you are blessed! Why did you destroy the pavilion when you entered the pavilion? Why did it affect us?"

Tiandao Ning Ze said: "I represent heaven now, and the future is heaven. I'm waiting for someone, and there will be a fight in a while. Now entering the pavilion will destroy the pavilion and affect you."

Yujun of the ancient Hippolyte tribe asked curiously, "Who are you waiting for? Is he very powerful? Can you beat him?"

Tiandao Ning Ze asked, "Who do you think is the most powerful being in the universe?"

Yujun said: "The legendary thirty-six extra-dimensional super gods, seventy-two primordial primordial gods, eighty-one super-prime gods, and ninety-nine super-primitive ancient gods, these legendary gods The super-primitive powers of all are the most powerful beings in the universe."

Yujun of the ancient Erinias said thoughtfully: "In ancient legends, the most powerful ultimate beings in the universe are the five supreme and transcendental souls, namely: the supernatural soul of heaven, the supernatural soul of nothingness, and the supernatural soul of nothingness. , Hongmeng Super Brahma Soul, Chaos Super Brahma Soul, Time and Space Super Brahma Soul. The most powerful ultimate forces in the universe are the five supreme transcendental powers, namely: Heavenly Dao Superpower without Profound Truth, Nothingness Super Brahma Power, Hongmeng Superpower The power of Brahman, the power of chaos beyond Brahma, the power of time and space beyond Brahma.”

Tiandao Ning Ze said indifferently: "I'm just waiting for the arrival of the supernatural soul of Tiandao, and you will be lucky to see him later."

The three cosmic Avengers Yujun sitting in the pavilion were all shocked and unbelievable when they heard the words.

Yujun of the ancient Hippolyte tribe said in horror: "You mean you are waiting for the legendary master of heaven? The soul of heaven is the master of heaven, and he will appear here? God, God, this is Really?"

Tiandao Ning Ze nodded and said, "Yes, the personified Master of Heavenly Dao is called Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian. I want to devour and merge the supernatural soul of Heavenly Dao, seize the master of Heavenly Dao, replace him, and become the new Master of Heavenly Dao!"

When the three Yujun heard the words, they were shocked again and couldn't believe it.

At this moment, Ji Haotian, a man of peerless beauty in a luxurious white robe, strode in leisurely.

Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, tall and handsome, with a peerless wind spirit, is an extremely beautiful man, over 1.9 meters tall, with beautiful and delicate facial features like flowers, making everyone and everything in the world pale in front of him.

Between his brows is a supreme, holy, magical and mysterious vertical eye, which is the eye of the ultimate first cause; a pair of colorful divine wings with shining and splendid colors on his back are capable of traveling through time and space and teleporting between stars. Tiandaoyi; behind the head there is a supreme, holy, beautiful nine-colored halo of wisdom, and behind him are endless magical visions such as the black and yellow of the heavens and the earth, the vast universe, the heavens and the world, and the universe.

He is extraordinary and arrogant, cold and indifferent, gentle and jade-like, and the wind is light and clear. Fairy and elegant, lonely and cold, with long hair like a waterfall, eyes falling into the stars, and her elegant demeanor is peerless.

He wears the white gold Kowloon Crown - Juntian Crown, and wears the white Kowloon Emperor Robe - Cangtian Robe. His slender body is straight and straight. Unattainable, down to dust.

He is tall and jade-like, extremely handsome, and there is no hostility in his eyes. He just casts a faint gaze towards this place, as if he had fallen to this place.

The three Yujun sitting in the pavilion looked at Ji Haotian with expressions of surprise, impressed by Ji Haotian's peerless style.

Ji Haotian leisurely walked to Tiandao Ningze, who was sitting on the futon under the cherry tree. He didn't speak. He made a bigger futon on the green grass opposite Tiandao Ningze, and then naturally sat on the futon casually. , looked at Tiandao Ning Ze who was sitting in front of him.

Tiandao Ning Ze looked at Ji Haotian and said with a light smile: "Ji Haotian, we finally meet, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Ji Haotian smiled lightly and said, "Ning Ze, I am also very happy to meet you."

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