In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1513: God of Nature and God of Salvation

On the shore of the Holy Spirit Lake trading area, ten ancient Sarnaga clan Yujun and a dozen gray clan Yujun fiercely scuffled together, surrounded by countless strong people of various races watching the lively, shouting and cheering from time to time, the scene suddenly became lively Get confused.

At this moment, two mysterious powerhouses quietly appeared in the chaotic and boiling trading area.

One of them is a tall, heroic, extraordinary white man with blue hair and blue robe. His eyes are deep and sharp, and his body shows a mysterious ancient atmosphere; The gray powerhouse of the gods.

The gray powerhouse with the radiance in his eyes glanced at the two sides in the fierce melee, waved his hand at will, and instantly showed a mighty gray hand covering the sky, swatting all the two sides in the fierce melee out of Hui Zuxing like a fly. A big melee has ended, and the trading area has returned to normal.

Two mysterious powerhouses, a human race and a gray race, strode leisurely to the stalls of two super-primitive powers, Bo Zhihong and Han Siqi.

They were all surprised when they saw hundreds of rare and unparalleled treasures on the stall.

They all looked up at Ji Haotian, Bo Zhihong and Han Siqi who were drinking tea by themselves at the tea table in front of the stall.

However, the two mysterious powerhouses were surprised again, because they couldn't see through the three people sitting, and they were even more curious about these three people.

The strong gray clan coughed lightly and asked, "The three are the stall owners of this stall? How do you call them?"

The three people at the small tea table looked at the two mysterious powerhouses.

Bo Zhihong said disdainfully: "Nonsense, we are not the stall owners, are you? Who are we? It's none of your business? If you want to make a deal, hurry up and don't mess around!"

"Uh..." The two mysterious powerhouses were speechless, they had never met such a brilliant businessman!

Han Siqi ignored the two mysterious powerhouses, looked at Ji Haotian who was sitting opposite him, and asked with a smile, "Haotian, these two little guys are not bad, have you seen through them?"

Ji Haotian nodded and said with a light smile: "Both of them are primordial powers, one is the Leviathan with an emperor-level natural Taoist body, and is the supreme leader of the Leviathan organization, the God of Nature; the other gray clan has an emperor-level nature. Dimension Dao is the supreme leader of the Dimension Salvation Army, the God of Salvation."

Leviathan: A huge and terrifying super sea creature. When they swim freely in the endless ocean, the waves are also countercurrent, and they will set off huge waves, which will shake the world and overwhelm the eight wastes. They have flames from their mouths, smoke from their noses, sharp teeth, and bodies as strong as armor. They are ruthless and ruthless. They cultivate or look for prey in the endless oceans of various universes, making all marine life change their color. They are the nemesis of all marine life and the absolute master of the ocean. For convenience, they usually transform into other races and appear in various universes, and creatures of other races rarely see the body of the Leviathan.

As Ji Haotian judged, these two mysterious powerhouses are the supreme leader of the Leviathan organization, the God of Nature and the supreme leader of the Dimensional Salvation Army, the God of Salvation, the two peak giants of the ancient primordial power and the super almighty universe.

The twenty-one superpowers in the super-almighty universe are called: four clans, four religions, five countries and eight organizations. The eight organizations are the eight peak organizations.

The four super-primitive clans, the ancestors, and the super-primitive powers:

Extra-dimensional super family (36 extra-dimensional super-family), thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods.

Primal Chaos (72 Primal Chaos), 72 Primal Chaos Gods.

Super-Space Originator (Super-Space 81 Pillars Originator), Super-Space 81-Pillar Originator.

The ultra-primitive ancient clan (the ultra-primitive ninety-nine-pillar ancient clan), the ultra-primitive ninety-nine-pillar ancient god.

The four cosmology religions, the four popes, the four emperors, and the four primordial powers:

The super-space cosmic religion (the super-space first clan teaching), created the emperor.

Life Universe Religion (the Great Religion of the Human Race), the Emperor of Life.

The Infinite Universe Sect (the Great Sect of the Yu Clan), the Infinite Supreme Emperor.

Eternal Universe Sect (Zhou Clan Great Sect), Eternal Emperor.

The five super universe nations, the five supreme leaders, the five lords, and the five primordial powers:

China Multiverse Republic (Human Kingdom), China Lord.

Star Chronicle Multiverse Republic (Star Clan Kingdom), Star Chronicle Lord.

The Golden Multiverse Republic (Semitic Nation), the Golden Lord.

The hegemonic multiverse empire (the ancient kingdom of swallowing the sky), the hegemony lord.

The Great Wheel Multiverse Empire (the ancient kingdom of Yulun), the Lord of the Great Wheel.

Eight peak organizations, eight supreme leaders, eight gods, and eight primordial powers:

The Council of the Mighty Ones of the Universe (Organization of the Mighty Ones), legislates God.

The Supreme Court of God (human organization), judges God.

The Lord Overwatch Council (organization of the ancients of life), the Lord oversees God.

Anti-surveillance Society (Deadly Ancient Clan Organization), anti-surveillance of God.

Leviathan Organization (Leviathan Organization), God of Nature.

Dimension Salvation Army (Grey Organization), God of Salvation.

The Cosmic Avengers Alliance (the ancient organization of Erinius), the **** of revenge.

The Chrono criminal group (Guigantes ancient organization), sinned against God.

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